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No. 9 (52) March 2004


On 4-6 March 2004 in Ashkhabad, the regular 38th ICWC Meeting was held under the chairmanship of Turkmen Minister of Water Resources B.O. Kalandarov.

The following issues were entered on the meeting agenda:

1. On the course of water intake limits implementation in 2003/2004 non-vegetation period, and confirming the limits of water diversion from the Amudarya and Syrdarya rivers channel for the next vegetation period in 2004, and clearing the predicted operation mode of reservoir cascades (BVOs “Amudarya” and “Syrdarya” are responsible).

2. On the activity within the “Integrated Water Resources Management in Ferghana Valley (IWRM-Ferghana)” Project (SIC ICWC is responsible).

3. On the activity of ICWC executive bodies in 2000-2003 and measures for improving it (BVO “Amudarya”, BVO “Syrdarya”, SIC ICWC, CMC ICWC, ICWC TC are responsible).

4. On the course of the preparation for holding annual Scientific and Practical Conference in Almaty.

5. On the Agenda and venue of the regular 39th ICWC Meeting.

Additional issue: About water situation formed in the Syrdarya middle and downstream areas in autumn-winter period in 2003/2004, on the measures taken for stabilizing it. water situation formed in the Syrdarya middle and downstream areas in autumn-winter period in 2003/2004, on the measures taken for stabilizing it.

The ICWC members took into account the information of BVO “Amudarya” and BVO “Syrdarya” on the operations done to implement water intake limits and follow the operation mode of reservoir cascades on the Amudarya and Syrdarya rivers in the non-vegetation period in 2003/2004 hydrological year. Water intake limits for the Amudarya and Syrdarya rivers were confirmed, and the operation modes were recommended for the Naryn-Syrdarya reservoir cascade on the Syrdarya river, Nurek and Tuyamuyun reservoirs on the Amudarya river in the vegetation period in 2004 to provide the approved limits of water intake and the volume of supply to the Aral Sea. BVO “Amudarya” and BVO “Syrdarya” were charged with taking measures for ensuring water intakes of the countries in the region according to the approved limits.

The meeting participants approved of the course of operations within the “IWRM-Ferghana” Project for 2002-2003, carried out by the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Processing Industry of Kyrgyzstan, Ministry of Land Reclamation and Water Resources of Tajikistan, and Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of Uzbekistan. At that, the need to intensify the following activities was noted with respect to:

  • working out accurate regulations for establishing water use limits, and correcting them in order to achieve water saving and uniform water supply;
  • Canal Water Committees (CWCs) and Water User Association (WUAs);
  • Disseminating pilot experiences and demonstrating fields within a larger territory.

The ICWC members will render further assistance to implement the IWRM principles and disseminate the experience of the “IWRM-Ferghana” Project in Central Asian countries.

The data from BVO “Amudarya” and BVO “Syrdarya”, SIC ICWC, CMC ICWC and ICWC Secretariat on the operations done in 2000-2003 were taken into account. The executive bodies were recommended to take additional measures for improving the effectiveness of cooperation between the countries in transboundary water resources management, focusing on intensifying of the activities for creating their legal basis.

The ICWC members will assist the executive bodies in:

  • Strengthening material and technical basis;
  • Reconstructing outdated structures;
  • Introducing automated control systems;
  • Improving hydro meteorological service and forecasts;
  • Ensuring procedures for crossing the frontiers, customs supervision and work status.

Keeping in mind particular importance of personnel training and the need for its wider development, the ICWC members decided to separate out the ICWC Training Center as an independent organization in the form of ICWC executive body, charging SIC ICWC with carrying out its organizational legalization and registration in the appropriate authorities.

SIC ICWC was commissioned to submit on behalf of ICWC a draft agreement on the creation of regional organizations’ information base to the IFAS EC to consider and approve at the IFAS Board Meeting.

The meeting participants decided to request of the IFAS Executive Committee to include CMC ICWC in the IFAS organizations with giving it status of international organization.

The participants approved the work done by the Organizational Committee Task Force towards preparing Central Asian International Scientific and Practical Conference “Central Asian Water Partnership”. The Organizational Committee Task Force was charged with informing the ICWC members about the course of the preparation for the conference, received applications for participation and requirements to participate.

The information of A.D. Ryabtsev, ICWC member and Chairman of the Committee for Water Resources, on the current water situation in the Syrdarya river middle and downstream areas and the joint measures taken and being taken for its stabilization was taken into account.

In this connection, BVO “Syrdarya” was entrusted:

  • To take into account more exact forecast data when developing operation modes of the Naryn-Syrdarya reservoir cascade in March-April and later on;
  • To create together with the representatives from Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan a Task Force for preparing proposals on the joint operation mode of the Shardarya and Arnasay reservoirs for 2004/2005 non-vegetation period, with the exception of underflooding of lands, objects and settlements within the territory of the two countries.

