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No. 9 (180) July 2010


Such rapid convening of WWC Board meeting after the inauguration of the 6th World Water Forum in June by Mr. Nicolas Sarkozy, President of France, and the ensuing discussion of the proposed topics of the Forum is caused by the circumstance that virtually the preparation to the Forum as compared with previous ones, especially with 3 WWF in Kyoto, delays considerably. Therefore, the preparation of the Forum and the implementation of the preparatory campaign demanded an immediate (just 20 days later) holding the next meeting of the Board, which under the invitation of the Ministry of Water Resources of China took place first in Beijing on June 24-25, and then ended in Shanghai on 26-27 June.

Mr. Chen Lei, Minister of Water Resources of China, welcomed the opening of the Board meeting. Mr. Hu Siyi, Deputy Minister, outlined the main directions of the water management development in the country. He stressed that the Ministry now has developed a new strategy of activities, where the peculiarity of the current situation in water management is reflected:

  • steady increasing of extreme events under the climate change impact. Nearly every year country suffers from the devastating floods, which follow periodic droughts. And this year, just now, during the Board meeting in the south-west of China are enormous floods, mostly on small rivers, which killed hundreds people and thousands villages were evacuated. If the country's main rivers are regulated (Yangtze, Yellow River), then the numerous of small and medium-sized rivers, especially in the monsoon zone, are characterized by large natural flow fluctuations, resulting in attracting significant investments, particularly for regulating of tributaries and upstream sections and flood protection works along the river beds;
  • increased attention to the guaranteed water supply especially in dry areas, led to development of the flow diversion from one basin to another, which allows to adjust water availability in years with different wetness. The largest effort is the first stage of construction of the South-North canal;
  • intensive investments to infrastructure are accompanied by an increased attention to the water demand management, which is being developed by the Ministry through the decentralization of management, transfer it to the regional organizations and water user associations under the strict control of the Ministry in accordance with approved government tasks on rational water use;
  • The Government in every way promotes the construction of hydropower structures within small hydropower, where China has a leading position in the world, as well in construction of hydropower stations in the country and abroad. Currently, China's firm "Sinogidro" builds 60 new large hydropower plants in the country and more than 100 ones abroad, owing to development of hydropower industry in the country.

Mr. Luic Fauchon, President of the WWC Board, presented such main tasks of the Board activity as the Forum preparation, which is entrusted to the International Committee of the Forum, and focusing the whole water community on the growing water crisis. The WWC approved the work program for the next 3 years, which should be developed in cooperation with members of the Council and national water communities. It includes four major areas that should be implemented constantly and correspond to the World Water Forum ideas:

  • ensuring the policy on improving of water supply, sanitation and water resources management (political process);
  • strengthening the involvement of main water organizations into solving global water issues (thematic process);
  • strengthening regional cooperation for achieving water security and economic development (regulation process);
  • mobilization of citizens and users to overcome the water crisis (communication process).

Regarding first issue, the Council organized the work of approximately hundred mayors who have signed the Istanbul Water Consensus. Up to 1000 subjects is supposed to be covered by members of the Council .

In addition, it is proposed to organize a work group of representatives from parliaments of all continents in the World. The meeting of parliamentarians from the Middle East is already prepared which will be held in Beirut.

Concerning the second issue, the agreement on joint activity between the WWC and the International Water Association (IWA) which represents the interests of the water management business and reflects the prospects for joint work was signed in Shanghai. The work group on adaptation to climate change is organized. Its leader - Mark Smith (IUCN) - presented a brief report on the results of the Copenhagen Summit, which almost resulted in disappointment of the global public in the world's leaders.

Regarding the third issue, Prof. Dukhovny V.A. prepared a note outlining the concept and the work plan. It was sent directly to the Board and the Board's members 2 months ago. Mr. Fauchon, President of WWC, stressed the need to accelerate response to the proposal.

Regarding the fourth issue, the WWC has prepared the World Water Pavilion at the Expo 2010, which was inaugurated in Shanghai, in the presence of the Board members who will attend the Singapore Water Forum and the Stockholm Water Week and will advocate the WWC's strategy and give it to the media.

