Preparing and carrying out accreditation of Metrological Service at the Water Department of the Kyrgyz Republic (WD KR)
PKTI “Vodavtomatika i metrologiya” carried out preparatory work, and was accredited for the next term as a National institute of standards and metrology of the Kyrgyz Republic (NISM KR) for technical competence to carry out activities in the field of checking all types of water-measuring facilities, and means for measuring parameters of water flows on open systems of water use (accreditation certificate and registration certificate No. ĘG 417/01. PL.082 of 08 October 2004).
PKTI “Vodavtomatika i metrologiya” meets the requirements of the National accreditation system of the Kyrgyz Republic, and was recognized as an Accrediting Organ (AO) of metrological services in water sector (competency recognition certificate of Accrediting Organ No. ĘG 417/ŔÎ.03 dated 18 June 2002).
In accordance with the provisions of GOST R ISO/MEK 17025 – 2000, introduced in the Kyrgyz Republic since 1 April 2003, draft Law on Fundamentals of Technical Regulation, Decision “On National Accreditation System of the Kyrgyz Republic in assessing adequacy of products, processes and services” of the Kyrgyz Government No. 466 dated 24 August 1999, and other legislative and normative documents, since 2003 PKTI “Vodavtomatika i metrologiya” has started to prepare and accredit metrological services (MSs) of province-level (PBWO) and district-level (DBWO) basin water organizations of WD KR. In 2004 AO PKTI “Vodavtomatika i metrologiya” first prepared and accredited Metrological Service of Chui Basin Water Organization for technical competency in inspection and calibration of gauging stations (competency recognition certificate No. KG 417/01. MS.01 dated 24 December 2004).
As preparation of metrological services of WD KR branches for accreditation, training of specialists was carried out. For that, from 18 to 21 May 2004 at the WD KR Training Center a special 32-hour seminar for advanced training of senior metrologists from MSs of WD KR branches, timed to the International Metrology Day on 20 May was held. 11 specialists were trained and given certificates of agency-level verification officers (calibrators) to inspect and calibrate gauging stations.
Additional courses were carried out from 7 to 11 June 2004 for advanced training of specialists from metrological service of Chui Basin Water Organization (40 people) who were given proficiency certificates.
Carrying out project activities for rehabilitation of irrigation network in Chui province
Regional Agriculture Development Project (RADP) funded by the Asian Development Bank under the concluded Credit Agreement with the Kyrgyz Government (ADB loan No. 30320-01 KGZ) provides for rehabilitation of on-farm and inter-farm irrigation and collector-drainage network in an area of 55,000 ha in Chui province.
Within the framework of this project, as a result of winning a tender PKTI “Vodavtomatika i metrologiya” (CMC ICWC) developed project estimate documents for rehabilitation of on-farm and inter-farm irrigation and collector-drainage network in an area of 2109 ha at WUA “Milyanfan” in Issyk-Ata district, and in an area of 1720 ha at WUA “Orositel-Azhu” in Alamudun district in Chui province.
The rehabilitation project includes:
- water intake facility at Issyk-Ata river with estimated recipient capacity of 5 m3/sec.;
- inter-farm irrigation network;
- on-farm irrigation network;
- surface collector-drainage network;
- subsurface drains washing;
- subsurface irrigation network with sprinkling machines “Fregat” at WUA “Orositel-Azhu”.
Project estimate documents passed the State and Environmental Impact Assessment, and was approved by the Asian Development Bank.
Tender documents for construction were prepared.
Carrying out a set of activities for rehabilitation of Kirov reservoir dam control system
Within the framework of the World Bank program under the project “Irrigation System Rehabilitation, Phase III” of the subproject: “Work package for rehabilitation of Kirov reservoir dam control system", specialists of PKTI “Vodavtomatika i metrologiya” developed in 2004 a draft project for creation and introduction of ‘Automated Kirov Reservoir Dam Control System’ designed to improve the system of information gathering, processing, storage, display, systematization in time intervals by objects, and compare with maximum permissible indicators.
To implement rehabilitation of Kirov reservoir dam control system through pre-equipment with controlling and measuring apparatus (CMA) and create an automated control system at Kirov reservoir dam (KRD), specialists of PKTI “Vodavtomatika i metrologiya” did the following work:
ŕ) a draft project consisting of hardware and software was developed;
b) hardware for controlling parameters on KRD automation objects was purchased:
- a portable acoustic level meter (ALM) was developed (to measure level in free-flow pressure-observation wells);
- capacitance level indicators UEM-50-T (for automatic gauging of level and discharge of seepage waters by water-measuring facilities);
- portable mechanical coordinate-measuring machines instead of the existing ones (for visual control of displacements in two directions: across and along flow;
- portable electrocontact micro indicators of MI type (for controlling displacements of marks of cross and longitudinal hydro leveling instruments), instead of the existing micro indicator;
- thermal string as a part of digital thermometers and a microcontroller (for controlling reservoir water temperature in seven points at a distance of 0.05; 0.50; 1.0; 2.0; 5.0; 10.0; 20.0 m from the surface; dam concrete temperature, air temperature at the crest, afterbay, cavity of dam;
- level meter of UKTP-2 type (for measuring level of water-measuring well at forebay;
- gate position sensors of UKTP-2 type (for measuring position of plug valves and radial gates);
c) sets of assembly parts for installing level meters, gate position sensors, thermal string, temperature sensors on controlled objects were developed and made;
d) equipment was installed on controlled objects, and cable routings were constructed;
e) assembling, balancing and commissioning works were done under the project;
f) operating personnel of Kirov reservoir dam were trained in computer skills and automated dam safety control system;
g) in December 2004 the system was put into experimental-industrial operation.
Carrying out a set of activities for reconstruction of emergency gate shaft
at Orto-Tokoy reservoir
Under the joint action program according to the Protocol made by the Commission of the Water Resources Committee of Kazakhstan and Water Department of the Kyrgyz Republic dated 29 March 2003 on operating interstate use objects in Chui-Talas river basin and determining work contents for 2004 on “Technical re-equipment of emergency gate shaft at Orto-Tokoy reservoir”, PKTI “Vodavtomatika i metrologiya” together with Kurdai branch of PMK-43 RGP “Zhambylvodkhoz” did the following work in 2004.
- A draft project was developed in total work contents.
- Electric equipment of position control and indication system for emergency gates located in lower site of emergency gate shaft was installed, connected and tuned.
- Lighting equipment and cables on stairs and lower site of emergency gate shaft were mounted.
- Ventilating equipment of emergency gate shaft was installed, assembled and launched.
- Emergency gate lifting (sinking) position indication block was made and installed in lower shaft site.
- Emergency and drainage pumps were installed, assembled and launched.
- Drainage pump level sensors were installed and assembled.
- Audible warning (siren) was connected.
- Capacitance level indicator with a portable reading element was made and installed.
- Universal secondary converter was made.
In November 2004 preliminary test of emergency gate control and indication system (Protocol No.1 on preliminary test of emergency gate position control and indication system of emergency gate shaft at Orto-Tokoy reservoir dated 29 November 2004) and pumping equipment (Protocol No.2 on preliminary test of pumping equipment and alarming siren of emergency gate shaft at Orto-Tokoy reservoir dated 29 November 2004) was carried out.
In December 2004, acceptance test of completed works was carried out (Report on acceptance test of completed works under the project “Technical re-equipment of emergency gate shaft at Orto-Tokoy reservoir dated 28 December 2004).
Based on the results of tests, Working Commission recommended to transfer technical documents and put the installed equipment into operation.