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No. 17 (101) October 2005


The workshop held in Aralsk, October 12-13, 2005 was organized by the Kazakh SIC ICWC branch together with the Steering Committee headed by B.K. Yelamanov, Deputy Chair of the Kzyl-Orda Administration, and with the participation of Project Co-director J. de Schutter.

The workshop was opened by Mr. Yelamanov who underlined that President N.A. Nazarbayev, considering putting facilities at Small (North) Sea into operation in November, had given a commission to start project line 2 that includes, first of all, development of the Syrdarya river delta. In view of that, the acceleration of the project activities is of a great importance for developing common scientific proposals supported by opinions of inhabitants in Kazali and Aral districts. That is why the Administration of the province takes an active part in the project, and will provide assistance to the project activities. G. Yelamanov noted the significant help being given to the region by international organizations.

J. de Schutter, V.A. Dukhovny, and Deputy Chair of the Committee for Water Resources A. Kenshimov made welcoming speeches. The paper of Project Co-director N.K. Kipshakbayev contained characteristics of six lake systems in the delta, scope of work, which, according to the local community, should be carried out in the delta. Prof. N.K. Kipshakbayev cited problems facing different project executors.

Prof. N.M. Malkovskiy, Head of department at the Institute of Geography, reported on the results of the first stage of the hydrological expedition to lower river reaches and study of lake systems. Preliminary report on this stage will be presented on November 1, 2005.

Doc. N.M. Ogar, Deputy Director of Scientific Center “TERA", reported on the results of the first stage of the ecological expedition, and K.D. Karadzholova and social ecologist of the group N. Kultashirov as regards the soil expedition. The principles of project proposals and decisions were presented by designer V.V. Yaprintsev.

In his presentation, Prof. V.A. Dukhovny told about model studies conducted by A.G. Sorokin and A.I. Tuchin to determine different options for Syrdarya runoff hydrographs that are predicted by inflow to Kazali waterworks alignment, depending on water availability in two decades taken into account, fluctuations within this period, and scenarios for future development,. Moreover, the tasks of each group for future joint project activities and model studies were explained in detail.

J. de Schutter gave a special attention to volume and accuracy of necessary socio-economic information with a view to construct “costs-effects” in different versions, as a result of analysis, and linking with restrictions on water and capital investment.

In their presentations, Head of the Aral District Administration Nadzhmetdin Musabayev, Deputy Head of the Kazali District Administration Kuntiles Nazymbekov, and directors of local commercial and non-governmental organizations gave diverse options for solving the problem.

The participants had an opportunity to get acquainted with activities of individual public associations.

Public Association “Aral Tenizi” was founded on December 1, 1998 on the basis of the Initiative Group for the International Danish-Kazakh Fishery Project “From Kattegat to the Aral Sea”.

The objective of the organization, according to its Statute, is to restore the Aral Sea by supporting sustainable fishery in the sea, improve social, economic and environmental well-being of fishers and their families in the Aral region.

The main directions in the operation of the organization are:

  • attracting investors and donors interested in sea restoration;
  • informing, conducting environmental agitation and enlightenment among population;
  • establishing relations with regional and international non-governmental organizations, experience exchange;
  • helping to conduct research activities between national and international research organizations; attracting volunteers to achieve the objectives of the public organization;
  • holding lectures, seminars, conferences, trainings and courses.

The total active membership of the Public Association "Aral Tenizi” consists of 900 people.

Reduction in species diversity of fish and bird faunas has been observed for the recent years. Fishery and hunting are one of the main vital crafts for local population. Annual income from fishing and fowling enable local population to earn for meting their daily household needs. Uncontrolled fishing leads to rapid reduction in fish populations that in turn undermines forage reserves for waterfowl, destructs nesting places of local fowl, and breaks conditions for resting of migrant birds. Waterfowl shooting on lakes and the sea in fishing season exerts a strong negative influence. It affects rare bird species most strongly, because their populations are too little. The intensive and purposeful catch of some fish species and expansion of other ones as well as fowling make a threat of loss in biodiversity of lakes, reduction in genetic diversity in fish populations, and imbalance in lake ecosystems as a whole.

At present, it is necessary to immediately introduce such forms and methods for this single source of livelihoods for local population, which would do a minimum damage to the currently distressed biodiversity, and, on the other hand, would provide long-term sustainable fish resources management and bird protection.

The proven facts on lakes brought to developing “Save Lake Biodiversity” Project being implemented by public organization “Aral Tenizi”. The project was launched in July 2000. The aim of the Project is to retain biodiversity of delta lakes in Priaralie.

The tasks of the Project are:

1) to determine the most important habitats for rare fish and bird species and priority measures for protecting them from negative anthropogenic impacts in the near future. At that an ecosystem approach is allowed for.

2) develop and implement a program to regulate fishing on delta lakes; gradually transfer fishing to the north and west of the Aral Sea with a view to reduce man-made stress on delta lakes.

3) together with the Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Agriculture and regional agencies, develop and implement new norms for fishing at water bodies in Kyzyl-Orda province (Syrdarya delta lakes and Northern Aral Sea).

4) raise environmental awareness of local people through attracting them to actively participate in solving issues concerning conservation and management of wetlands of international importance such as the Syrdarya river delta and Small Aral Sea.

To implement the project tasks, the local population is actively participating in protecting lakes from poachers, setting up fishing camps, fulfilling obligations set in the Memorandum on Joint Actions between non-governmental organizations and local authorities by taking steps for future work and assessing the project impacts. Understanding the importance of supporting the project by local population, in the initial stage of the project the executors placed the emphasis on raising awareness of the global significance and uniqueness of Aral-Syrdarya basin fauna and flora. To do this work, biology teachers and directors of schools, volunteers from among local youth were attracted; unofficial meetings, workshops, conferences, and lectures were held in local administrations and libraries.

At the meetings, the participants were informed about the significance of lakes, measures for protecting them, methods for alternative management. Local inhabitants were explained their role in conserving and restoring biodiversity and those differences that can be in case of their direct participation in fulfilling project tasks.

Positive movement occurred in consciousness of the local population can be considered as the most important project attainment. The local population is gradually coming to realization that they should and may construct their future themselves, and that how it will be directly depends on what way will be chosen: way of creation or way of destruction.


Publications of Training Center ICWC, No. 12 Climate change: what science speaks

V. Dukhovny, V. Sokolov: Challenges and actions for integrated approaches. Central Asia: position for the 4th World Water Forum

New in Water Management. No. 2, October 2005 (series "Publications of CAREWIB Project")

V. Dukhovny, V. Sokolov: Integrated Water Resources Management: Experience and Lessons Learned from Central Asia – towards the Fourth World Water Forum (published by GWP CACENA)

Integrated Water Resources Management Plans: Training manual and operational guide (on Russian, published by GWP CACENA)