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No. 3 (188) February 2011


The Project Steering Committee's meeting was held on 18 February 2011, where the report for September-December 2010, the work plan for January-December 2011, the budget and other issues associated with implementation of the project were considered.

The Project Steering Committee's meeting was preceded by the working meeting with representatives of the IFAS and the Regional Hydrological Center, where an agreement was signed between the SIC ICWC and RHC.

The main works that assigned to the RHC are as follows:

  • Establishing a Working Group consisting of major suppliers and consumers in the region (EC IFAS, ministries, SIC ICWC, BWO and RHC (NHMS), etc.) to evaluate the project in order to identify disadvantages, challenges, gaps in the information space development and exchange and to identify new customers and additional information suppliers.
  • Analysis of the situation in the information exchange sphere and identification of priorities for its development.
  • Preparation of proposals to a concept of information exchange and mechanisms of relationships between participants in Central Asia.
  • Elaboration of recommendations on development of water sector's information space allowing sharply increasing the services for water sector's users.

Involvement of the EC IFAS and the RHC to the project implementation is expected to bring the water sector's information exchange in the region to a new qualitative level what the ICSD already demonstrates.

Main achievements of the CAREWIB project for the reporting period are as follows:

  • Development of the set of models to predict the water resources use situation in the region. These models make it possible to calculate the alternative development scenarios for water sector in the Aral Sea Basin's countries, taking into account the socio-economic, environmental, energy and climate factors. The set of models is planned to be developed completely by the mid of 2011.
  • Wider geographical coverage by the portal of which information is shared with EECCA's water management organizations and large international NGOs - ICID, WWC, INBO, APWF GWP CACENA. The achievements under this component includes strengthening the block "Afghanistan." Thus, the database on Afghanistan is significantly enriched with information: the hydrological data, maps, etc. are added. The knowledge base on Afghanistan is available. This section contains a collection of reports, articles, monographs, declarations of international conferences, international agreements relating to Afghanistan.
  • Inclusion of territories that are situated outside the ASB, particularly in Kyrgyzstan into the information system. Thus, the CAREWIB IS will cover all of Central Asia in the future.
  • The increase of the available information volume and the multimedia potentials, the expansion of the thematic coverage, the more easy access to this information for the portal's visitors.
  • Publication and dissemination of hard copies and electronic versions of various information. Publications issued at the end of 19 - the first half of 20 century are been digitized in order to preserve the cultural, scientific and historical heritage. These materials form a unique content of the portal.
  • The section, being developed jointly with the ISDC, contains a set of sustainable development indicators (air, water resources, land resources, biodiversity, socio-economic indicators) for all the countries of Central Asia.


On February 16 Gairat Abdusattarovich Negmatov passed away. He was the ICWC honorary member, the former head of the ICWC Secretariat, the former First Deputy Minister of Irrigation and Water Management of the Tajik SSR, the Honored Irrigator of the Tajik SSR, the Honorary Citizen of Khujand.

Negmatov G.A. was born in 1935.

In 1961 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Water Management Engineers, the Faculty of Mechanization of Irrigation and Drainage. Upon graduation, Negmatov G.A. was assigned at the disposal of Ministry of Water Resources of the Tajik SSR. On the order of the Ministry of Water Resources he was sent to the construction and mounting organization n 8 of Tadzhikgidrostroy as an operator.

Then he was assigned to the post of master mechanic of the Gissarskaya irrigation system's department. Since 1965 he worked as the head of the department on mechanization and pumping irrigation of the MLRWR of the Tajik SSR.

Due to the increasing number of pumping stations and their upsizing in the Northern area of the Tajik SSR, the Ministry sent G.A. Negmatov to the LUMO as the chief engineer. His appointment was at the period of the powerful development of virgin lands in Tajikistan. The hard works on the expansion and development of virgin land in Khodzhensky, Nausky, Matchinsky, Ashtsky provinces were being conducted. He joined the army of builders and land developers in the north of Tajikistan (the former Leninabad region), where people were working on expansion and rehabilitation of large pumping stations in Samgarsky massif of Khodzhensky province, on construction of pumping stations of third stage of Khodja-Bakirgan, New Kyzyl-Tukay, Aktash-1, Aktash- 2, Khodzhensky province, Degmay-1, Degmay-2, Selkan-1, Selkan-2, Proletarsky district (D. Rasulovsky province), the collective farms "Tajikistan" named Sattorov and Zhdanov in Nausky province.

G.A. Negmatov was lucky because he worked under the guidance of Mr. Mukhamedov Tair Mukhamedovich, who was an eminent figure in water management in Tajikistan, USSR State Prize winner, the Minister of MWR of the Tajik SSR; Mr. Kasimov Abdukarim Kasimovich, the laureate of Lenin Prize, the Minister of MWR of the Tajik SSR; Mr. Tahir Sharipovich Sharipov, the first Minister of MWR of the Tajik SSR; Mr. S.M.Miroshnichenko, Deputy Minister of MWR of the Tajik SSR.

Since 1983 Negmatov G.A. occupied the post of Deputy Minister of the MLRWR of the Tajik SSR. From 1993 till 2009 Negmatov G.A. was the head of the ICWC Secretariat.

Negmatov G.A. was a father of five children. Four of them are educated in the irrigation and drainage area and continue the business of their father.