Prof. Ben Braga, Vice President of the WWC, Chairman of the International Committee of the Forum, jointly organized by the WWC and the Government of France, has reported on the Committee's structure composed of 11 representatives from the WWC and 11 representatives of the Government. The Committee has formed the Bureau of 4 people: B. Braga, O. Gauthier (Ministry of Environment of France), Martin Vassal (Deputy Mayor of Marseille) and A. Szollosi-Nagy (UNESCO, member of the WWC Board). The Committee appointed four heads and deputy heads of advisory bodies:

  • the political process - the head: P. Lacoste, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the deputy head: A. A. Szollosi-Nagy (WWC);
  • the thematic process - the head: D.Altinbilek (WWC); the deputy head: P. Lavarde (French National Water Society);
  • the regulation process - the head: E. Park (WWC), the deputy head: M. Bernard (French Development Agency);
  • the communication process - the head: M. Vassal (Marseille), the deputy head: H. Kennou (WWC).

Mrs. Vivian Rofort was appointed the Committee's executive director.

Like the previous Fora the whole process of preparation and realization of the Forum is formed as a political, thematic, regional, and information processes, which should be developed on a single basis and within a certain direction.

The previous fora were aimed to increase understanding of the whole society about water problems, the growing water crisis and the corresponding need for the global community's efforts in overcoming the future challenges. These goals can be considered as achieved, because understanding the severity of the water situation is available throughout the world by all people. Key issues and challenges have been investigated sufficiently clear. These are as follows:

  • climate change impact on both increasing water supply caused by temperature growth and frequency of extreme water events;
  • demographic pressure resulting in the increase of water demands and needs to special focus on the water management in the cities because of extending urbanization impact both on water supply and sanitation, and water quality;
  • increasing financial deficit for water management development and support because of economic crisis;
  • strengthening globalization and commercialization of water management;
  • poor water security of water regions caused by un-cooperation on transboundary water bodies sometimes having the political pressure.

Forthcoming Forum has to become Forum of actions, decisions and elaboration of platform to be presented to future generations.

For this purpose all 4 processes - political, thematic, regional and information - have to be based on the single perspective platform and one way.

The sharp debate was concerning the themes of the Forum. The traditional approach to defining the Forum's themes at the Conference, where participated representatives of various organizations (over 380 members), have been applied and themes corresponding to the wishes of the participants were selected. However, given the different interests of participants from NGOs belonging to water and related to water sphere, representing poorly water users and water professionals, a set of themes according the questioning was very cumbersome and inconsistent. They included both specific topics and again the sectoral problems, which would hinder the one way development of the Forum.

The International Water Resources Association (IWRA), presented in the Board by Prof. Dukhovny V.A., Director of SIC ICWC, and Mr. Xie Jun, President, have considered after the first debate in Marseilles these themes and supported the proposals worked out by Prof. Dukhovny V.A., concerning 4 main directions of future water development, which were presented in the form of a note to members of the Board of the World Water Council.

Instead of 17 topics, of which 5 represent sectoral interests, and 6 - the current problems, it was suggested that the Forum has to be concentrated on development of four principal platforms, 3 of which coincide with those given at the last debate in Marseilles. They allow to control challenges of future water crisis and to create "tree of goals" reflected both sectoral interests and counter the destabilizing factors, as well as to integrate measures, activities etc. These 4 areas are as follows:

  • Water Governance – as a set of rules, regulations, policies and guidelines that form political, legal, organizational, financial and economic basis for state and interstate relations system in combination with social relationships and ethnic standards. Regarding the management and development the role of water governance must be understood as the basis of initiatives and constraints within which the "management" is responsible for implementing the principles of sustainability, and water governance includes public participation, and the rules for transboundary waters use are very important.
  • IWRM – as a combination of management of water supply and water demand. IWRM is also focused on transboundary water resources and its use that play a major role for the basin states. In this regard, it is desirable cooperation between States in accordance with existing agreements and / or other relevant arrangements, taking into account the interests of all basin states and a set of measures that will be prepared within the framework of Water Governance.

