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No. 6 October 2002


Kazakhstan-Russian Commission on transboundary water objects sharing and conservation conducted the 11th session headed by Chairman of Committee on Water Resources of Kazakhstan A.D. Ryabtsev and First Deputy minister of natural resources of Russia N.M. Tarasov on 3-4 of October in Petropavlovsk (Kazakhstan). Given session summarized Commission 10-year anniversary.

Effective activity of this Commission during 10 years proved strategic correctness of the step made in 1992. For work period of the Commission and its working groups on the meetings transboundary rivers management policy has been developed – Ural, Ishim, Tobol, Irtysh, Bolshoy and Maliy Uzen’, set of important environmental issues has been considered.

Commission successful work allowed to strengthen and develop interstate relations in the field of water management as well to create new in quality juridical and economical basis for bilateral relationship in transboundary water objects sharing use.

Our congratulations to jubilees and wishes of prosperity and future successes in their hard work.


European Union Copernicus program Director Mr. M. Genovese visited Tashkent on 7-12 of October. One of visit goals – introduction with work fulfillment on project “Crop irrigation management to fight with desertification induced irrigation in the Aral Sea basin (CIRMAN-ARAL)”, executed jointly with experts from SIC ICWC and Lisbon Technical University. Mr. M. Genovese has heard reports of executors on working project packages: No 1 - «Base of knowledge»; No 2 - «Information System/GIS»; No 3 - «Crop water requirements and irrigation schedule development»; No 4 - «Irrigation systems and technique»; No 5 - «Drainage and salinity control»; No 6 - «Decision Support System (DSS)».

Mr. Genovese also visited ICWC Training Center, where gave presentation of EU new «The Sixth Framework Programme (2002-2006)», which will be initiated in November 2002 (details on web-site, and carefully and comprehensively highlighted all aspects of Central-Asian scientists’ participation in this program.


FAO Expert Consultation meeting on irrigation systems se for sustainable fish keeping was held on 25-29 of September 2002 in Almaty. Here SIC ICWC was recommended as coordinator of activity on fishery management at irrigation reservoirs. ICWC Training center was assigned coordinator of such regional projects’ implementation as project of irrigation reservoir use for fish keeping in Central Asia.

To implement expert consultation recommendations FAO/ICWC/Uzbaluk joint mission visited irrigation systems of Samarkand, Syrdarya, and Tashkent oblasts of Uzbekistan on October 10-15, 2002 in purpose of increasing water organizations’ knowledge about benefits and requirements to fish keeping on irrigation systems. Mission staff: P. Umarov (SIC ICWC), B. Kamilov (Uzbalyk), G. Marmulla (FAO).

Mission concluded that fish keeping on irrigation systems can be increased. Following is recommended:

By the end of 2003 special FAO/ICWC workshop on increasing fish keeping on irrigation systems of Central Asia will be held in ICWC Training Center in Tashkent. It is expected that 20 experts from water and fish keeping organizations of five countries will take part in this workshop.

Joint FAO/ICWC mission will visit all Central-Asian countries to inform about fish keeping importance on irrigation systems and select experts for participation in workshop.

SIC ICWC will direct request to FAO Technical Assistance Program for Training center equipping with demonstration module on aquaculture.

Uzbekistan will receive from this program recommendations for water sector how to increase fish keeping on irrigation systems by growing small aquaculture and fish as well as modern equipment and fishing technology.

Under this project two small-scale demonstration pilot projects on fish keeping – in warm ponds and cold ponds – will be organized. Both farms will be equipped properly for young fish keeping to fill ponds and canals with fish.

Within this project framework demonstration fish subdivisions should be created on different ponds of irrigation system.

Assessment of private fish farms’ economical aspects will be carried out in Uzbekistan.


The Second meeting of regional technical advisory committee of Central Asia and Caucasus countries was held on 17-18 of October in ICWC Training Center.

After greetings report of Prof. V.A. Dukhovny about project of regional water partnership concept. In result of discussion it was decided to revise submitted draft document and present it for discussion of RTAC members in November of current year in Almaty.

Attending RTAC members approved information about projects and programs in water resources sphere, which provides definition of framework and activity kinds of partnership. United inventory will be completed with materials of Dushanbe meeting of Head of Central-Asian states on Aral Sea basin problems as well as materials on Caucasian sub-region and will be presented on Almaty RTAC meeting in November.

As for RTAC work plan report of V. Sokolovand proposals of REC CA (B.Esekin) have been heard. In discussion result it was decided that draft work plan coincides with partnership ideology not completely, therefore the document should be revised. RTAC members agreed that work plan should include following activity aspects: infromation exchange, training and capacity strengthening, participation, promotion. Revised draft plan will be presented on Almaty RTAC meeting in November.

Meeting participants reached consensus about that RTAC authority and all adopted decisions should have power for so called “temporary period” – to next regional conference of all concerned water partnership parties (2003), which should have approved or reconsidered accepted decisions as well as affirm RTAC and its Secretariat status.

Henric Larsen presented preliminary agenda of measures on 15-19 of November in Almaty. They will be: two-day closed meeting of GWP Technical Committee (November 16-17), joint meeting of TC and managers of all regional GWP RTAC (November 15), joint meeting of TC and RTAC f Central Asia and Caucasus (November 18), and special meeting on European Initiative (November 19). Also half a day on November 19 will be given to RTAC CA and C meeting.

Having considered draft provision about RTAC, its members concluded that document requires radical revision. Draft provision, which should include following sections:

  • Main provisions
  • Partnership objectives and tasks
  • RTAC activity object
  • Mandate and terms for members of RTAC, Chairman, and Secretariat
  • Formation and rotation procedures
  • Quorum, decision-making procedures
  • Financing and reporting order
  • Organizational structure and interaction with GWP bodies
  • Conflicts resolution

RTAC members took decision about that RTAC Secretariat should have in staff three workers – program manager, administrator/book-keeper, and manager on relations. RTAC members agreed that recipient Secretariat organization for “temporary period” will be regional IWMI office in Tashkent.

RTAC members elected by voting V. Sokolov as RTAC Chairman for “temporary period”. Ms. Nato Kirvalidze was elected Co-chairman in absentia.

RTAC members agreed about necessity by November RTAC meeting in Almaty to present proposals about content and format of report on behalf of regional water partnership on WWF-3 in Japan.