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No. 2 August 2002


International Fund for Aral Sea Saving meeting was held on August 23, 2002 in Dushanbe.

Meeting agenda included the following questions:

  1. About realization of the programs and projects connected to Aral Sea problems solution at the expense of all sources of financing.
  2. About formation of IFAS means at the expense of payments of the state-founders, country-donors and international organizations.
  3. About the basic directions of the Aral Sea basin program for 2002-2010.
  4. About realization of meeting with donors on the Aral Sea problems.
  5. About draft agenda of the next meeting of the Head of the States of Central Asia on Aral Sea problems.
  6. About approval of IFAS Board work plan for 2002-2003.
  7. About organization of Regional Center of Hydrology under aegis of IFAS Executive Committee.
  8. About activity of Interstate Sustainable Development Commission.

EC IFAS representatives submitted information on all agenda questions, which was taken into consideration by meeting participants.

In all states of Central Asia in 2000-2002 years the measures on realizing tasks of ecological conditions improvement were carried out at the own expense. IFAS Executive Committee and its divisions in the states of Central Asia have directed the basic efforts to providing social support of the population and realization of IFAS Board decisions.

Republic of Kazakhstan. On 01.07.2002 payments in amount 221,3 mln. tenge came to the fund.

Kyrgyz Republic. Means under item "member payments to IFAS" in amount 4,0 mln. and 7,6 mln. som were allocated of co-financing under GEF project. On 01.08.2002 the volumes of capital investments were more than 364,4 mln. som (7,2 mln. USD).

Turkmenistan. Government of Turkmenistan at the expense of all sources financed measures and works, oriented on improvement of ecological, sanitary-epidemiological, and reclamation conditions in Turkmen Aral Sea zone in amount 202495,0 mln. manat that is equivalent of 38,94 thousand USA dollars, from them at the expense of the current payments of Turkmenistan is 32598,5 mln. manat or 5933 thousand USA dollars were foreseen. Works were executed in amount 32582,5 mln. manat (5931 th. USA dollars). Republic of Tajikistan. Payments in amount 473,5 th. somoni have came to the fund.

Republic of Uzbekistan. For 2000-2002 years payments in amount 11625 mln. sum have came to the fund.

All these means are directed on constructions of priority objects of industrial and social function, which list is coordinated with Government of Republic and approved EC IFAS.

President of Republic of Tajikistan E.Sh. Rakhmonov was elected as IFAS President in February 2002. As agreed with the Head of the State-IFAS founders S.M. Aslov was assigned as EC IFAS Chairman. EC IFAS carries out work on organizational maintenance of staff and search of means of the donors. In connection with IFAS President request World bank has allocated from GEF project 100 thousand USD for technical assistance.

Considering that the program of urgent measures on overcoming Aral Sea crisis was developed in the beginning of 90-ies years of last century, it becomes obvious that necessity emerged to clear up priorities available before.

Taking into account success of the countries in development of technical and economic bases of national and regional strategies for water resources management and environment in the Aral Sea basin, it is necessary to ascertain necessity of concentration of experts’ effort of region on preparation of long-term interstate agreements on rational and sustainable use of water-power resources of Aral Sea basin. The achievement of such agreements will allow basin countries to reach new level of mutually advantageous cooperation and sustainable development of region.

During realization of the program of urgent measures and development of interstate cooperation strategy for rational use of water resources management and environment, sharp necessity of irrigation infrastructure rehabilitation and, in particular, water-power structures.

Agriculture is a basis of economy of the states of Central Asia. The share of agriculture in gross national income of the countries reaches more than 30 %. Thus, achievement of stable yields is possible only under providing sufficient irrigation. Presence and availability of water resources appreciably provides stability of agricultural production. In this respect supervision and control of water resources play a lasting role. Only availability of timely and reliable information about snow-ice supplies and monitoring of water objects will allow to correctly predict accessible water resources, so to predict year water availability agricultural cropping pattern as well as their yield capacity.

Nature use in the countries of Central Asia, in particular management of water and land resources becomes complicated by spontaneous natural phenomena, such as floods, mudflow, landslides etc. Regarding this necessity of development and realization of program of measures directed on liquidation of reasons and overcoming of consequences of such processes, bringing irreparable loss to economy of the countries emerged.

