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No. 11 December 2002


Monitoring results on assessment and analysis of irrigation water and land use efficiency (activity No. 7)

Assessment of actual irrigation water use

To carry out monitoring on irrigation water use, assessment of actual water-land use efficiency as well as based on this development of recommendations on water use efficiency increase within frameworks of “IWRM-Fergana” project within pilot canals 10 demonstration plots have been selected.

On base of obtained initial data of monitoring and assessment of actual irrigation water use on selected pilot farms of Fergana Valley it was determined that:

  • for irrigation big water amounts were used both for total growing period and over separate irrigation, irrigation depths over farms varied within 2,0-2,5 th.m3/ha;
  • big irrigation water use unevenness was noted.

Actual irrigation depth in many farms exceeded normative one 2-2.5 times.

In some farms big water expenses to furrow reaching 1.7 l/s against normative 0.5 l/s caused mainly big water losses for release and filtration.

Study of demonstration fields as for irrigation conducting, agronomic technical measures carrying out, so agricultural crops development showed that under irrigation there are problems related to:

  • unstable irrigation network water availability;
  • land leveling;
  • high soil water permeability;
  • big slopes of land surface;
  • low-thick fine-grained cover.

Calculations showed that major share of irrigation water losses belongs to deep percolation. In some farms percolation losses exceed normative and reach 40-50%. Big losses for deep percolation were indispensable for many farms having high soil water permeability, long furrows, and poor fields leveling. Irrigation water use efficiency in these farms is very low – 40-60%.

In the same time specific farms under complex soil-reclamation and water management conditions carried out irrigation with lest expenses of irrigation water and small water losses for percolation and release from the field (PA “Samatova”, Br. No. 21 (Tajikistan), “Sandyk” (Kyrgyzstan), and “Turdyali” (Uzbekistan)). In these farms irrigation efficiency indicators were 0.70-0.84.

High efficiency in these farms was reached at the expense of irrigation conducting with account for soil-reclamation conditions:

  • frequent irrigation with small norms regarding high soil water permeability;
  • efficient use of ground water inflow in scheduling dates and amounts of irrigation on lands with high water-table.

Assessment and analysis of actual irrigation water use over demonstration fields of Fergana Valley shows that in the most number of farms there are reserves and real opportunity to increase irrigation water use efficiency. Efficiency increase can be reached by reducing water losses for infiltration and release from the field. Water losses can be reduced by regulating irrigation norms and depths, selecting the most optimal technological irrigation scheme.

Under keeping optimal irrigation regimes with appropriate irrigation depths, optimal technological scheme it is possible to increase irrigation water use efficiency on average on 14% over Tajikistan, on 26% - over Uzbekistan, and on 24% - over Kyrgyzstan.

Key element of efficient furrow irrigation on irrigated lands is technological irrigation scheme. In result of study three groups of farms with different deviations from optimal irrigation scheme, acceptable for conditions of given farm with account for soil-reclamation conditions and location relief were distinguished:

  • satisfactory irrigation scheme not demanding improvement – Samatova DF-21, Gadoyboyeva, Turdyali, and Tolibzhon;
  • unsatisfactory irrigation scheme demanding full change of scheme with reduction of furrow length and cutting of additional ok-aryks and shokh-aryks – Khozhalkhon-ona-Khozhi, Nozima;
  • irrigation scheme with cut surface of irrigated filed and opportunity of just partial changing of irrigation scheme – Sayod, Tolojkon, Nursultan-Aly, and Sandyk.

Assessment of irrigation water use efficiency

In result of comparative assessment of irrigation water use it was determined that in farms supplied irrigation water amount to the field actually exceeds both required amounts and obviously efficiency increase only on reduction of irrigation amount and number.

The biggest expenses per product unit are within 4.9-6.4 m3/t. Efficiency decrease due to irrigation water in these farms is 10-15%.

Irrigation water efficiency decline was caused by water and agronomic technical factors. Main reasons of efficiency decline are:

  • unproductive losses for infiltration and release from irrigated field;
  • crop yield losses because of agronomic technical and organizational factors.

The highest yield losses up to 20-30% was noted in result of humus lack within 9-13% of soil salinity.

Under condition of removing decreasing factors efficiency level on irrigated fields of project can be increased – over Tajikistan on average on 54%, over Uzbekistan – on 52%, over Kyrgyzstan – on 34%.

Financial-economic indicators of irrigation water use efficiency

Main indicator of agricultural production efficiency is profit from produced output defined by total costs for production and product quantity and its sale. Total costs for production and quantity of produced output depend on various factors and agricultural production compounds, including on irrigation water use.

In general total costs for agricultural production are within 159-386 $/ha, costs per 1 ton of product are within 64-138 $/t.

Total profit from product over demonstration fields under cotton was within 140-180 $/t, under winter wheat in private farm "Toloykon“ – 112 $/t and under spring wheat in private farm Nursultan-Aly – 109 $/t.

On base of obtained data on total profit from product and used irrigation water over demonstration fields analysis and assessment of economic irrigation water efficiency was carried out. The highes irrigation water efficiency on this indicator in farm “Turdyali” (Uzbekistan) – 0.24 $/m3, the lest- in farms “Khozhalkhon-ona-Khozhy” (Uzbekistan) – 0.02 $/m3, and “Gadoyboyeva” (Tajikistan) – 0.03 $/m3. On average over farms efficiency is 0.06 $/m3.


Special group for preparation of Central-Asian region to the 3rd World Water Forum was created in the first half of January 2002 in SIC ICWC.

Under group establishment organization of virtual conference was planned, which should involve participants, as many as possible, from all Central Asia, as well as participation in project “Water Voice”.

WWF-3 Secretariat announced officially about opening in forum server ( of virtual conference “Central Asia – in its way to integral partnership” on 20th of September 2002.

By the end of December 84 messages were registered in the conference. In its work representatives of national, interstate, international and non-governmental organizations of 5 Central-Asian countries as well as Russia, Georgia, France, and the Netherlands actively participated.

Presently discussion is conducting on 6 topics.

Activity of our virtual conference was noted in bulletin of WWF-3 Secretariat #104 (December 25, 2002) as “Session of the week”

To take part in project “Water Voice” SIC ICWC was registered as Messenger. By the end of year number of sent messages to “Water Voice” exceeded 100 and presently is 126.

SIC ICWC activity was noted by WWF-3 Secretariat: we were awarded by “Golden Badge”

In recent days of leaving year we have given application for participation of delegation form Central Asia in this Forum. Delegation will include representatives of IFAS, ICWC, SDC, range of NGOs.


Strong health, happiness, success, peace, and prosperity to all!