The following program areas for the sector of fresh water within IWRM can be proposed to the Council:

  1. implementing the integrated water resources development and management;
  2. protection of water resources, water quality and water ecosystems;
  3. drinking water supply and sanitation;
  4. water and sustainable urbanization;;
  5. water for sustainable food production and rural development;
  6. climate change impact on water resources.

Such vision of water demands for food, industry, water supply, nature will avoid fragmentation of water management organizations and connect them within the IWRM approach, when the requirements of water demand management (USV) of all these sectors will be integrated properly, fairly evaluated and incorporated into the overall evaluation of all water resources (transboundary surface waters, groundwater and return flow, local waters, national and others).

Capacity Building (CB) is a very important subject, which allows to maintain the stability of infrastructure on the basis of the established order of restoration, innovation, modernization and involvement of real players who can implement the advanced technologies on the hydraulic units and irrigation systems, as well SCADA system, computerization, etc.

Development of information systems with a set of models and training materials will be a great contribution to the National Program of any region where there are similar needs. These measures should be prepared for different levels of water hierarchy, but this must be done so that the tools for all levels of the hierarchy are linked by a methodology and they must serve to the combined and complementary interests of each level.

Human resources development is the most important part of future activity, which should establish stable relations not only between experts, but also throughout the society in relation to water and can develop abilities to cope with water crisis around the World. This part of the water platform is divided into two main components - the human resources of society in general and professionals resources .

Development of human resources of society should be directed to all people, especially the younger generation, who have to deal with and adapt to all water problems and who needs the force to meet and deal with this situation. This implies that education, from kindergarten, to schools and other educational institutions should include developing an understanding of the water as a sacred gift and not a commodity, knowledge about water shortages, extreme water events awaited in the future. New generation must overcome all the abovementioned problems. Here are three crucial important programs - "Water and general education," "Peace, prepared for the Water Crisis" and "Everyone is responsible for water - water and ethics" - to create an updated social consciousness and capacity to adapt to this risk.

Development of human resources for water sector should be aimed at water professionals in governmental water management organizations, non-governmental organizations and local public organizations, such as water boards, water user associations, and similar organizations of water and land users. The professional activities should include:

  • A program of future water leaders;
  • system of continuous training for WMOs and stakeholders;
  • ensuring sustainable financial position of the staff in these organizations.

Political Commission intends to do the following:

  • to continue the political dialogue initiated in Istanbul, but in a broader perspective;
  • to involve various levels of water governance;
  • closely linking its work with the thematic and regional commissions;
  • to involve the government representatives into the current work because involvement of representatives of the embassies into the Istanbul process has greatly reduced its effectiveness; to exchange opinions;
  • to follow mainly the UN's progress through the program "UN Water", developing dialogue with participants;
  • not to attempt achieving a consensus with the Ministerial Declaration - this will not be a real result, as the experience of Istanbul showed, but to stake the recommendations of the international community for ministerial level of water management.

During the discussion it was clearly pointed out that the political process should be oriented on development of RIO + 20 principles, the Millennium Development Goals and commonality of water problems. It is desirable to develop the fundamentals of international water code and give it to political community for discussion.

The Board has set the further action's plan on the Forum preparation:

  • The International Committee of the Forum each month will inform the Board members about their achievements, and will exchange opinions with us in the form of electronic conferences;
  • The ICF's staff will be heard in August in Stockholm, and then in October - at the next Board meeting in San Francisco;
  • Paris will host a conference of "stakeholders" on 18-19 November;
  • Consultation with political leaders will be held on 18 - 22 March 2011.

The Board announced the Competition for the holding of the Seventh World Water Forum; the tender commission is organized; the first offers have been received from South Korea.

In conclusion, L. Fauchon noted the following:

  • start the broad dissemination of ideas of the Forum;
  • establishing the communication system for the Board's members to involve them into dissemination of ideas;
  • to develop urgently a plan for the regional process "continent - the subregion";
  • to involve all large international water associations;
  • ask the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs to begin consultations with governments of the countries through the embassies.

Prof. V.A. Dukhovny
Director, SIC ICWC