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No. 13 (24) May 2003


More than 145 persons – ICWC members and ICWC, representatives of EC IFAS executive bodies, water experts from Central-Asian countries and regional organizations, representatives of SDC, project “IWRM-Ferghana”, IWMI, GWP in Central Asia and Caucasus, NGO, international organizations, journalists, and mass media took part in session.

Chairman of Committee for Water Resources of Kazakhstan A.D. Ryabtsev and D. Knobel from SDC greeted session participants.

Practical session work started from review report “Introduction of integrated water resources management principles in Central Asia – the imperative of our era”, which V.I. Sokolov – Regional “IWRM-Ferghana” Project Manager has presented. He demonstrated why it is necessary to change water management principles in region and what concrete actions must be taken. On example of IWRM-Ferghana project details on specific aspects – IWRM legal basis, institutional reconstruction, problems solved by means of WUA, measures on water and land productivity increase, and other activity kinds – were presented.

Further discussion on different aspects of integrated water management implementation principles was divided in three blocks in form of open discussion on each block.

The first block (till afternoon) was dedicated to theme “Trends of institutional water management reforms and practical issues of Water Users Association establishing and development in Central Asia”. SIC ICWC Director V.A. Dukhovny led discussion process. During this discussion following officials expressed their opinion: A.D. Ryabtsev – Chairman of the Committee for Water Resources of Kazakhstan, J. Bekbolotov – Director General of Water Department at MAWR and PI of the Kyrgyz Republic, A.A. Nazyrov – Minister of Reclamation and Water Resources of Tajikistan, T.K. Altiyev – Deputy Minister of Water Resources of Turkmenistan, Kh.K. Gapparov – Head of Water Division at MAWR of the Republic of Uzbekistan, A.S. Satybaldiyev – Office Manager of IWRM-Ferghana Project in Osh, U. Herren – SDC Office Manager in Central Asia, M.A. Pinkhasov – Manger of IWRM-Ferghana Project activity at WUA level, M. ul Hassan – IWRM-Ferghana Project Manager from IWMI. There are new approaches to definition of water policy, problems of IWRM legal basis and financing system.

In the afternoon the second block of discussion on issue “Ways of irrigation water efficiency and tools required for IWRM principles implementation” was organized. Regional Manager of IWRM-Ferghana Project V.I. Sokolov conducted discussion. During this discussion following officials expressed their opinion: Sh.Sh. Mukhamejanov – Manger of IWRM-Ferghana Project activity; ?. Akhrorov – National Coordinator of IWRM-Ferghana Project from Tajikistan; I. ?bdullayev (IWMI); B.E. Matraimov – Head of Basin Unit, Osh oblast, Kyrgyz Republic; T.G. Cholokava – Head of Unit at Ministry of Environment of Georgia. Two presentations – S.A. Nerozin (SANIIRI) “Certification of demonstration fields – as tool of water and land productivity increase” and E.D. Cholpankulov (SIC ICWC) “Model for assessment of agricultural crop water consumption and irrigation regime” – were presented as a tools.

Final block of open discussion was devoted to theme “Public involvement in water resources management process”. IWRM-Ferghana Project Manager from IWMI M. ul Hassan conducted discussion process. During this discussion following officials expressed their opinion: U. Kamalov – Chaiman of NGO “Eco-Ferghana”; G. Jamukashvili – Chaiman of Association “Kura-Araks”; B. Esekin – REC CA Executive Director; S. Aknazarov – Ecoforum of Kazakhstan; E.M. Rodina – Ecological movement “Biom”; R. Nazarov – expert-sociologist of IWRM-Ferghana Project; E.V. Lanko – Chief Editor of magazine “Engineering”.

During discussion concrete proposals of public (NGO and WUA) involvement in water resources management were considered. In particular, creation of Public Water Council in the Aral Sea basin as well as similar Council in Caucasus (activity program and funding sources) was considered.


In the meeting 9 of 13 RTAC members representing 5 of 8 region countries as well as specially invited NGO representatives took part. B. Guterstam – Officer on relations with regions of GWP Secretary (Stockholm, Sweden) and V. Sokolov – RTAC CAC Chairman greeted participants.

