The meeting of Presidents from the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan was held on 28 April 2009 in Almaty. Parties adopted the Join Statement, in which the Heads of the state-founders of IFAS have requested the Executive Committee of IFAS to develop the Action Program on Assistance for the Aral Sea Basin countries for 2011-2015 (ASBP-3) jointly with the Interstate Coordination Water Commission (ICWC), the Interstate Commission on Sustainable Development (ICSD), the International Fund for Aral Sea saving (IFAS), involving national experts and donors, for further consideration and approval by the state-founders of IFAS.
Currently, the Action Program on Assistance for the Aral Sea Basin countries for 2011-2015 (ASBP-3) is under development.
The consulting work with donors and international organizations, including UNECE, World Bank, European Commission, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, UNDP is being implemented. The consultative meeting of donor organizations was held on 17 November 2009. Within the analysis of the required assistance of experts the issues on organization of donor assistance are discussed , in particular, the establishment of donor coordination structure, methods and mechanisms, coordination of development process, deadlines. Participants emphasized a need to form the contact group to hold communication between national and international experts and also they suggested to appoint the international expert as a manager of the whole process responsible for daily plan development process. The ideas about the ASBP-3 project content particularly the existing and planned projects of donors to be included were discussed.
The IFAS Regional Work Group consisting of groups on main areas of the ASBP-3 was formed on 19 January 2010 with aim to coordinate activity on development and effective implementation of the ASBP-3 in time and with high quality, as well the Framework Document on the development of the ASBP-3 was elaborated which includes selection criteria for the projects and the terms of reference for the programme development. Also the EC IFAS has developed requirements to the qualification of experts and were presented to the donor organisations in order to assist the IFAS with expertise. Currently the international experts training is continuing. Eurasian Development Bank
The working timetable on 2010, including the ASBM-3 development stages, side events, planned meetings, sessions of national and regional branches of IFAS, their deadlines is drawn up. Moreover the block diagram of project implementation including the GTZ project "Regional dialogue and cooperation on the water resources management" that aimed to improvement of the institutional and legal basis of IFAS, of which goals are conformed to 4th main area of ASBM-3, is elaborated.
The working events plan includes conducting the regular coordinating meeting with donors organizations in the middle of March. The joint working group meeting including the expert groups, which are formed for the ASBM-3 development, and groups within the GTZ project is planned in 3d ten-days period of April. To this moment the Executive Committee proposes to process the national consultations outcomes, being conducted for the period from 2n half of February till the beginning of March by every country.
Also the working timetable includes conducting the other meetings and consultations in accordance with the ASBM-3 development process. Information about the ASBM-3 development process is planned to be presented for consideration at the next regular meeting of the EC IFAS. And to the end of 2010 the International donors conference is planned where the ASBM-3 project will be presented.
Source: EC IFAS
The General Assembly of the International Network of Basin Organizations took place in Dakar in Senegal from 21 to 23 January 2010, at the invitation of the Organization for the Development of the Senegal River (OMVS).
The meeting was held under the auspices of His Excellency the President of the Republic of Senegal and honored with the effective presence of the President of the Senate, the President of the National Assembly, the President of the Economic and Social Council, the Prime Minister and the Minister for Energy of the Republic of Senegal, as well as of the Minister for Energy and Water of the Republic of Mali, the Minister for Hydraulics and Sanitation of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, the Vice-Mayor of Dakar and the High-Commissioner of OMVS.
The Assembly gathered 268 delegates, representing the Member Organizations, water administrations or observers from 41 Countries, as well as the representatives of several interested multilateral organizations and International Commissions or Authorities for transboundary basins. Central Asia was represented by Sokolov V.I., Deputy Director, SIC ICWC, Uzbekistan.
The main outcomes of General Assembly of INBO were presented by the participants in the Declaration of Dakar, in which there are the following aspects to attract special attention:
Integrated and sound water resources management is more than ever an unquestionable priority when this scarce resource is already a limiting factor for sustainable development in many countries of the world. Unprecedented mobilization is essential for humanity to win the water battle and prepare the future. Organizing this management on a basin scale is an effective solution which deserves to be developed, fostered and supported.
INBO intends to actively contribute to the efforts for adapting to the effects of climate change:
- by supporting programs for identification of the threats, allowing anticipation, thanks, for example, to the development of integrated information systems,
- by allowing the populations to be better warned and informed on the evolutions and
- behaviors that are likely to overcome the difficulties,
- by protecting and adapting natural spaces in basins and infrastructures within the framework of basin management plans,
- by supporting the development of better coordinated agricultural and forestry policies regarding deforestation control, irrigation and water storage in particular.
