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No. 7 October 2002


The workshop: “Conceptual provisions for water resources management perfection in the Fergana valley“ took place at 23-24 of October in Training center office ICWC in Osh.

The goal of workshop- is consideration of “Conceptual provisions on transition to Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in Fergana valley”, prepared by IWMI together with SIC ICWC in frame work of project “Integrated water resources management in Fergana valley (IWRM-Fergana)”.

Among IWRM principles especially are noted:

  • Water management along hydrographic boundaries;
  • Complexity with taking into account of all hierarchy levels, all water use branches and use of all water sorts (surface, underground, recurrent);
  • Public participation in all hierarchy levels predetermines two directions in management: board (Council) as parity body of principle questions decision and executive body accountable to the first one;
  • Participation determines not only democracy in representation but responsibility for financial investments in maintenance and development.

At that conceptual organizational bases IWRM are represented as follows:

The national level of management is organized as two components. One is managing body as ?ouncil (Board) of basin created from representatives of all stakeholders, including WUA, local bodies and other units for the decision of questions:

  • Water distribution in annual section;
  • Definitions of financing sources;
  • Forecasting and perspective development;
  • Joint examination.

Another - is direct executive body responsible for operative activity.

All direct production activity (water distribution, submission of it, support and repair of network) is carried out at a level of system management of canals of all orders, including main, directly receiving water from BWO and fine sources in accordance with the limit established for them. Each system management also has the Council of system (or the large canal), consisting of WUA representatives, areas, provinces and other interested subjects, including municipal bodies and others.

For Uzbekistan except for that creation of territorial formations (as for example Fergana TM) is expedient within the limits of a river basin which are united as limited hydrographic units along the river and are joined on water with BWO, and is direct on management with Ministries of Water and Agriculture.

In structure of the project special technical maintenance IWRM develops as:

  • Advisory service of water and ground production;
  • Technological service under water-savings;
  • Information system, including database and base of knowledge;
  • Communication system;
  • Complex of managing models;
  • Hydrometric service.

Legal substantiation of IWRM demands permanent work of all participants above basic positions, their coordination, inclusion in orbit of national discussions and their realization through the state bodies as legislative base of IWRM and mechanism of its embodiment.

Realization of IWRM transition should be carried out stage by stage. Over Uzbekistan improvement of all questions of management will be carried out on example SFC as the first stage of transition to system management in the Uzbek part of Fergana valley.

On Kyrgyz Republic transition to IWRM is carried out gradually - having finished, basically WUA perfection, only then to carry out transition to federations of water-users and organization of united management by canal system.

Over Tadjikistan Gulyakandoz canal is considered as the first stage of transition to management of all system Hodjibakirgan.

Rational use of recurrent and underground waters in territory of valley should be associated with their management. The structure of management of meliorative conditions will be also revised.

Practical works are provided in work structure on project “IWRM-Fergana”:

  • development of pilot WUA;
  • equipment of pilot WUA and canals (WMO)by hydrometric equipment;
  • analysis of condition of demonstration plots and development of recommendations for increase of water and ground production on basis of existing scientific recommendations;
  • preparation of plans of WUA water use;
  • certification of farmer plots;
  • development and use of information system.

At consideration of financing plans of WMO and WUA first of all the orientation on expediency of development of collateral activity in addition to budgetary sources and payment for water delivery with inclusion in status of organizations of such opportunity on profitless basis will be carried out.

Additional workshop on legal questions of IWRM is planned to carry out in January 2003 with invitation of personnel occupied in the project and persons accepting the decisions.


Uchkurgan Waterworks automation management system (AMS) on Naryn river was put solemnly into operation on 25 of October 2002. Radiotelemetric Uchkurgan Water works AMS was introduced by BWO “Syrdarya” and “Sigma” company under financial support of Swiss Agency of International Development and Cooperation (SDC).

Participants of measure: Swiss Senate Chairman V. Meyer, Swiss Ambassador in Uzbekistan A. Cotier, Deputy minister of agriculture and water management of Kyrgyzstan B. Koshmatov, Deputy minister of reclamation and water management of Tajikistan M. Khomidov, First Deputy minister of agriculture and water management of Uzbekistan A. Jalalov, SDC expert J. Krayenbul, SDC curator in CAR J. Gely, SIC ICWC Director V. Dukhovny, Deputy Head of BWO “Syrdarya” N. Rakhmatov, IWMI office Director on CAR V. Khorinkova, Head of ICWC TC Osh Division A. Satybaldiyev, managers from Namangan oblast, Uchkurgan rayon, Andizhan, Fergana, Namangan, Osh, Jalalabad oblvodkhozes, divisions of BNC, BAC, BFC, BNFC and other officials.

In operation result wonderful system work has been revealed: under water discharge fluctuations in forebay in range of 110-245 m3/s and water table 55-115 cm actual water-table metering accuracy was ± 1 ??. Maximal deviation of automation system data between planned and actual parameters was 2-3 % - on discharge and not more 2 % - on flow.


Under implementation of regional cooperation strengthening program approved by ICWC by 3rd WWF (Japan, March 2003), virtual conference “Central Asia – on the way to integral partnership” was opened on 20 of February. For the period passed since the moment of conference opening 27 men from 8 countries have taken part in it.

By October 30, 2002 in conference 59 messages have been placed, including messages of international and interstate organizations – 43 (72,9%), from national organizations - 13 (22,0 %); NGO organizations – 3 messages (5,1%).

Statistics of messages looks out in following way:

Kazakhstan - 5 messages (5 participants)
Kyrgyzstan - 2 messages (2)
Tajikistan - 4 messages (2)
Turkmenistan - 2 messages (2)
Uzbekistan - 40 messages (13)
Georgia - 1 message (1)
The Netherlands - 1 message (1)
Russia - 1 message (1)

Big number of messages from Uzbekistan can be explained by location on its territory of interstate SIC ICWC and ICWC TC, which specialists actively participate in conference.

Main conference aim – involvement of water experts and all stakeholders within Aral Sea basin in water management process and partnership of governmental and non-governmental organizations.

Dear colleagues! We’ d like together with all of you to organize partnership to solve problems on water resources management and each water use aspect, listen to your proposals and wishes – what measures and means are needed for that. Send us your message, and we would place it on behalf of you in our virtual conference. There are little more 4 months to Forum beginning.

Let us remember that conference contains following thematic sections for discussions:

- Greetings (opened on 28.02.2002);
- ICWC 10-years anniversary measures (Almaty, February 20-24, 2002) (opened on 15.03.2002);
- Project "Integrated Water Resources Management of Fergana Valley" (opened on 03.04.2002);
- ICWC Training Center Activity (opened on 22.04.2002);
- Interstate Coordination Water Commission (ICWC) activity (opened on 14.06.2002);
- Dialogue on water and climate: Aral Sea basin case study (opened on 22.07.2002).

Activity on collecting opinions about water is simultaneously carrying out among different groups of population and placing them in project “Water Voice”. Presently we have gathered and placed 76 messages.