Meeting work started by presenting GWP CAC work program and budget for 2003, presented by V. Sokolov. While discussing details of program implementation, participants addressed issues of coordination procedures (administrative part of program) as well as thematic part:

  • GWP CAC web-site establishment.
  • Participation in alliances (International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO), CapNET – network on capacity strengthening, program on ground water (GWMate).
  • Dialogues (IWRM and transboundary problems, environment conservation, public participation).
  • Organization of national water partnerships.
  • Participation in international measures (Kiev Pan-European Conference of Ministers of Environment, annual meeting of GWP partners in Stockholm (August), Water Summit in Dushanbe (August-September).
  • Next RTAC meeting and annual regional conference GWP CAC (Tbilisi, December 2003).

Meeting participants discussed proposal of H. Larsen (Dutch Hydraulic Institute) on Dutch Government involvement in establishing bilateral cooperation of RTAC GWP CAC with Mekong Commission.

It was decided to use opportunity of sending delegation from our region to Mekong River basin in December 2003 to study experience in process of peace and stability establishing within framework of water management.

Meeting participants also discussed in details draft GWP CAC program for 2004-2008. It was decided to submit this document with some supplements for GWP Secretary (Stockholm) for funding support.

Next RTAC CAC meeting is planned to conduct in August 2003 in Dushanbe under International Water Summit auspice.


Activity «Pilot canals»

Activity “Pilot canals” in this phase includes fulfillment of two main tasks: organizational and technical.

Technical task on structure repair on canals was decided by local water organizations (WMO) in February-March 2003. Water metering devices were purchased and delivered to pilot canals. Currently final installation stage, adjustment, and testing of above pointed water account devices (gauges, current meters, electronic discharge meters) was carried out.

Organizational tasks are being fulfilled and include:

• creation of general canal units (CU) by reorganizing WMO structure on base of hydrographic principle (based not on administrative, but on hydrographic boundaries),
• water management improvement based on participatory principle by creating water councils (WC).

WMO structure reorganization based on hydrographic principle is not simple task, since there are forces represented by local authority, specific water experts and water users, who because of different reasons are not interested in such reorganization. Nevertheless, great work has already been done, so it can be supposed that under IWRM project, in particular its Sub-component “Pilot canals” as well as under active activity of executors in-situ this task may be decided on all pilot canals for the shortest period of time.

That fact that majority of water experts recognized many problems in water resources management as well as many WMO heads are ready to support perspective initiations, besides having rich experience of effective water management, is favorable for outlined changes.

Water management improvement based on participatory principle (water councils’ creation) is more complex task, since it deals with social and traditional psychological problems between water services providers and water users, who use these services indirectly. Lack of practical experience complicates water users involvement in water management at irrigation system level (makhalla has such experience).

We think that it is necessary to propagate among water experts and water users, since soil now is favorable, following provision: in economy “head” is consumer of services, and “subordinate” – their provider. Sense of reforms means that finally situation should be created, where “client is always right” (principle of consumer dominating over provider as well as reporting of water council executive body for water users). Therefore, carrying out social mobilization of public society this provision is underlined in the work with water experts and water users as well as their position regarding new project activity aspects is identified.

Under this project goals and tasks are being propagated that rises level of water experts and users’ information to aware advantage of cooperation and information exchange.

In 2003 two training courses are planned to conduct for potential WC members, managers, and water users that will be one more step of water management popularization.

Presently work on creating standard Canal Unit Statute and standard Provision of Water Council is being conducting. These normative documents will be transferred to stakeholders for consideration and, in further, for use. After this work will be finished, organization of WC formation process will be started.

To disseminate IWRM concepts and create WC working meetings with initiative groups were held in April 2003 on 3 pilot canals, where main concerning parts including farmers and NGO representatives participated.

To trace and estimate effects of water management reforms within activity frameworks analysis of present water use situation was carried out, and indicators of water supply stability and uniformity were developed. These indicators will be used in testing of alternative water allocation system.