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No. 22 (33) August 2003


This workshop was held in Khodjent, Tajikistan on August 6-7, 2003. Asian Development Bank was one of main sponsors.

ICWC members, ICWC executive bodies’ leaders, ADB, SDC representatives took part in the workshop.

In the first day countries perspectives and preliminary consultunts’ data in the second day – key questions and future directions.

In result of discussion between leading international and local experts on complex of political, organizational and technical issues, solutions are suggested and role of international community is underlined. Proposals on closer collaboration and assistance expending are developed.


This workshop was held on August 18-21, 2003 in Urgench (ICWC Training Center’s branch).

Main goal of the workshop was discussion of current issues facing water managers in Amudarya lower and middle reaches.

Workshop was carried out under CIDA sponsorship. BWO “Amudarya” head Yu. Hudaibergenov opened workshop. Following papers were presented on the workshop:

  1. Modern issues of water resources management and use in Central Asia
  2. What will happen in the region? – Results of water resources development modeling in the Aral Sea basin
  3. Specific features of water resources management in Amudarya basin
  4. Public role in water use management
  5. Choice of optimal reclamation regimes and drainage parameters for Khorezm oblast and Karakalpakstan
  6. Perfection of water distribution at inter-farm level
  7. Water use in Amudarya basin and assessment of socio-economic consequences in Karakalpakstan
  8. Water resources management with WUA involvement
  9. SCAD system and its advantages
  10. History of water-related economy development in Amudarya lower reaches
  11. Drainage current state-of-art in downstream
  12. Artificially regulated water bodies creation in Amudarya delta
  13. Water consumption and agricultural crop irrigation regime
  14. Land reclamation state and perspective of its improvement in Amudarya downstream
  15. BVO “Amudarya” database
  16. Assessment of existing structure of interstate collaboration in water resources management in Amudarya basin
  17. Return water formation, use and forecast with respect to water deficit
  18. Speakers noted issues of water resources management and use specific for middle and lower reaches of Amudarya and ways of their solution. Lectures about water conservation, water quality/ transition to another principles of management were of high interest for participants. Since water is key factor of socio-economic development in the region, integrated water resources management is most reasonable direction of development.

Opening Training Center’s branch in Urgench will allow cover wide circle of specialists in Amudarya lower and middle reaches. Participants expressed their deep gratitude to SIC ICWC, MAWR, Ministry of Water Resources of Turkmenistan much contributed to branch establishing and its activity.

Participants express their wish to invite upper reaches representatives to acquaint them with middle and downstream users’ issues related to water amount and quality and complement following presentations:

Modern water metering methods

  1. Experience of advanced countries
  2. Financing of water resources management
  3. Automated systems in water management


On August 21, 2003 in Zafarabad (Tajikistan) workshop “WUA viability in Tajikistan” was held organized by USAID within Program on natural resources management in Central Asia. Workshop was attended by USAID representative (Dr. J. Bakster); project “IWRM-Fergana” executors: M. Pinkhasov and A. Alimzhanov from SIC ICWC and B. Matyakubov from IWMI; representatives of MAWR, Sogd oblselvodhoz, WUA, water users, tax and bank services.

Dr. M. Pinkhasov devoted his speech to criteria of WUA activity sustainability, which, in his opinion, is provided by:

  • Legal base for WUA establishing and functioning;
  • Revenue exceeding over expenditures or their equality;
  • Availability of WUA industrial base;
  • Participation in WUA activity professional irrigators, reclamation specialists and economists;
  • Water account means installation on on-farm network for each consumer – WUA member;
  • Establishing stable cooperation between WUA and water-related organization;
  • Timely charges collection for water services;
  • Objectively established tariffs approved by WUA general meeting;
  • WUA optimal organizational structure;
  • Incentives for WUA members for such indicators as water delivery according to water use plan, even water distribution among water users;
  • Providing favorable reclamation background on command irrigated lands and agricultural crops yield increase;
  • External assistance (MAWR, their oblast and rayon structures, local authority) and external resources attraction for provision of normative documentation, financial and technical means, WUA staff and water users training.

These criteria of WUA sustainable functioning should be applied under WUA establishing and functioning in all countries within Ferghana valley.

Participants proposed to Tajikistan government recommendations on various aspects of WUA establishing and functioning.


On August 25, 2003 in SIC ICWC working meeting of “IWRM-Fergana” project’s executors was held where progress achieved during August was considered. It was noted, that project implementation is in compliance with work schedule.

Activity “Pilot canals” should help national coordinator in Uzbekistan to fulfill Provision of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 320. All suggestions should be summarized and submitted to MAWR.

Data on pilot canals are being processed but not analyzed and discussed with national and oblast coordinators. This should be corrected.

To the end of the month analysis of water lift in South-Fergana canal should be finalized. On circulated project “Provisions on Canal Councils” comments and proposals are obtained from Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. It is necessary to obtain comments from Uzbekistan and finish work.

Question about WUA “Kerme-Too” equipment with water metering devices is postponed till 2004 because lack of funding.

Gap in water account means installation and certification happened because of lack of cement in spring and water availability in canals in summer. That’s why these means installation is postponed till the end of this year.