The meeting of the leaders of interagency workgroups from the Central Asian Cooperation Organization Member States with the representatives of the World Bank to discuss the Draft Concept for the creation of an International Water and Energy Consortium (IWEC) was held on 30 July 2004 in Almaty at the Representative Office of the Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The Almaty meeting followed the teleconference held between Astana, Bishkek, Dushanbe and Tashkent on 20 July 2004 with the assistance of the World Bank to discuss the Draft Concept for the creation of an International Water and Energy Consortium (IWEC). The representatives of national interagency workgroups (IWGs), World Bank, diplomatic representatives took part in the teleconference. The delegations from Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan were more impressive in the conference activity. In particular, the first secretary of the Kazakh Embassy in Uzbekistan was present in Tashkent office during the teleconference. Uzbekistan was represented by the Head of the Water Department (WD) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources (MAWR) of the Republic of Uzbekistan (RU) and Deputy Head of the Central Dispatch Service of GAK “Uzbekenergo”.
Keeping in mind the aim at strengthening regional cooperation in regard to the problems of water and power resources use in Central Asia, available buildup and constructive position of SIC ICWC concerning the creation of IWEC, the World Bank invited SIC ICWC to participate in the teleconference to discuss the Draft Concept for the creation of IWEC in the capacity of an observer.
A number of proposals from SIC ICWC were submitted by the official representative of the interagency workgroup from WD MAWR RU.
The participants in the meeting of representatives from IWGs of the Central Asian Cooperation Organization Member States and IBRD to discuss the Draft Concept for the creation of IIWEC held on 30 July 2004 were:
- for the Republic of Kazakhstan (RK): A. Kurishbayev, Deputy Minister of Agriculture of RK; A.Ryabtsev, Chairman, Committee for Water Resources (CWR), Ministry of Agriculture (MA) of RK; N.Utegulov, Department Director, OAO “KEGOK”; N. Yermekova, Deputy Director, Department of the Ministry of Economy and Budget Planning of RK; G. Dauilbayev, Third Secretary, Committee for the CIS Affairs, Foreign Ministry of RK; K. Kudaybergenuly, Senior Consultant, OAO “KEGOK”; G. Sarsenbayeva, Head, Administration of CWR MA RK;
- for the Kyrgyz Republic (KR): J. Nazarov, Deputy Director General, OAO “National Power Plants”, KR; C. Igemberdiyev, First Secretary, CIS Affairs Department, Foreign Ministry of KR;
- for the Republic of Tajikistan (RT): A.Yorov, Deputy Minister of Energy of RT; K. Isayev, Principal Senior Officer, Division of Communications with Foreign Countries, President’s Administration of RT; R. Gulov, Head, Department Energy Policy, Ministry of Energy of RT;
- for the Republic of Uzbekistan (RU): H. Gapparov, Head, Administration, Water Department, MAWR RU, E. Sadullayev, Deputy Head, Central Dispatch Service, GAK “Uzbekenergo”;
- for the World Bank: J. Akhmetova, Coordinator of WB programs and projects in CARs.
The invited were:
- from the Asian Development Bank (ADB): M. Ashraf Malin, Director, ADB Permanent Agency in the Kyrgyz Republic; A. Mukhamedyarova, Economist Coordinator of ADB programs and projects;
- from SIC ICWC: Y. Rysbekov, SIC ICWC Director Assistant.
The meeting was presided by Deputy Minister of Agriculture of RK A. Kurishbayev.
The Draft Concept was developed in pursuance of the commission given by the Heads of Central Asian Cooperation Organization Member States dated 6 July 2003 in regard to the creation of IWEC. The Draft Concept for the creation of IWEC approved by the Parties in the preparatory stage at the teleconference on 20 July 2004 was taken as a basis during the discussion.
The discussion of the Draft Concept for the creation of IWEC was conducted “by items and paragraphs”. In view of participation status of SIC ICWC in the meeting (invited party), its proposals were submitted later, upon approval of one or another paragraph of the Concept between the official parties. At the same time, a number of SIC ICWC proposals (beginning from principle ones, in particular, for water and fuel-energy resources sharing, need for taking into account annual and long-term cycles of fluctuations in river flows during the calculation of an operation mode of reservoir cascades and so on, until the style of statement and edition of text) in regard to the Draft Concept were accepted by its official developers.
The meeting was held in the spirit of mutual understanding and at higher organizational level. The parties demonstrated the readiness to compromise for achieving common objects of mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of water and fuel-energy resources use in the region, a constructive approach in solving these or other issues prevailed in the discussion process. The tension caused to some degree in approving the Draft Concept by a number of provisions between national interagency groups of Kyrgyzstan, on the one hand, and Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, on the other hand, was alleviated by capable guidance of the presiding Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Kazakhstan.
