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No. 2 (187) February 2011


On 2 February 2011 the U.S. State Secretary assistant for Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, Dr. Kerri-Ann Jones visited the Scientific Information Center of Interstate Coordination Water Commission.

The meeting was attended by Mr. Hudspeth B., Regional Adviser on Environment, Science and Technology in Central Asia, Mr. Alton A., officer of the U.S. Bureau on Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, Mr. Butcher D., U.S. charge d'affaires ad interim in Uzbekistan.

The SIC ICWC was represented by: Prof. Dukhovny V.A., SIC ICWC Director; Dr. Sokolov V.I., SIC ICWC Deputy Director and GWP Representative on Central Asia and Caucasus; managers of some projects.

At the meeting Prof. V.A. Dukhovny, Director of SIC ICWC, made a brief presentation. The big positive role of political willingness to cooperate is manifested in the presidents' activities in five countries on active work of interstate organizations on 29 April 2009, on coordinating the ASBP-3 under special attention of the Republic of Uzbekistan to joining and active work within the water conventions 1992 and 1997.

The Central Asian ICWC structure and development history as well principle activities and transboundary cooperation issues were presented to Mrs. Kerri-Ann Jones. Specially the collaboration tools successfully developed by SIC and applied within ICWC, particularly the water-environmental portal and information system (CAREWIB project), and implementation of integrated water resources management (“IWRM-Fergana” project), as well as development of regional training system were marked. Prof Dukhovny V.A. had told briefly about the Aral Sea situation, works on monitoring of dried sea bed, having emphasized the need of funds for organizing the permanent monitoring. The project on IWRM implementation in the lower reaches of the Amu Darya River within which a feasibility study under the support of the Regional Office of the Environment of the U.S. State Department was prepared, but was not continued due to lack of funding was noted. The energy hydro-egoism's tendency which influences on development of cooperation was also noted.

During the conversation with Ms. K.-A. Jones, questions were raised, mainly concerning the relationship between science and policy and interaction with the EC IFAS.

At the end of meeting, the U.S. Secretary Assistant asked how long it takes to ensure that politicians will understand the developed technologies and concepts. Prof. V.A. Dukhovny had said that, according to predictions, there is 20 years for regional water survival, if to follow the international water law regulations, doing no harm to each other, mutual cooperation and implementation of effective water management. After that some publications of SIC ICWC were given to Ms. K.-A. Jones.


The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan decided to hold a regional conference for Central Asian countries "Towards the 6th World Water Forum — Cooperative Actions for Water Security" in Tashkent, 12-13 May 2011.

The conference's goal is formulation and coordination of the regional agenda to the 6th World Water Forum, aimed at achieving the Millennium Development Goals in the framework of the ensured and sustainable water supply for society, economy and nature, and defining joint actions to ensure water security, as well as delivering the Uzbekistan's position on sustainable management and use of water resources in the region to the international community.

The initiative of the Republic of Uzbekistan to organize this regional conference was supported by the World Water Council.

The regional conference organizers: the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the World Water Council, the Network of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia Water Management Organisations, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea, the Global Water Partnership for Caucasus and Central Asia.