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No. 2 (151) March 2008


The 49th meeting of ICWC was held on 19 March 2008, Tashkent, under the chairmanship of S.R. Khamrayev, Deputy Minister, Chief of the Water Department at the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of Uzbekistan.

The following items were entered on the agenda of the meeting:

  1. Progress in the implementation of water withdrawal limits and ensuring of the adopted operation mode for reservoir cascades in the non-vegetation period 2007/2008 and expected water situation in the Amudarya and Syrdarya river basins in the vegetation period 2008.
  2. Program for financial-economic activities of ICWC and its executive bodies.
  3. Progress in activities under the ADB RETA 6163.
  4. Results of the IWRM-Fergana Project assessment and consideration of the Project Document for Phase 4 of the IWRM-Fergana Project.
  5. The Statute on ICWC and the Agreement on Strengthening Organizational Framework for Management, Protection and Development of Water Resources from Interstate Sources in the Aral Sea Basin.
  6. Results of the 1st Asia-Pacific Water Summit.
  7. Agenda and venue of the next 50th ICWC meeting.

Additional items:

  1. Central Asian International Scientific-Practical Conference “Towards the 5th World Water Forum”.
  2. Results of the CAREWIB Project for 2007.

ICWC members took into account the information of BWO “Amudarya” and BWO “Syrdarya” on the implementation of water withdrawal limits and observance of adopted operation mode for reservoir cascades in the non-vegetation period 2007/2008. At the meeting, the preliminary water balance for the Amudarya and Syrdarya river basins for the vegetation period 2008 was discussed as well.

Based on the predicted extremely tense situation with water supply, BWO “Amudarya” and BWO “Syrdarya” were instructed to reduce water withdrawal limits for the states in April 2008 by 10%, with subsequent adjustment for the remaining vegetation period after obtaining amended forecasts from Hydromet Services.

It is planned to hold a work meeting of representatives from water and energy organizations in the Syrdarya river basin states to determine water releases from the Toktogul reservoir in the vegetation period 2008 and appropriate electric power overflows and fuel-energy resources deliveries.

Considering deep drawdown of the Kayrakkum reservoir, with a view to providing normal operation of pumping plants located on it and fortification of dams, a work meeting of chiefs of water management organizations in the Syrdarya river basin states will also be held to determine scope, financing amount and timeframe of work to be done.

The meeting participants took the information on financial-economic activities of ICWC and its executive bodies into account, and approved cost estimates for 2008.

ICWC members considered the existing differences in opinions of the members of the working group of the ADB RETA 6163, and made a decision on non-agreed items of the draft Agreement on the Use of Water and Energy Resources in the Syrdarya River Basin

It was noted that under the project the planned work had been done on preparation of:

  • rules for fulfillment of procedural obligations, and recommendations for improvement of the rules for regulation and management of water and energy resources in the Syrdarya river basin;
  • recommendations for clarification of channel losses in the mid- and downstream of the Amudarya river;
  • method for development and agreeing of detailed methodical recommendations for accounting of basin-wide costs, gathering of data and assessment of actual damage from regimes of water resources use;
  • register of interstate objects in the Amudarya and Syrdarya river basins.

Expert examination of mentioned guidelines will be organized in order to approve them at the 50th ICWC meeting.

In general, the activity under the ADB RETA 6163 was viewed favorably by ICWC members. The meeting participants ask the ADB to continue providing assistance in improvement of water resources management in Central Asia.

The participants approved the results of the IWRM-Fergana Project within the framework of Phase 3. Based on the results achieved, it is planned to organize final Phase 4 of the project, in which a particular attention will be paid to strengthening of activities at national level related to completion of IWRM implementation in pilot projects and to dissemination of this experience, especially through the projects of regional donors. The efforts of national groups on project coordination should be focused on wide information of all stakeholders on development of IWRM, dissemination of advanced IWRM principles and on building of government support to IWRM in institutional, legal, and financial aspects.

SIC ICWC was instructed to facilitate preparatory work for justification of Project Phase 4 and its launching since 1 May 2008 in order to ensure work continuity (together with IWMI).

At the meeting, the Project Document for Phase 4 was approved as well.

The meeting participants took into account the information on the results of the 1st Asia-Pacific Water Summit held under the preparatory activities towards the 5th World Water Forum and participation of a delegation from Central Asia in its activity.

ICWC members approved the Project Document for Phase 2 of the CAREWIB Project and took the results of the CAREWIB Project achieved in 2007 into account.

It was decided to heighten the attention to the development of the work on creation of national information systems.

ICWC members expressed their deep gratitude to the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) for financial and technical support to the IWRM-Fergana and CAREWIB Projects.

The next 50th ICWC meeting will be held in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, on 20 to 22 May 2008. At the suggestion made by ICWC member for the Kyrgyz Republic Mr. B.T. Koshmatov together with SIC ICWC, Central Asian International Scientific-Practical Conference “Towards the 5th World Water Forum” will be held at the same time.


The media tour was conducted on 29 March, bringing together over 40 journalists from different mass media in Tashkent. It was organized within the framework of the “Ecological Knowledge – for the Mass Media and Society” Project by the Tashkent Information Center “Habitat” (project manager – N. Shulepina). The partners in organization of a media tour and a round table were:

  • Scientific-Information Center of Interstate Commission for Water Coordination in Central Asia (SIC ICWC)
  • Global Water Partnership (GWP) for Central Asia and Caucasus
  • Basin Water Organization (BWO) “Syrdarya”
  • International Water Management Institute (IWMI).

The aim of the “Ecological Knowledge – for the Mass Media and Society” Project is to disseminate ecological knowledge, combine efforts of professional ecologists and journalists for raising public awareness.

The media tour on water problems gave journalists of printing and electronic mass media an opportunity to go to and view the Upper Chirchik Waterworks, and get familiar with the electronic control system in its control center. At the round table, the discussion of a subject on “How should water resources be managed?” was continued.

Deputy Chief of BWO “Syrdarya” Aleksandr Loktionov told journalists about what work was being done on automation of water management on the Syrdarya river, about activities of BWO “Syrdarya”.

The information of key specialist Anatoliy Sorokin from SIC ICWC about the water situation in 2008 in Uzbekistan and Central Asia, problems of water shortage and water availability aroused a keen interest of journalists and many questions.

Project member Oyture Anarbekov (IWMI) reported on the implementation of a pilot project for integrated water resources management in Fergana Valley, on the establishment of water users associations (WUA), public councils, other forms of public participation, and on the launch of Phase 4 of the IWRM-Fergana Project. The discussion held later on enabled journalists to obtain further insight into the theme.

The presentation made by Galina Stulina (SIC ICWC) was dedicated to water resources and gender. This subject is regarded as very urgent one in the world. At that, the role of woman in formation of a respectful attitude to water in family and society is considered to be especially important. The expert reported on research activities being conducted in this direction in Uzbekistan, Central Asia and the world.

After the round table, the participants of the media tour went to Charvak reservoir. There, experts provided information on reservoirs in Uzbekistan and Central Asia.

The media tour and round table not only enabled to determine major themes for messages in the mass media and provide first-hand knowledge, but also serve as a basis for further cooperation between journalists and water specialists. The mass media are the main source of information for population. Thanks to journalists and ecologists, population will obtain competent answers to questions: How should water resources be managed? How can water be used efficiently? The comprehension of water problems leads the society to positive solutions and actions for efficient water use.