Ceremonial events connected to annual National Holiday "Drop of Water is Grain of Gold" celebrated in the first Sunday of April were held in Ashgabad, on 2-4 April, 2010. It is a symbolic event in the context of water management development perspectives in Turkmenistan and broadening international cooperation for solving global water availability problem.
Today hydraulic engineer has in service the most modern machinery, new irrigation technologies, scientific findings, which allow to embody the most daring and ambitious projects. Among them is a such huge project as the construction of the Turkmen lake having no analogues to the supplying collectors system in the World; these collectors are crossing one of the great deserts of the world that is the Karakum desert.
Turkmenistan consistently calls for mutually beneficial cooperation in the sphere of water management, cautious attitude to water use considered at the interests of all countries in the region. Attention to issues of water management being given in the country, confirms the fact that Turkmenistan is actively organizing international forums at which leading scientists from around the world share their experiences.
In the massive program of the forum a special place is dedicated to huge international exhibition "World experience and the leading technologies for effective water resources management" organized by the Ministry of Water Resources and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan. Main objectives of the exhibition are to promote the solution of problems of quality, reliability, security and rational use of aquatic resources; as well the development of specific measures in water supply including in agriculture, and rational and effective utilization of water resources of Turkmenistan. The exhibition placed in the Metropolitan Exposition Center, has demonstrated the achievements of water management in the country, the advanced designs and technologies, it was attended by world famous companies - leaders in production of equipment and machinery for the branch.
The following sections were presented in the exhibition:
- Water resources for different sectors (industry, energy, municipality, agriculture, fish culture and aquaculture);
- Water supply, water processing (water purification and treatment);
- Geoinformation decisions in water management;
- Waterproofing, sealants, connectors;
- Land reclamation machinery for construction, reconstruction and operation of irrigation systems, new irrigation systems;
- Control and regulation instrumentation;
- Pumps, boilers, turbines, compressors, motors;
- Equipment for filtering, filters, reagents, water softening, iron removal systems, water desalination, water chlorination systems;
- Increasing the wastelessness level for water use;
- Devices and equipment for water quality control;
- Products related to water delivery and distribution;
- Various kind of pipes (high density polyethylene, polyvinylchloride, stainless steel etc.);
- Pipelines and water tanks
- Wastewater; Treatment of municipal and agricultural wastewaters; Water reuse technologies;
- Hydraulic engineering construction;
- Water utility meters, Filters for additional treatment of water for private and sharing use;
- Water resources management;
- Operation of water pipelines and sewerage;
- Energy-saving technologies in sanitation sector;
- Climate change impact on ecology and water resources;
- Integrated water resources management (IWRM);
- Water resources security;
- Water saving technologies, water metering systems and water control on irrigation systems;
- Groundwater exploration and use (new exploration methods, groundwater quality, groundwater use in desert regions).
The leading scientists and experts from international and intergovernmental organizations, agricultural universities and research institutions from Central Asia, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Turkey and Israel participated at the international conference "World experience and advanced technologies for effective water resources use".

Papers and presentations were presented on the following themes:
- International water bodies: problems and tasks of cooperation;
- Experience of transboundary water bodies' use (apportionment; diversion of runoff);
- Protection of transboundary water bodies (ensuring the water use security during emergency;unified ecological standards; water ecosystems protection and reconstruction; security of the hydraulic engineering structures; responsibility for infringement of the international water laws);
- Monitoring of international water bodies; devices for control and measurement. Urban and industrial water supply; renovation technologies for structures and water pipelines;
- Alternative sources for water supply.
The regular 55th meeting of the Interstate Coordination Water Commission of Central Asia was held in the framework of conference events, where current issues on interstate water resources management and the water supply plans of the next crop vegetation period were considered.
Also a meeting of the working group of member countries' representatives of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea on preparation of programs to improve the ecological and socio-economic condition of the Aral Sea Basin was held.
Environmental issues were discussed at the seminar "Ecological aspects of protection and rational use of water and land resources of Central Asia”.
The ceremonial national celebration was at the riversides of the Karakum River on April, 4. Performances of artists, musicians and the dancing groups were organized.

he President of Turkmenistan addressed to the participants of the international forum "A Drop of Water is a Grain of Gold" with the welcoming speech, in which he noted the close cooperation with the United Nations, European Union, the Global Environment Facility on the problems of water supply and environmental security, rational use of transboundary water resources in Central Asian region, and overcoming the negative impact of the Aral crisis on ecological situation. The country's leader expressed confidence that this international forum, exhibition and conference will be the efficient tools for broad international community to getting acquainted with water management achievements of independent neutral Turkmenistan, and will provide the mutual beneficial exchange of experience and the strengthening cooperation with leading producers of modern scientific developments and technologies, and consideration and searching of ways for further extending and developing of the efficient mutually beneficial collaboration with the interested companies.
55th regular meeting of the Interstate Coordination Water Commission was held on 3 April 2010 in Ashgabad under the chairmanship of Mr. Yazmuradov A.O., Minister of Water Management of Turkmenistan.
The following issues were considered within the Agenda of the meeting:
1. Regarding fulfillment of water withdrawal limits during the non-vegetation period 2009-2010 and approval of water withdrawal limits from the Amudarya and Syrdarya rivers during forthcoming vegetation period 2010, and coordination of the predictive regime of the reservoirs cascade.
2. Regarding proposals for the ADB 6486-REG project: "Improving water resources management in Central Asia"
3. Regarding results of the Organizing Commission activity related to relocation of SIC ICWC to the Republic of Tajikistan.
4. Regarding agenda and venue of the next 56th ICWC meeting.
Relevant decisions were adopted for all issues.