A workshop under the project “Ferghana Valley Canal Automation” was held on 29-30 November at the ICWC Training Center. The aim of the workshop was to discuss general provisions and Terms of Reference of the project.
The following presentations and reports were made at the workshop:
- Prof. V.A. Dukhovny, Director of SIC ICWC - “Aims and objectives of the Project ‘Ferghana Valley Canals and BVO Syrdarya Objects Automation’ as a sequel of the IWRM-Ferghana Project”.
- M.K. Khamidov, Head of BVO Syrdarya - “Readiness of BVO Syrdarya’s objects to automation. Results of Uch-Kurgan waterworks and other BVO Syrdarya’s automated objects automation and control system operation”.
- H. Plusquellec, international expert – “Results of expert review of the first-phase report and Terms of Reference of the project”.
- I. Begimov, regional group expert – “General provisions of the first-phase project report and presentation of project ToRs”.
- F.Y. Eingorn, regional group expert – “Pilot canal monitoring system planned in the project”.
- O. Tuychiyev, Head of Aravan-Akbura Canal – “Expected effectiveness from Aravan-Akbura Canal automation and object readiness to project implementation”.
- R.A. Rustamov, Head of South Ferghana Canal – “Expected effectiveness from South Ferghana Canal automation and object readiness to project implementation”.
- A.K. Boboyev, Head of Khojabakirgan Canal - “Expected effectiveness from Khojabakirgan Canal automation and object readiness to project implementation”.
- A.V. Legavko, Head of small enterprise “Sigma” –“Results of expert review of the first-phase project report”
- J. Kraehenbuele, Swiss Cooperation Office – “About organizational and contractual arrangements of the project”.
The participants approved general provisions of the project, discussed completeness and quality of the prepared materials, including the ToRs for BVO Syrdarya objects and each of pilot canals – South Ferghana, Aravan-Akbura, and Khojabakirgan canals, as well as a plan for keeping documents and designs. The results of Uch-Kurghan waterworks and other BVo Syrdarya’s facilities operation were recognized as satisfactory. Furthermore, a number of issues to be settled for successful project implementation were discussed at the workshop.
The participants spoke at the discussion noted that the IWRM-Ferghana Project created conditions for automation in form of Canal administrations formed and working on hydrographic principle.
According to the Decree of President Islam Karimov of Ubekistan dated 15 December 2004, Sayfiddin Umarovich Ismailov was assigned as minister of agriculture and water resources of Uzbekistan.
Within the framework of the project “Capacity building in strategic planning and management of natural resources in Asia and the Pacific”, a concluding regional workshop took place on 24-26 November 2004 in Bangkok as a final project measure.
The project was launched in 2000 and funded by the UN. Project strategy was developed for more integration of sustainability issues, in particular related to the environment, into important sectors such as energy and water sector. Realizing there is a lack of tools and methodologies to maintain such a process of integration, the main element of the project was dedicated to promoting and developing methodologies and tools common by nature and so suitable for other countries and sectors. A concept of SPM was put forward, and then developed through joint approach with the help of international, regional and national experts. The most part of project activities was focused on human resources and institutional capacity building through holding a series of workshops and training at sub-regional and national levels with subsequent national researches and activities to apply a concept of SPM.
Concluding regional workshop on strategic planning and management of natural resources was held in order that the participants could:
1) exchange experiences relating the concept and potential for applying strategic planning and management approach to development of national and institutional policies;
2) identify options of strengthening strategic planning and management principle at national level;
3) create or strengthen regional and national strategic planning and management networks.
Leaders of government bodies/organizations responsible for policies in the environment, energy and water sector, as well as representatives from the UN organizations, specialized agencies, and other bodies, including sub-regional organizations and academies took part in the workshop.
During the concluding regional workshop, the following sessions were held:
Session 1: Review of experience related to applying SPM – description of the main advantage and problems
Session 2: Measures and options of using networks to maintain SPM activities
Session 3: Strategies for maintaining activities to apply SPM at national level
Session 4: Role of international agencies in supporting activities to apply SPM at national level
Session 5: Conclusions and recommendations
Full text of conclusions and recommendations of the workshop have been published at:
The republican workshop on international scientific cooperation in the European Union’s 6th Framework Program took place on 15 December at the Institute for Mechanics and Seismic Stability of Constructions named M.T. Urazbayev (IMSS). The workshop was organized by the contact point (CP) of the Sixth Framework Program Information-Consulting Center (ICC) for Central Asia in Uzbekistane.
Scientists, leading specialists from diverse research institutes, academies and other organizations in Tashkent and other cities such as Bukhara, Samarkand, Namanghan, Urgench, Gulistan participated in the meeting.
Among the participants there were specialists in earthquake-resistant construction, mechanics, energy and automation, biologists, chemists, physicians, representatives from public organizations, as well as leading scientists of the country – academicians T.R. Rashidov, R.A. Zakhidov, T.F. Bekmuradov, A.D. Glushchenko, S.S. Negmatov, IMSS Director Prof. A.A. Rizayev, professors S. Mamatkulov, G.K.Khojmetov, A.A. Ishankhojayev, A.A. Ashrabov, S.A. Bakhramov and so on.
Appearance of acad. T.R. Rashidov
Workshop participants
Appearance of Mr. B. Turdybayev, ICC manager
The workshop summarized the activities of the contact point for the last period. For example, to find potential work partners, a series of meetings with leaders and employees of a number of scientific and educational organizations were initiated and held.
The participants exchanged opinions about further scientific developments and prospects of participation in the activities of Sixth Framework Program in Uzbekistan.
At the workshop, Head of the contact point, academician T.R. Rashidov, ICC Manager B.K. Turdybayev, Prof. A.A. Ashrabov, CP Manager Assistant Ph.D. T.T. Sabirov made presentations.
Prof. S. Mamatkulov and Deputy Director for science of the Institute of Electronics A.A.Jurakhanov, which have a successful experience in several projects, expressed meaningful and useful options at the discussion.
From among potential candidates, Dr. B.L. Steklyanov and Dr. G. Sadykov spoke.
The workshop emphasized increased activity and interest of potential candidates in participation in the FP6. It was sensed that in the near future there would be interesting works that can be submitted to the FP6.