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No. 21 (64) May 2004


From 12 to 19 May in WUA “Zarafshan” in Tajikistan, WUA “Akbarabad” in Uzbekistan, and WUA “Zhapalak” in Kyrgyzstan, the “IWRM-Ferghana” Project executors held two meetings in each pilot WUA on the following subjects:

- teaching water users and managers of WUAs the role and objectives of IWRM;
- teaching water users, specialists of WUAs and Canal Water Committee the methods for settling water disputes.

102 people from three countries, including chairmen, directors and specialists of WUAs, heads of private and dekhkan farms, chairmen and members of WUA Arbitration Boards, took part in the meetings.

At the meetings the following participants made presentations: M.A. Pinkhasov, “IWRM-Ferghana” Project WUA Activities Manager; A.S. Satybaldiyev, Director of the Project office in Osh; A.A. Alimjanov, Project Assistant; R.R. Masumov, hydrometry consultant; R.R. Nazarov, consultant-sociologist; and M. Yakubov, IWMI researcher.

During the first meeting the following presentations were made:

  • V.I. Sokolov, “IWRM-Ferghana” Project Regional Coordinator, SIC ICWC, “Integrated water resource management principles and transition to the implementation of them”;
  • M.A. Pinkhasov, “IWRM-Ferghana” Project WUA Activities Manager, SIC ICWC, “Problems solvable through WUAs in integrated water resources management”;
  • R.R. Nazarov, consultant-sociologist, SIC ICWC, and M. Yakubov, IWMI Project researcher, “Approach and strategy for social mobilization during the creation of WUA”;
  • A.A. Alimjanov, Project Regional Group assistant, SIC ICWC, “Making up and implementation of water use plan at WUA level”;
  • R.R. Masumov, hydrometry consultant, SIC ICWC, “Water accounting in integrated water resources management under conditions of pilot objects in Ferghana Valley”.

During the second meeting the following presentations were made:

  • M.A. Pinkhasov, “Methods for settling water disputes”;
  • M. Yakubov, “Normative and legal base for WUA functioning”;
  • A.A. Alimjanov, “Water allocation and supply principles applied in WUAs and terms of executing a contract for water supply to users”;
  • R.R. Nazarov, “Providing water user awareness in regard to water allocation and supply issues”.

The organized discussions viewed a range of urgent questions, related to the organization of water supply to users, activities of hydraulic engineers and hydrometrists, support of WUAs by the government in providing material and technical basis, providing long- and short-term credits to WUAS by banks for purchasing new equipment as well as for the current activities.

The meeting discussed the issues related to water disputes, their registration and formalization, and periods when disputes and organs competent for examining and settling different disputes should be reviewed.

In his speech, “IWRM-Ferghana” Project Osh Office Director A.S. Satybaldiyev noted that these meetings had been held at good professional level, at which the conveners had given the listeners clear answers to their exciting questions. He expressed a hope that now each of participants could more effectively work in their positions with the gained store of knowledge.


According to the provisions in the Kyrgyz laws:

- “About water” dated 21 July 1994, establishing “payment for water resources and objects use” (section I, article 3; section II, article 11) and “metrological provision of water resources control and accounting” (section II, article 12);

- “About providing uniformity of measurements”, put in force on 12 March 1996 and stipulating that “in mutual payments between buyer and seller” (section IV, article 13) “…, it is obligatory to create metrological services or other organizational structures for providing uniformity of measurements” (section III, article 11);

PKTI “Vodavtomatika i metrologiya” carried out preparatory work and was accredited technically competent and independent to carry out activities, aimed for calibrating all types of flow-measuring structures as well as facilities for measuring water flow parameters on open water use system, by the Kyrgyzstandart (accreditation certificate and registration certificate No. ÊG 417/1.09.029 of 4 June 1999, recertification - in June 2004).

The next stage in the formation of Metrological Service of WRD KR was the accreditation of PKTI “Vodavtomatika i metrologiya” at higher level as an organ accrediting metrological services.

As a result of the implemented activities, PKTI “Vodavtomatika i metrologiya” meets the requirements of National accreditation system of the Kyrgyz Republic and has been recognized as an organ accrediting metrological services in water sector (certificate of accrediting organ competence recognition No. ÊG 417/ÀÎ.03 of 18 June 2002).

In accordance with the provisions of GOST R ISO/MEK 17025–2000, put in force in the Kyrgyz Republic on 1 April 2003, draft law “About the foundations of technical regulation”, Decree of the Kyrgyz Government No.466 of 24 August 1999 “About the National Accreditation System of the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of assessing the compliance of products, processes, and services» and other legislative and normative documents, PKTI “Vodavtomatika i metrologiya” (CMC ICWC) has been started to prepare and accredit metrological services (MS) of oblast basin water authorities (BWA) and rayon water authorities (RWA) at the WRD KR since 2003.

To this end, during 2003 all necessary normative documents were developed and made up to equip the branches of MS WRD KR.

Over the period of intensive design and technological preparation in 2000-2003, the main working instruments for measuring water flow parameters and their working standards (calibration means), necessary in carrying out operations in the field of commercial water accounting on gauging stations of open water use systems, were developed, certified and adopted in production.

Personnel and organizational preparation remained.

Toward this end, a special 32-hour seminar, confined to the International Day of Metrology on 20 May, was held from 18 to 21 May 2004 in the Training Center of WRD KR.

The participants of the seminar were: J.B. Bekbolotov, WRD KR Director General; A.A. Takyrbashev, Deputy Director General, Chief of WRD Apparatus; V.V. Balykin, Deputy Director of the Kyrgyz National Institute of Standards and Metrology; O.S. Makarov, Director of PKTI “Vodavtomatika i metrologiya”; U.S. Boronbayev, senior engineer; V.N. Sharov, senior metrologist; senior metrologists of WRD branches and others.

After training, the senior metrologists were given standard materials for preparing, setting up and accrediting metrological services, and handed Certificates of extension courses completion.

Chui BWA was determined as a pilot project (for accrediting metrological service as technically competent to carry out activities, aimed at investigating and calibrating gauging stations) in 2004, and other BWAs in 2005.


The Regional Agricultural Development Project (RADP), funded by the Asian Development Bank by the concluded credit agreement with the Kyrgyz Government (ADB loan No.30320-01 KGZ), provides for the rehabilitation of on-farm and inter-farm irrigation and collector-drainage network in the area of 55,000 ha in Chui oblast.

As a result of winning a tender, within this project of PKTI “Vodavtomatika i metrologiya” (CMC ICWC) project estimate documents were developed for restoring on-farm and inter-farm irrigation and collector-drainage network in the area of 2,705 ha on “Zhayil” farm in Zhayil rayon and in the area of 2,275 ha on “Niva” farm in Panfilov rayon, Chui oblast.

The rehabilitation project includes:

  • water intake structure on Kara-Balta river with estimated inlet discharge of 9 m3/sec;
  • water intake structure on Aspara river with estimated inlet discharge of 7 m3/sec;
  • inter-farm irrigation network;
  • on-farm irrigation network;
  • surface collector-drainage network;
  • flushing of subsurface drains;
  • subsurface irrigation network with “Fregat” sprinkling machines on “Niva” farm.

Topogeodesic work was carried out using modern program-technical facilities.

Projects estimates documents passed public and ecological examination, and were approved by the Asian Development Bank.

Tender documents for construction were prepared.