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No. 30 (41) December 2003


The 6th International Congress and Technical Exhibition “Water: Ecology and Technology” (ECWATECH-2004) will be held in Congress and Exhibition Complex “Gostiniy Dvor” in Moscow on June 1-4, 2004. The organizers of the Forum were the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, the Russian State Committee on Construction and Housing-Communal Complex, and a number of other organizations and authorities. The event was supported by the International Water Association, World Health Organization and UN Economic Commission for Europe.

It has become the main Water Forum of Russia and CIS countries for the years of its existence. In 2002, about 1200 specialists took part in the International Congress, at the exhibition 450 companies and organizations presented their products and services, which more than 7000 visitors were familiarized with. The Chair of the Government and leaders of both Federal Assembly Chambers of the Russian Federation addressed their greetings to the participants of the Congress.

Traditionally, the specialists determining political, economic and technical ways for the development of water sector participate in the Forum activities.

Additional information on the Congress and Exhibition can be found at:


Agreement on Collaboration was signed by SIC CSD and SIC ICWC at the beginning of December.

The Agreement stipulates the maintenance and development of bilateral information exchange. SIC ICWC will provide information on water (both surface and ground), water economy and irrigated farming. SIC CSD will provide data on socio-economic development of the countries in the region and their perspective, ecological sustainability of natural complexes in the region, provision of the population with quality drinking water, and climate.

The parties also plan a joint participation in the development and implementation of the main directions of the “Program of joint actions on improving environmental and socio-economic situation in the Aral Sea basin in 2003-2010”.

Among other contractual arrangements there are exchange of specialists, holding of joint scientific seminars and scientific-practical conferences.

The Agreement stipulates the creation of joint working groups for the development and coordination of regional scientific programs in relation to the protection of the environment and water resources (SIC ICWC is responsible for water issues, and SIC CSD for ecological ones).

SIC CSD will participate as a representative of Turkmenistan in the development of the project on creating Information-Consultative Center within the European Commission Sixth Framework Program in Central Asia, proposed by SIC ICWC to the EU bids.

It is also intended to work out together a special course of lectures on environmental protection for the ICWC Training Center.


According the materials of the Second International Conference on Economic Cooperation in Central Asia, held on November 11-12 in Tashkent, international financial organizations plan to allocate more than $1.4 billion for regional projects in Central Asian countries during 2004-2006.

The priorities of cooperation in the region are development of transport infrastructure, trade and energy. The Asian Development Bank intends to provide $480 million in this period. About $932 million will come from the Islamic Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, World Bank and United Nations.

After the first conference was held in March 2002, the number of regional investment projects financed by international organizations has grown. Since March 2002 the Asian Development Bank has assigned $115 million for the implementation of two projects, including $90 million for the reconstruction of energy systems in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan and $25 million for the development of trade in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

The World Bank is also involved in several programs on regional cooperation support. It financed $64.5 million project on Syrdarya downstream and Small Sea basin.

Based on the publications in the press.


During the fourth session of Interdepartmental Commission, dedicated to the preparation for the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) and development of Kazakh Agenda 21 (IDC), the creation of National Commission for Sustainable Development (NCSD) in Kazakhstan was discussed.

K. Tokaev, Chair of Interdepartmental Commission and Foreign Minister of Kazakhstan, noted that National Commission for Sustainable Development had to become an organ of interdepartmental coordination and cooperation and interaction between all the sectors of society on sustainable development issues, according to the UN recommendations and experience of other world countries.

At the meeting, A. Samakova, Minister of Environment Protection, submitted proposals from the Ministry of Environment Protection, prepared in compliance with the instructions of the Security Council and Government concerning the establishment of NCSD, to IDC. A. Samakova told about the objectives of National Commission, its priorities, structure and composition, mechanism of formation and functioning, potential sources of financing the transfer to sustainable development in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Minister also presented the draft provision on NCSD.

A. Samakova emphasized an important role of the UNDP office in Kazakhstan and its qualified specialist and technical assistance to the Ministry in the process of implementation of the Republic’s obligations on sustainable development and establishment of NCSD. The Kazakh Government is carrying out activities on the creation of NCSD and development of Kazakh Agenda 21 in accordance with international obligations. They were accepted by Kazakhstan at the UN World Conference on the Environment and Development (Rio-de-Janeiro, 1992) and World Summit on Sustainable Development (Johannesburg, 2002).

Based on the publications in the press


The ceremony of signing a contract for the implementation of the Ferghana Valley Canal Automation Project between the Swiss International Development and Cooperation Agency (SDC) and Interstate Commission for Water Coordination of Central Asia (ICWC) was held on December 12, 2003. Mr. Willi Mayer, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Swiss Confederation in Uzbekistan, signed the contract on behalf of SDC.

The Project provides for the introduction of automatic regulation system (SCADA systems) on South Ferghana, Aravan-Akbura and Gulya-Kandoz canals. The executors of the project are small-scale enterprise “Sigma” (Kyrgyzstan), BVO “Syrdarya”, SIC ICWC and water-related organizations of three Ferghana Valley countries.

Project duration is from December 1, 2003 to December 31, 2006.

The project was approved by the ICWC members for Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.


Guy LeMoigne has passed away.

We are proud and happy to know him. He was exclusively distinguished personality.

Beginning his water activity 50 years ago in Rhone-Langedoque basin in France and acquiring a great load of practical experience and knowledge during this time, he occupied many executive positions in water industry. His talent properly evolved during his long and very productive activity as senior water resources consultant of the World Bank.

He initiated IPTRID network, World Water Council, Global Water Partnership. After the collapse of the Soviet Union he as leader of the World Bank team together with others was first who welcomed the creation of the Interstate Commission for Water Coordination of Central Asia and took an active part in preparation of the Aral Sea basin program, its approval and support at the donors meeting in Paris in June 1994.

Water managers of Central Asia are grateful to him for his friendly assistance in time difficult for our region. His participation in preparation of the meeting financed by ADB in Almaty, special session on the Aral Sea basin in Kyoto, regional program for Central Asia made a big contribution in strengthening of CAR states collaboration.

His life was very productive and extremely useful for the world water community. We will keep memory about him in our hearts forever.

SIC ICWC staff