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No. 3 (14) January 2003


IFAS Executive Committee as approved list of working groups on ASBP-2 project preparation.

Water group includes: Kh. Ibodzoda (EC IFAS), L.N. Dmitriyev, N.K. Kipshakbayev (Kazakhstan), K.K. Beyshikeyev (Kyrgyzstan), A.P. Kholmatov, G.N. Petrov (Tajikistan); U.B. Saparov (Turkmenistan); Kh.K. Gapparov (Uzbekistan); B. Annayev (SIC SDC); F.Ya. Aingorn (SIC ICWC).

Social-economic group includes: A.K. Nogoybayev (EC IFAS); E.F. Gosen (Kazakhstan); T.S. Kutukeyev (Kyrgyzstan); V.V. Boltov (Tajikistan); S.M. Melyayev (Turkmenistan); U.A. Ashirbekov (Uzbekistan); A.N. Miroshnichenko (SDC); A. Rafikov (SIC SDC); M.T. Ruziyev (SIC ICWC).

Ecological group includes: Sh.G. Talipov (EC IFAS); B. Esekin (represents Kazakhstan and SDC); A.M. Burkhanov, M. Sulaymanov (Kyrgyzstan); T. Nazarov, T.O. Salimov (Tajikistan); U.B. Saparov, S.M. Melyayev (Turkmenistan); S.S. Mirzayev (Uzbekistan); V. Lelevkin (SIC SDC); I.B. Ruziyev (SIC ICWC).

Hydrometeorological services group: M.Kh. Kazakov (EC IFAS); E.K. Kubakov (Kazakhstan); M.T. Bakanov (Kyrgyzstan); M.T. Safarov (Tajikistan), S.V. Myagkov (Uzbekistan); A.S. Nikulin (SIC ICWC).

Coordination of working groups’ activity has been charged to:

EC IFAS - M.M. Khakdodov, A.N. Nurushev
Kazakhstan - N.K. Kipshakbayev
Kyrgyzstan - M.O. Omorov
Tajikistan – Kh. Inoyatov
Turkmenistan – U.B. Saparov
Uzbekistan – U.V. Abdullayev
SDC - U. Shokirov
SIC SDC - B. Annayev
SIC ICWC -V.A. Dukhovny
NGO - M. Burkhanov


According to report of Government Head press-service, on 29.01.2003 Prime Minister I. Tasmagambetov met with Regional Director of International Bank of Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) D. de Tray, and discussed issues of international water-power consortium creation in Kyrgyz Republic.

Kazakhstan concern was confirmed regarding participation in project implementation related to construction of two Kambarata hydropower plants on Naryn River in Kyrgyzstan. Simultaneously, they paid attention to necessity of implementing set of preparatory works. They include formation of legal base of Kazakhstan participation in financing of design, construction, and in further management along with created objects.

Project of Kamabarata hydropower construction had been studied about 30 years ago. To make decision independent audit assessment of fulfilled works is required as well as conduction of other measures under unchangeable concern of Kazakhstan about obtaining water and electricity from Kyrgyzstan.

Kazakhstanskaya Pravda, January 30, 2003


In December 2002 in Islamabad (Pakistan) Steering Committee at Global Water Partnership approved budget of this world network for 2003. This budget assumes 200 th. USD for water partnership development in CAR and Caucasus countries

In January 2003 GWP Secretariat in Stockholm (Sweden) agreed program of works for our region. The main objective of this program – support of regional partners in issues of realizing integrated water resources management principles by involving public in decision-making process, promoting all community layers’ political will towards cooperation, initiating dialogues, which are key for sustainable development in general and in water sector, in particular. Expected results are based on preliminary regional consultations of basic concerned parties, which were conducted during 2002and include following aspects:

Result 1: Regional partnership strengthening

CAC Regional Water Partnership – voluntary participation of organizations related water resources management, use, and conservation (concerned state departments, local and regional organizations, professional associations, research institutes as well as private sector and non-governmental organizations) in mutually beneficial experience enrichment, data exchange, and capacity reinforcement.

Partnership strengthening for creating IWRM process driving force is reflected in following CAC demands:

  • Free data exchange in field of water resources and ecosystems between all concerned organizations.
  • Translation to Russian and national languages of region states and wide dissemination of materials highlighting integrated water resources management (IWRM) and sustainable development principles.
  • Preparation of regional report for 3rd World Water Forum in Kyoto as well as 5th Plan of Pan-European Conference of Ministers of Ecology in Kiev.
  • Promotion of public participation in conferences and measures at regional and international levels on water quality issues.
  • Dissemination of information of past and ongoing projects and programs in water management and environment conservation.
  • Periodical issue of GWP information bulletin and its wide circulation within region.
  • Design and creation of GWP-CAC web-site, and its linkage with already available sites of partners in region. Given site will be used to establish “virtual” conference with involvement of partners and all stakeholders in water management and sustainable development field.
  • Organization of regional conference of all concerned parties to summarize GWP-CAC time period and agree on ways of regional partnership development.

Result 2: Creation of alliances for capacity building and linkage with available GWP networks

Region has big demands for capacity building that is promotion in developing training system in water and adjacent sectors with NGO involvement. Capacity building includes improvement of qualification of experts and public representatives through alliance with associated CAPNET program (Capacity Building network) and strengthening of available links with International Basin Organization (INBO).

Result 3: Dialogues on IWRM principles implementation problems

This activity is key one in general thematic of program of works. Dialogue form through creation of neutral platform will provide high quality of final results of given activity. Critical topics of water security in Central-Asian and Caucasian region:

  • Transboundary basins
  • Environment protection
  • Public involvement in decision making

Result 4: Experience dissemination

It is necessary to open new type of activity in region by preparing concrete demonstration projects for GWP ToolBox for IWRM. It is planned to prepare two Case Studies in ToolBox format. The first one is oriented on the most problematic issue in region – reforming of existing legal water base. The second one – intended for presenting our positive experience of public involvement in water management process (social mobilization process for WUA formation).

Result 5: Regional Water Partnership activity management

Regional GWP Secretariat will be located in Tashkent, IWMI, which is a recipient. During the first three years office staff, equipment, and means will be presented as gratuitous IWMI contribution to regional partnership strengthening. Regional partnership responsibility is participation in international GWP measures such as annual GWP Conference (Stockholm, August 2003), meetings of regional committee members twice a year, etc.


Consulting meeting on environment, water, and security of Central-Asian countries with participation of heads of ministries of nature protection and water management departments, representatives of NGO, business and international organizations: IFAS, ICWC, SDC, European Commission, OSCE, UNEP, UNDP, Secretariat of Kiev Conference of ministers, and others as well as country-donors: USA, Great Britain, Canada, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Japan, was held on 30-31 of January, 2003 in Almaty.

The meeting was organized within framework of preparatory process for 5th All-European Conference of ministers, which will take place in Kiev in May 2003.

Main conclusion of this meeting was document “Invitation for partnership”, which contains set of quite new provisions that have reforming nature, directed on improving situation in radical way in Central-Asian region.