Workshop in Osh oblast
A workshop on the “Adaptation of the Demonstration Plots Results in Improving the Sustainability of Agricultural Activity of Private Farms. The Structure, Tasks and Activities of Advisory Service” was held on 27 July 2004 in WUA “Zhapalak” among farmers of Osh oblast. 84 people participated in the workshop.
At the workshop the following participants presented papers:
- S.S. Mukhamedzhanov, “Experience of demonstration plots in the Kyrgys area of the IWRM-Ferghana Project and recommendations for effective irrigation water use”.
- À. Galustyan, “Organization of water accounting on private farms, measurement of discharge, and definition of irrigation water volume”.
- S.S. Mukhamedzhanov, “Structure, tasks and activities of Advisory Service”.
- À. Àlimjanov, “Organization of water allocation between private farmers”.
- S.À. Nerozin, “Carrying out monitoring on demonstration plots in Osh oblast”.
- S. Alybayev, “Development of the network of advisory services within the framework of WUAs”.
During the discussion of papers the following questions were touched upon:
- When, in what amount and what kinds of fertilizers should be applied under diverse crops?
- optimum dates of sowing and optimum norms of irrigation for corn, winter wheat, cotton and other crops;
- problems of pest control, particularly Colorado beetle, rats, which has lately become a real disaster for farmers;
- problems of water supply stability (Aravan-Akbura Canal);
- organization of water accounting, observance of water receipt queue, water planning and allocation for personal plots, rehabilitation of irrigation systems;
- creation of field certificates of private farms;
- problems with allocating credits during crop growing, provision with equipment;
- problems with small allotments;
- issues of organizing Advisory Service, financing it
- asking to prepare information presented by specialists at the workshop in the form of recommendations in Kyrgyz.
Workshop in Ferghana oblast
A workshop on the “Adaptation of the Demonstration Plots Results in Improving the Sustainability of Agricultural Activity of Private Farms. The Structure, Tasks and Activities of Advisory Service” was held on 29 July 2004 in WUA “Akbarabad” among farmers of Ferghana oblast. 135 people participated in the workshop.
The following participants presented papers at the workshop: S.S. Mukhamedzhanov, À. Galustyan, À. Alimjanov, À. Fozylov (“Development of the network of advisory services within the framework of WUAs”)
In conclusion, IWRM-Ferghana Project Director, SIC ICWC Director Prof. V.A. Dukhovny thanked the participants for the participation in the workshop activity, the main objective of which was to bring ideas of scientists to the notice of farmers and jointly make a decision how to work further in these difficult conditions.
“People of Ferghana were always leading lights in ability to carry out agricultural measures. Under the conditions of private sector, a farmer has been left face to face with its problems. Field is a live organism, land is a sacred thing, it is necessary to look after it carefully, delve into it, and transfer to descendents. We should teach people to obtain big harvest, carefully use the land. Water and living area are decreasing. To efficiently use water and land is our task. For example, China not only feeds itself, but also has already overtaken Canada in grain exports.
Advisory Services exist in many countries of the world. Setting up an Advisory Service here is the responsibility of WUAs. By now, 10 demonstration plots have been set up, thus, there is 1 demonstration plot in each WUA, where all necessary measurements are carried out. This information and the recommendations can be used by other farmers. Our technicians and observers, our specialists can help you.
Today you do not pay for water yet. For example, in Zarafshan valley an experiment on payment is being conducted. In Kyrgyzstan, water use reduced by 20% owing to the introduction of water charges. High water is a bitter grief. It is possible to adapt to low water. For instance, in 1975 in low water availability record harvests were obtained.
We all need field certificate, it is necessary also for you to become masters of your land, own organism. For example, in Khorezm the yield capacity was raised by 10% by removing land spottiness.
Land is handed down to our grandchildren, so let’s hand it healthy.
Another important moment. After wheat it is necessary to bring in double crops (legumes, soybean). These are additional incomes as well as fertilizers for soil.
Furthermore, there are water allocation issues. Water workers cannot manage water alone and have not a right to do so. This responsibility should be shared with the community. Canal Water Committees (CWC) comprising WUAs representatives have been founded. CWCs should participate in canal water planning and allocation. Equitable and alternate water supply, high responsibility, and severe water use discipline are basic. You are pioneers in the affair, we should not drag behind the world community,” – Prof. V.A. Dukhovny said in his speech.
Further, the discussion with farmers, technicians and observers of the demonstration plots took place, at which the matters related to the organization of an Advisory Service were touched upon. Farmers were interested in the matters concerning the use of fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides.
The Republic of Uzbekistan is an agrarian country, and the issues being considered by the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources are very urgent now.
The ordinary meeting of the Board was held at the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources on 30 July 2004.
The heads of the Departments of the Ministry, Basin Irrigation System Authorities, Oblast Agriculture and Water Resources Authorities, and lower organizations took part in the Board meeting.
The following issues were on the agenda:
- personnel that plays an important role in the development of agriculture and water sector.
- economic development and economic reforms carried out in the first half of 2004, and solving primary tasks by lower organizations of the ministry in the latter half of 2004. The issue of reforms carried out in agriculture considerably influences the economy of the country as a whole.
- development of animal husbandry, “Concept of the development of animal husbandry, fish industry, and formation of forage reserve”. Providing population with meat and milk products is a vital issue, and the development of animal husbandry in the republic leads to the rise in human well-being
- Decree of the President of Uzbekistan No. PF-3342 dated 27 October 2004 “Concept of the development of private farms in 2004-2006”, fulfilling point 8 “Training and retraining of farmers in business schools” at local level. The transition from shirkat farms to private farms has almost been completed in the republic, and training of farmers in business schools is necessary for proper and current management of private farms.
- rational use of budgetary funds. Budgetary funds should be used purposefully.
In addition:
- Recommendations of the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the republic Uzbekistan “About reasons for breaching international agreements and elimination of these defects”. Based on the above-mentioned, one might say that the performance of tasks by the Departments of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources includes ensuring stable and effective development of the country.
- Moreover, measures for improving water use in irrigation of cotton and other crops are being carried out. It is known that cotton is irrigated by furrow method. Furrow irrigation technique, as is well known, is not complete, but if some irrigation guidelines are followed, it is possible to achieve good results, since furrow irrigation is cheap.
If the most of irrigation is carried out at night, number of irrigators grows, and length of furrow is decreased, this will result in efficient water use.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources and its Main Department of Water Resources commissioned scientific institutes to develop methodical guidelines for oblasts in regard to crop irrigation.