It is especially necessary:
- to improve the collection of information allowing a modeling of the phenomena and the development of scenarios leading to an identification of the most vulnerable black spots, to giving priority to the actions to be carried out and to a suitable answer;
- to reinforce the water management institutions to guarantee a long-term and rational meeting of the needs of the populations, industry, hydropower power, agriculture and fresh water fish farming, tourism and of the ecosystems.
Investing in water management is profitable! This produces immediate dvantages but also creates a social, economic and environmental strength in the long term. Avoiding the effects of floods and droughts, fighting against wastages and pollution, protecting aquatic ecosystems also allow reducing poverty and ensuring sustainable development.
INBO member organizations have experience and expertise which they intend to pool and pit them at the disposal of all the countries and institutions which would like to follow them in an effective basin management approach.
The Assembly underlined the great interest of publishing “Briefs”, such as that on basin development and management, jointly published in 2008 with the “International Water Management Institute ” and the GWP - Global Water Partnership , and of course “Handbooks”, such as the “INBO/GWP Handbook on integrated management by basin”, which is a great success… already translated into nine languages, including Russian language.
The drafting of a second Handbook on transboundary river basin management to be launched in 2010 with GWP and UNESCO was well received.
The Assembly underlined successes of close cooperation between INBO's regional networks and regional GWPs in some regions (Africa, Europe, Central Asia and Caucasus) regarding implementation of IWRM principles at the basin level.
The Assembly was informed about establishment of the Network of Russian-speaking Basin Organizations of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA-NBO), which started in Moscow on 11 and 12 December 2008. Its provisional secretariat chaired by Mr. Victor Dukhovny is situated at the SIC ICWC in Tashkent.
The Assembly unanimously nominated Mr. Mohamed Salem Ould Merzoug, an academic, a researcher, a former Minister and current High Commissioner of the Organization for the Development of the Senegal River (OMVS), as the new INBO World President until next General Assembly which will take place in 2013 in Brazil.
It also nominated the members of the World Liaison Bureau proposed by the national Authorities and Member Organizations concerned in each region: Mrs. Madeleine Jouye de Grandmaison (France) and Mr. Monsieur Laszlo Kothay are ex-officio members of the Liaison Bureau as former Presidents and Mr. Vicente Andreu Guillo, President of ANA (Brazil), as next President in 2013, as well as the representatives of the Permanent Technical Secretariats: Mr. Jean-Francois Donzier for INBO and EUROPE-INBO, Mr. Dalto Favero Brochi for LANBO, Mr. Luis Firmino Pereira for MENBO, Mrs. Daniela Radulescu for CEENBO, Mr. Adama Sanogo for ANBO and Mr. Javier Ferrer for MENBO, Mr. Normand Cazelais for NANBO and Mr. Vadim Sokolov for EECCA-NBO.
The Assembly awarded unanimously the title of «honorary INBO expert», for services rendered to the Network, to Mr. Laszlo Kothay, and to Messrs. Jacky Cottet, Walter Mazzitti, Victor Dukhovny, Pierre Roussel, Oscar Cordeiro, Ovidiu Gabor, Reginald Tekateka and Tamsir Ndyane.
The General Assembly proposed to the organizers of the 6th World Water Forum that INBO organizes preparatory work on « the creation and strengthening of Basin Organizations over the World and transboundary cooperation » in collaboration with the other relevant and representative organizations concerned, UNESCO and FAO in particular.
The Assembly mandated the World Liaison Bureau for preparing INBO participation in the 6th World Water Forum of Marseilles and for also planning active partnerships with the organizers of specific events on this occasion. It entrusted Messrs. Guy FRADIN and Victor DUKOVNY, as Governors of the World Water Council and Members of INBO World Liaison Bureau, and JF DONZIER from PTS, to ensure a permanent liaison with the Marseilles Forum organizers.
The field trip to water management structures at the Senegal River head near border with Mauritania was organized for the participants on 23 January.
GWP representatives at the INBO Assembly
His Excellency the President of the Republic of Senegal Mr. Abdoulaye Wade
INBO Assembly Plenary session
Baobabs – part of the Great Green Wall across the Africa
Field visit to the Diama Dam on the Senegal river
Sluice gates
Tea ceremony
Dirty canal – typical picture for Dakar area