5-7 December 2006, Tbilisi, Georgia
Results of regional GWP CACENA network activity in 2006 as well as aspects of transition to a new organizational structure and work program for 2007 were discussed during the fifth regional Conference of GWP CACENA Partners. More than 50 representatives of water and environment departments, scientific and design engineering organizations, leading NGOs from eight countries of the region as well as regional and international organizations and GWPO Secretariat took part in the activity. For the first time representatives of GWP CEE in person from Bulgaria and Ukraine took part in the conference.
Meeting participants recognized that the 2006 meeting had the objective of establishing a strong Regional Water Partnership network. The GWP CACENA Regional Secretariat accepted 98 application forms for membership accreditation in GWP from various organizations from eight countries. During 2006 IWRM principles had been introduced in all the countries of Central Asia and Caucasus region, i.e. the countries had transferred to more active practical actions on establishing conditions for IWRM. Meeting participants approved the general report on regional partnership activity as well as reports on the countries presented by National Coordinators.
Meeting participants paid a special attention to efforts on organizational capacity building among work results 2006 for supporting IWRM planning process at national level with financial support from Finland Government. National workshops were held in every country of the region in order to disseminate GWP experience more widely. It is important that training has been combined with activity on carrying on policy dialogue and campaign on raising awareness.
Participants expressed a special thanks to Finnish Institute of Nature Protection SYKE for organizing the workshop on transboundary problems in Helsinki in June 2006 as well as to GWP CEE and personally to Danka Thalmenierova (Slovakia) for organizing joint works on ToolBox. A number of joint workshops on ToolBox was successfully continued in 2006 (Charvak, May and Issyk-Kul, July).
It was especially marked out that Country Water Partnership network had been actively functioning already at three states (Kazakhstan, Armenia and Georgia). The remaining countries came to practical forming of Country Partnerships.
The Conference expressed warm thanks to the GWPO Secretariat (Stockholm) for given opportunity to large region representatives (14 delegates) to take part in the Annual meeting of GWP partners and celebrating GWP Anniversary in Stockholm in August.
In connection with the end of full-value Regional Water Partnership formation participants had discussed GWP CACENA Secretariat Proposal on a new structure of network coordination and came to the following agreements:
1. The new Statutes for the Regional Water Partnership in Caucasus and Central Asia were adopted with account of amendments made during the discussion.
2. According to the Statutes a new governing structure was established Regional Council (RC) consisting of eight persons (in one representative of every country). According to nominations from delegations of the countries there were elected to Regional Council members by consensus the following persons:
- From Armenia Mr. Narimanyan Vladimir (Agency for water resources)
- From Azerbaijan Mr. Asadov Mammed (Meliovodkhoz public corporation)
- Form Georgia Mrs. Chkhobadze Nino (NGO)
- From Kazakhstan Mr. Kipshakbaev Nariman (SIC ICWC Kazakh branch)
- From Kyrgyz Republic Mrs. Musabaeva Kasiet (NGO)
- From Tajikistan Mr. Pulatov Yarash (TajikNIIGM)
- From Turkmenistan Mr. Saparov Usman (Turmensuvtashlama)
- From Uzbekistan Mr. Sheraliev Normukhamad (Ministry for Agriculture and Water Resources)
Term of RC members agreed two years (up to December 2008).
3. GWP CACENA Regional Council Chairman was elected Mrs. Chkhobadze Nino by consensus during the first RC Meeting
Term of RC Chairman agreed two years (up to December 2008).
4. In order to coordinate technical policy and consultations on maintaining Partnership network activities, a Regional Advisory Board (RAB) was established consisting of leading specialists from the region countries in the field of IWRM, where there were elected the following persons according to nominations from delegations of the countries:
- Aknazarov Sestager (Kazakhstan)
- Kurbanbaev Erejep (Uzbekistan)
- Djailoobaev Abdybay (the Kyrgyz Republic)
- Ovsepyan Arevik (Armenia)
- Dzamukashvili Georgiy (Georgia)
- Osmanov Teimur (Azerbaijan)
- Rakhmanov Bozor (Tajikistan)
- Djumadurdyev Ovezdurdy (Turkmenistan)
Term of RAB members agreed two years (up to December 2008).
5. In order to administrate Partnership network activity the Regional Secretariat should be retained under the Host institute (IWMI office in Tashkent) and headed by Regional Coordinator. Regional Coordinator was elected by consensus Sokolov Vadim (SIC ICWC, Uzbekistan)
Term of Regional Coordinator agreed two years (up to December 2008).
Participants discussed Work Program of the GWP CACENA for 2007, which included five activity directions according to outputs approved by the GWP Secretariat (Stockholm):
- IWRM water policy and strategy development facilitated on relevant levels.
- IWRM programs and tools developed in response to regional and country needs.
- Linkages between GWP and other frameworks, sectors, and issues ensured.
- GWP partnerships established and consolidated at relevant levels.
- GWP network effectively developed and managed.
Participants agreed to approve the presented program with insignificant corrections regarding details of work scope and dates based on consensus during discussing all outputs of the work plan. The decision on entrusting Regional Secretariat jointly with National Coordinators (RC members) to prepare concrete ToRs and contracts regarding every output was made on the basis of accepted program in order to execute works taking into account stipulated dates. Work progress should be monitored regularly at Regional Council and RAB Meetings and the final report should be presented to the Annual Conference of GWP CACENA Partners in December 2007.
Participants highly evaluated the role of Finland Government assistance and SYKE Institute (Helsinki) for IWRM principles implementation process in the region countries as well as expressed their thanks to the GWPO for fruitful organizational and financial support of Regional Partnership network activity.
Participants thank the conference organizers the Georgia Country Water Partnership as well as Georgia Parliament in the person of Committee on Environment and Natural Resources, Ministry for Environment and Water Resources of Georgia in the person of Service on Water Resources Management, Caucasus REC, Gruzvodocanal limited company for hospitality and providing the high level of the conference activity.