In accordance with the IFAS Board work plan approved at the Board Meeting on 27 March 2004, an ordinary IFAS Board meeting was held in Dushanbe, 15 November 2004.
Board members, Board plenipotentiary members from separate IFAS founder states, IFAS Executive Committee (EC) members, heads of EC branches, heads of respective ministries and agencies in Tajikistan, representatives of a number of international organizations and the mass media participated In the Board meeting.
At the Board meeting the following matters were considered:
1. Course of implementing the Statement of Heads of Central Asian States on Foundation of a Special UN Commission on the Aral Sea Basin Problems.
2. Course of implementing the projects and programs related to settling problems in the Aral Sea basin thanks to all funding sources and tasks of activating the efforts made by the IFAS bodies and IFAS founder states to implement the ASBP-2.
The Board meeting was presided over by Deputy Prime Minister of Tajikistan, IFAS Board member Kozidavlat Koimdodov.
EC IFAS Chairman, First Deputy Foreign Minister of Tajikistan Sirodjiddin Aslov made a report on EC IFAS activities in 2003.
The Board members considered the above-mentioned matters on the agenda, and made respective decisions.
Decisions and materials of the Board meeting were sent to the governments of the IFAS founder states, for commissioning them to respective ministries and agencies to take measures for further fulfilling them.
of the Board of the International Fund for the Aral Sea Saving
On the course of implementing the Statement of the Heads of Central Asian States
on Foundation of a Special UN Commission on the Aral Sea Basin Problems
1. Take into consideration the information of the EC IFAS on the course of implementing the Statement of the Heads of Central Asian States on Foundation of a Special UN Commission on the Aral Sea Basin Problems.
2. EC IFAS should continue activity on implementing this statement of the heads of states, widening the cooperation with the UN commissions and other international organizations to achieve practical results in performing the ASBP-2 and raise international authority of the IFAS.
3. Commission EC IFAS to look over the issue on interaction between SPECA Project with the IFAS organizations in view of priority tasks of the states.
of the Board of the International Fund for the Aral Sea Saving
On the course of implementing the projects and programs
related to settling problems in the Aral Sea basin
thanks to all funding sources and tasks of activating the efforts
made by the IFAS bodies and IFAS founder states
to implement the ASBP-2
1. Take into consideration the Information of EC IFAS concerning the matter on the “course of implementing the projects and programs related to settling problems in the Aral Sea basin thanks to all funding sources and tasks of activating the efforts made by the IFAS bodies and IFAS founder states to implement the ASBP-2”.
2. Note the importance of activities carried out by the governments of Central Asian Republics thanks to own funds, designed for implementing the main directions of the “Program of special actions for improving environmental and socio-economic situation in the Aral Sea basin for the period from 2003 to 2010 (ASBP-2).
3. Commission EC IFAS to activate, together with ICWC and CSD, the activity aimed at attracting investments to implement the ASBP-2.
4. With a view to implementing the Statement of the Heads of the IFAS founder states dated 6 October 2002, commission EC IFAS to take measures for coordinating all the projects and programs in the Aral Sea basin performed by the IFAS organizations.
CSD, ICWC and other IFAS bodies should regularly submit information on the projects being implemented under the ASBP-2 owing to all funding sources to EC IFAS.
Mutual participation of representatives from EC IFAS, ICWC and CSD in activities being carried out by them should be considered expedient.
5. Approve the proposal of EC IFAS on appealing to the World Bank for allocating a special grant for institutional support of the IFAS organizations.
6. EC IFAS together with ICWC should consider the activities of the ICWC executive bodies and prepare a proposal for consideration of the IFAS Board.
Source: EC IFAS (
The results of the work done were discussed at the donor meeting on activating the implementation of the Aral Sea Basin Program (ASBP-2) held on Tuesday in Dushanbe on the initiative of the Executive Committee of the International Fund for the Aral Sea Saving.
During the meeting the necessity to intensify at present the activity aimed at reducing the risk of Sarez lake break in the Pamirs, and pay a special attention to investment projects for reclamation and hydro power in the region was noted.
According to Secreatry General of the Eurasian Economic Community (EEC) Grigori Rapota, a number of concepts for cooperation development in the field of water and power resources use, food security, and transport and communication projects, approved by the heads of the Community member states has already been prepared within the framework of the Community.
He also noted that “at present it is necessary to seek for consensus between states in this direction, and attract interested states”. He said that “as hydro power in the region develops the water requirement for agricultural needs will reduce that will create additional work places in construction and industry“.
Activities aimed at intensifying activities for executing new projects and programs in the Aral Sea basin were planned to carry out following the meeting.
Scientific-Information Center of ICWC published:
- Economic assessment of local and joint measures for reducing socio-economic damage in Priaralie (INTAS-ÀÐÀË-2000-1059 Project Report), in Russian and English;
- “Awaked Dragon” (survey of China's current economic development on the materials from the Economist);
- “Water and Land Laws of Turkmenistan”: law collection No. 2 (13) ’2004; contains the Code on Land and Code on Water of Turkmenistan.
All the publications are available for downloading in SIC ICWC electronic library: