The Scientific-Information Center of ICWC together with the Water Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Processing Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic are setting about establishing in Bishkek city a Center for Consulting Services and Trainings on Water Resources and Irrigated Farming Management Improvement in Central Asian Republics.
Advanced training of water specialists from Central Asian states will be carried out at the ICWC Training Center (Tashkent) and its subsidiaries in Bishkek, Osh, Urgench, and Dushanbe.
The main objective of the Center is to provide consulting services to the projects being implemented in the region, in the field of raising water and land productivity, improving water resources management and introducing IWRM.
First, it is planned to carry out a series of trainings on integrated water resources management (first of all, for water specialists from Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan). At the next stage, trainings will be carried out at the level of state officials, decision-makers, deputies of parliaments and representatives from other authorities related to water resources, use and protection. Further, trainings will be carried out for representatives of NGOs, the public and youth on establishment, development and functioning of WUAs (for Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan); organization and functioning of extension service in regard to irrigation and drainage.
The establishment of a center will enable to:
- provide water specialists, farmers and pheasant farms with necessary information;
- identify and analyze the main problems related to agricultural production through educational procedures;
- significantly improve farming methods and technique,
- improve water and land use productivity, and welfare and social living conditions in rural areas.
A National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (NCID) was established on 23 December 2004 by the order of Minister of Water Resources of Turkmenistan B.O. Kalandarov.
Deputy Minister of Water Resources T.A. Altiyev was appointed Chairman of NCID of Turkmenistan.
The Scientific-Information Center of ICWC together with partners from Germany, Greece, Holland, Sweden, Benin (Western Africa) implements a special research project “RIVERTWIN” (“Regional model for integrated water resources management in twin basins”). The common project coordination is carried out by the partners from Germany.
On 6-7 January 2005, within the framework of measures under the block “Public participation and awareness” and developing common approaches to implementing the “RIVERTWIN” project, an international workshop was held at the ICW Training Center.
Managers, experts, senior specialists from governmental authorities, water, environmental, statistical agencies, research and design institutes, nongovernmental nonprofit organizations (NGNPO) participated in the workshop.
The “RIVERTWIN” project aims to develop, adapt and use integrated regional model for strategic planning and management of water resources (SPM WR) in twin basins with different climates, ecological, social, economic conditions.
First, a model is developed and test for European river basin (Neckar river, Germany). It is expected to try out to transfer the model to regions with other parameters - in river basins in Western Africa (Queme river, Benin) and Central Asia (Chirchik river, Akhangaran, Keles). The project zone in Central Asia covers the territories of Kazakhstan (Keles massif), Kyrgyzstan (upper Chatkal river reaches), Uzbekistan (Tashkent province).
SIC ICWC as “RIVERTWIN” project coordinator for Central Asia conducts investigations to determine priorities and key issues of water resources management in transboundary Chirchik-Akhangaran basin. Based on modeling, it is proposed to develop an integral scenario of economic growth for the basin. River basin development scenarios will be prepared.
Social, economic, environmental and other indices of river basin development sustainability are to be developed in involving the main water users in the process of discussion and selection of scenarios, which will be proposed to respective organs as a basis for basin water management plans.
At the workshop the following presentations were made:
- “Aim and Tasks of the RIVERTWIN Project”, Prof. V.A. Dukhovny, presented by V. Sokolov, Deputy Director of SIC ICWC;
- “Visions of partners on implementing the RIVERTWIN Project and problems of the water management system in the basin”, Y. Rysbekov, SIC ICWC;
- “Models used in the RIVERTWIN Project, their characteristics, and attaching models to Chirchik-Akhangaran basin”, A. Tuchin, SIC ICWC;
- “Presentation of planning objects in an integrated Chirchik-Akhangaran basin model”, A. Sorokin, SIC ICWC;
- “RIVERTWIN Project Database”, A. Kats, SIC ICWC;
- “Geographic information system (GIS)”, S. Zherelyeva, V. Shakhov, SIC ICWC;
- “Analysis and assessment of a socio-economic situation in Chirchik and Akhangaran river basins”, V. Prikhodko, SIC ICWC;
- “Environmental situation in Chirchik-Akhangaran basin”, I. Ruziyev, SIC ICWC;
- “Agricultural sector in Chirchik and Akhangaran river basins”, S. Nerozin, SPA SANIIRI;
- “Soils in Chirchik-Akhangaran basin”, G. Stulina, SPA SANIIRI;
- “Climatic changes and thier impact on water resources in Chirchik-Akhangaran basin”, N.Agaltseva, NIGMI UzHydromet.
- “Hydropower system and prospects of its development in Chirchik-Akhangaran basin”, L. Averina, SIC ICWC;
- “Place and role of public participation in water resources management in Chirchik-Akhangaran basin”, Y. Rysbekov, SIC ICWC.
Opinion exchange and discussions on presentations enabled to specify approaches to implementing the RIVERTWIN Project and making development scenarios to achieve sustainable functioning of water sector in Chirchik-Akhangaran basin in future.
The participants decided to continue opinion exchange on implementing the RIVERTWIN along the way, take an active part in making and analyzing development scenarios for Chirchik-Akhangaran basin.
To support the project “RIVERTWIN: Regional model for integrated water resources management in twin basins”, the Scientific-Information Center of ICWC has launched a website:
On the CAWater-Info Portal, a section “Towards the 4th World Water Forum “ has been launched. Here information on the preparation of water organizations in Central Asia to the 4th World Water Forum to be held on 16-22 March 2006 in Mexico City will be placed.
Solidjan Mamarasulov who many long years worked as Minister of Land Reclamation and Water Resources of the republic, then in sequence as First Secretary of Party Committees of Andijan, Surkhandarya and Tashkent provinces died.
His “proletarian” appearance, manners, frankness and openness (in youth he successfully indulged in boxing) somewhat marked out him among most of other party bonzes.
Moreover, sufficiently bold protection of his personnel by him in the years of the so-called “Uzbek affair” increased the respect for him among people. The omnipotent Moscow Center took into consideration his views anyway.
He permitted himself independent judgments in the last decades too. In November last year his wife died. Solidjan Mamarasulov could not live without her.