Each of the Central-Asian countries has own strategy of sustainable development. Common feature of strategy is their orientation on increase of population living standards. The new sovereign states of Central Asia alongside with the large ecological and economic problems face also complex social problems. The preparation and realization of programs of social rehabilitation, perfection of public health service systems, creation of new workplaces is one of the main priorities of all countries of region. The assistance in realization of these programs is urgent IFAS task.

The major factor of strengthening of close cooperation in various areas, including water resources and environment management, is availability of interstate communications and interstate organizations capable to realize joint projects. Strengthening of technical base of such organizations, increase of their legal status demand significant efforts of all countries of region.

Urgent questions of IFAS activity priority directions are as follows:

  • Development of regional and national programs of environmental measures in flow zone.
  • Development regional both national water conservation programs and reduction of water discharge in economic branches.
  • Development of international program of sanitary-ecological improvement of populated points and natural ecosystems of Priaralie.
  • Development of international program of restoration of ecological sustainability and biological efficiency of valuable natural ecosystems of Priaralie included in natural objects list subject to international protection.

The statement of new Aral Sea basin Program priorities requires activation of work with the international organizations and country-donors.

In this connection IFAS Executive Committee regards necessary after the statement by the Head of the States of ASBP priorities to organize meeting of donors on Aral Sea basin problems at the end of November of the current year. This question was previously discussed with the representatives of World bank, European Union, Asian bank of development, USAID, and other organizations.

It is supposed that EC IFAS together with Governments of the states of Central Asia till November 2002 on approved priorities, on which basis new ASBP will be developed, to prepare the projects, technical proposals, and other necessary materials. The notification of the donors and other preliminary measures will be carried out by EC IFAS at once after IFAS Board decision approval about realization of given meeting.

In this connection, the meeting participants have taken decision to present for consideration of the next meeting of the Head of the States of Central Asia on Aral Sea basin problems in the following questions:

  • Approval of basic directions of the Aral Sea basin program for 2002-2010 years (as agreed with governments of the countries);
  • About maintenance of organizational EC IFAS activity;
  • Adoption of Dushanbe Declaration of the Head of the States of Central Asia on Aral Sea basin problems.

In view of the submitted offers and remarks of Governments of the state-IFAS founders IFAS Board meetings activity plan for 2002- 2003 was made, which was authorized at given meeting.

The meeting participants also have taken decision to form the Regional Center of Hydrology (RCH) under aegis of IFAS Executive Committee. EC IFAS Chairman was charged to approve Provision about RCH after the coordination with governments of CAR countries.

The question on RCH organization have been discussing between the Swiss mission on the Aral Sea, EC IFAS, and national hydrometeorological services of region more than two years. In February 2001 hydrometeorological of Central Asia countries have taken decision on technical cooperation within RCH frameworks. In July 2002 Swiss mission on request of the majority of national hydrometeorological services of region has addressed with official request for organization of this center under EC IFAS aegis. RCH activity for 10-15 of years will be financed by the Swiss Government.


International Symposium was held on August 18-22, 2002 in Calmar, Sweden.

It was organized under joint program of UNESCO and WMO «Hydrology for Environment, Life, and Policy» (HELP), and also by IHP Swedish Committee and Swedish Research Council.

On this symposium Central Asia was represented by A.M. Shapiro (SIC ICWC) and Yu.S. Kamalov (Protection Union of Aral Sea and Amudarya River).

Symposium statement underlined that water is a key factor for insuring food security, improving human health, and decreasing poverty level.

In order to reach targets established by UN Millennium Declaration it is necessary to estimate future development scenarios by integrated water and land management as well as find acceptable balance between community needs and nature with involvement of water users, politicians, mangers, and scientists.

Symposium materials contain some successful approaches to sustainable water and land management:

  1. Creation, extension, and use of structure for more close collaboration of experts, water managers, water users, and scientists.
  2. Scientific community stimulation for development of water users’ participation methods in decision-making process.
  3. Linkage of physical and non-physical scientific information, which defines risks and uncertainties, assessment of scenarios, potential impact on future management policies and so on.
  4. Support of actions based on well-informed and balanced decisions in water use sphere.

Further efforts should be directed on application of positive experience of HELP program around the world. Symposium recommendations will be included in agenda for discussing on the World Summit on sustainable development in Johannesburg (South Africa) in August 2002 and 3rd World Water Forum in March 2003 in Kioto, Japan.