On 30 July 2004 the Draft Concept and Meeting Minutes were signed by all the official parties. It was decided to submit the Draft Concept for the creation of IWEC, agreed with the WB, to the Committee of National Coordinators of the Central Asian Cooperation Organization Member States for consideration.
On mutual initiative of GWP RTCC of Central Asia and Caucasus and GWP Central and Eastern Europe ToolBox workgroup, a two-day meeting was organized (Issyk-Kul, Kyrgyz Republic, 6-7 August 2004), the aim of which was to become more familiar with the substance and potential use area of ToolBox. The meeting was prepared and held under the guidance of D. Talmeynerova with the assistance of T. Mtibelashvili (Slovakia). The presentation of materials to the meeting participants was divided into seven logical sections.
Section 1: Introduction to environmental policy and water use policy towards integrated nature management.
In this main presentation a particular attention was given to the main principles of environmental policy. The application of this policy in the EU Member States (including newcomers from Central and Eastern Europe) was illustrated. “Pollutant pays” principle, precaution principle, public participation principle, subsidiarity principle were expounded.
Section 2: Introduction to the integrated water resources management principles.
The main presentation was focused on the IWRM principles in accordance with the recommendations of GWP and the Dublin Ministers Resolution – four basic principles. The principle defining water as economic and social commodity was actively.
Section 3: IWRM principles in the ToolBox.
The main presentation was dedicated to the development of the ToolBox, its functions and further use. The ToolBox was demonstrated by computer. The participants practically used the ToolBox for searching alternatives in solving hypothetical problems (game exercises).
Section 5: The participants prepared and presented their specific cases a potential examples for including in the ToolBox.
- I. Sheinberger – Model for helping to make managerial decisions at the level of Basin Water Authorities (Kazakhstan)
- M. Asadov, Problems of creation and functioning of WUAs in Azerbaijan
- Y. Pulatov, Institutional reforms in water sector of Tajikistan
- E. Mesropyan, Problems of water sector reform in Armenia
- Y. Kurbanbayev, Problems of creating a Consortium for water resources management in the Amudarya lower reaches (Uzbekistan)
- A. Djayloobayev, Chui-Talas Joint Rivers Commission (CTJRC) of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyz Republic)
- T. Cholokava, Problems of sewage treatment in Georgia
Section 6: Skills in project development and management.
The research on integrated management of waterlogged lands was illustrated, and presentation on the cycle and technique of developing projects included in the ToolBox was made in the main presentation.
Section 7: Skills in negotiation and conflict management.
The main presentation was dedicated to the technique of solving problems in the presence of diverse interests. The role of negotiations, positions and approaches was stated.
Section 8: Public participation in IWRM.
The presentation was made explaining the EU methodical recommendations concerning public participation.
The participants made the following summary based on the results of the meeting:
1. Full understanding of the substance and application of the ToolBox was achieved. It was proposed to use it to assess the beginning of national IWRM planning activities in the countries of Central Asia and Caucasus, and as a check sheet for appraising the progress of activities being carried out to put IWRM principles into practice.
2. The participants agreed to complete proposals on specific examples within a month and submit them to the GWP CACENA Secretariat for translation and sending to the ToolBox for considering the possibility of including them in ToolBox dynamic version placed in the Internet.
3. It was proposed to develop the activities aimed at preparing trainers in ToolBox in the countries of the region to disseminate knowledge about IWRM using the ToolBox in the future.
The RTCC members also discussed the current problems of GWP CACENA network functioning. The following decisions were made on the results of discussions:
1. The RTCC members agreed to the necessity of appointing position of RTCC Scientific Adviser for qualified examination of GWP CACENA activities. The RTCC members unanimously confirmed Prof. V.A. Dukhovny in this capacity for the period of 2004-2006.
2. The RTCC members agreed to prolong the contract with IWMI-Tashkent for hosting the GWP CACENA Secretariat for the period of 2005-2006. V.I. Sokolov was commissioned to formalize the prolongation of the agreement between the GWP CACENA Secretariat and IWMI-Tashkent up to the end of 2004.
3. As regards the rotation of the RTCC members, the participants of the meeting confirmed the decision on replacing three RTCC members (representative from Kazakhstan – L.N. Dmitriyev, representative from Azerbaijan – N.G. Kazibekov, representative from Caucasus REC – N.Kirvalidze) in January 2005. Vacancies of the mentioned positions should be announced on the GWP CACENA website when it is updated in September 2004. When new candidates are selected, merits should be the key criterion. When the merits are equal, preference will be given to women.
4. The RTCC members approved the decision on the participation in the Conference of Environment Ministers of the countries of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia in Tbilisi on 21-22 October 2004. It was agreed that the next RTCC ordinary meeting timed to the Conference will be held on 23 October.
5. In view of that the meeting in October will be last in 2004, the RTCC members commissioned V.I. Sokolov to prepare draft plan of activities of GWP CACENA for 2005 for discussion and approval in Tbilisi.