It was decided to hold the regular 39th ICWC Meeting in Almaty on 26-28 May 2004.


On 2 March 2004 in Tashkent, “Ferghana Valley Canal Automation” Project Kick-off Meeting was held.

The meeting objective was to discuss the organization of activities for implementing Project Phase 1, and clearing the TORs for operating personnel of the pilot canals, objects of BVO “Syrdarya” and regional groups experts.

SIC ICWC Director Prof. V.A. Dukhovny made a welcoming speech to the participants of the meeting. Greeting the audience, Johan Gelly (SDC) noted that the SDC regarded the “Ferghana valley Canal Automation” Project as an important complementary element of IWRM development in Ferghana Valley and that the project had to become a standard for the next automation objects.

Presenting his paper, Prof. V.A. Dukhovny described the project goals and tasks in detail, and informed the participants about that the proposals on the automation project were accepted last year, approved with the ICWC members, and the project preparatory phase started on 1 March 2004.

The project consists of two parts:

  • Equipping of the BVO constructions with automation systems that do not principally differ from the system, applied on the Uchkurghan weir;
  • Automation of line structures – canals, which have their own peculiarities, and, moreover, principally different requirements of automation elements (automation of waterworks, automation of balance gauging posts, and organization of monitoring by inspectors in balance sites).

Drawing up the second part has no analogues that implies a certain difficulty and a necessity to closely connect with water allocation technology within the “IWRM-Ferghana” Project.

BVO “Syrdarya” Director M.K. Khamidov talked the participants about the projects, designed for the automation of BVO “Syrdarya” objects such as the projects for automating the headwork of Dustlik Canal, South Golodnostepskiy Canal, Upper Chirchik and Uchkurghan weirs, and achieved successes. The achieved accuracy of parameter measurements and algorithms of regulation on the automated structures allow to significantly increase the accuracy of water allocation and get considerable water saving.

The BVO has already fulfilled substantial volume of operations, aimed at preparing the facilities for automation ($31,000 out of total operations amounting to $45,000 were spend) and is ready to start to mount the equipment in May. As a result of the automation of the selected BVO “Syrdarya” objeccts within this project, all the objects of the Naryn-Karadarya Authority will be united into a single automated control system.

Director of small enterprise “Sigma” A.V. Legavko reported on the experience in constructing of water resources management automation and dispatching systems on main canals, talked in detail about the Pakhtaabad Canal automation system, demonstrated the samples of the latest automation hardware (ultrasonic water level sensors, gate position sensors and controllers), drew attention of the audience to possible problems of telecommunication systems; it is necessary to prepare telecommunication layout to work out solutions, place an order for equipment and receive permission for radio communication.

I. Begimov, regional group expert, marked positive experience in automation of waterworks in Fergjana Valley and hydraulic structures on South Golodnostepskiy Canal, described the program of outstanding works.

F.Y. Einhorn, regional group expert, acquainted the audience with the TORs for the specialists of the regional group.

N.N. Mirzayev, Manager of the “Pilot Canals” Component within the “IWRM-Ferghana” Project, reported on the organization of Canal Water Committees and relationships with water users.

O. Tuychiyev, Head of the Aravan-Akbura Canal Authority, talked about the readiness of the canal objects – hydraulic structures (construction and mechanical part, electrification elements) and gauging posts – for carrying out the project activities. Now, a building for the Aravan-Akbura Canal Authority is being selected, which will be located in the middle of the canal. Dispatching points will be located on the headwork, PK-70 and in the building of the Authority.

R.A. Rustamov, Head of the South Ferghana Main Canal Authority, informed about the readiness of the South Ferghana Main Canal objects for carrying out the project activities, stated possible options on the location of dispatching points, noted the difficulties in electric supply to hydraulic structures. Dispatching points will be located in the South Ferghana Main Canal Authority building (central dispatch point), on gauging posts and on the main waterworks of the canal (local dispatch points, 10–12 ones in total), proposed to take into account the operation modes of the Karkidon and Kurgantepa reservoirs during the development of water allocation management technique, and also the possibility of automating their structures. The lecturer drew attention especially to developing a single communication system for the South Ferghana Canal (SFC), since the SFC Authority currently used the communication system of two oblasts.

A.K. Boboyev, Head of the Khodjabakirgan Main Canal Authority reported on the readiness of the main canal objects for carrying out the project activities, drew attention of the participants to the presence in Khodjent of a company developing and introducing radio communication systems.

A decision was made based on the results of the discussions.