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No. 10 (195) August 2011


Mr. George Krol, Ambassador of The United States of America in the Republic of Uzbekistan, visited the Scientific Information Center of ICWC on 12 August 2011.

Mr. Hudspeth B., Regional Adviser on Environment, Science and Technology in Central Asia, also participated in the meeting, besides Mr. G. Krol.

Prof. V.A. Dukhovny (Director of SIC ICWC), Dr. V.I. Sokolov (Deputy Director of SIC ICWC and the representative of the Global Water Partnership in Central Asia and Caucasus), and managers of some projects participated as representatives of SIC ICWC.

During the meeting Prof. Dukhovny (Director of SIC ICWC) made a brief presentation on regional problems.

The structure and history of the Interstate Commission for Water Coordination (ICWC) of Central Asia, principles of its activity and issues on transboundary cooperation were presented to Mr. G.Krol, Ambassador of the USA. Collaboration tools been successfully developed by SIC ICWC and being applied by ICWC, in particular the water-environmental portal and information system (CAREWIB project), the implementation of integrated water resources management ("IWRM-Fergana" project), development of consulting services (WPI-PL project) and of regional training system were especially noted.

Prof. V.A. Dukhovny briefly described the Aral

Sea situation, works on monitoring the dried sea bottom, having emphasized the need for financing the organization of continuous monitoring. The project on IWRM implementation in the lower reaches of the Amu Darya, within which a feasibility study was prepared under the support of the Regional Environmental Office of U.S. State Department, but which was not continued due to lack of funding, was noted.

At the end of the meeting, some publications of SIC ICWC were given to Mr. G.Krol.


The working group meeting on improvement of Central Asian water sector information service organized by Order of Chairman of EC IFAS was held on 18 August 2011 in Tashkent.

The working group meeting was opened and welcomed by Mr. O.Magnin (Adviser on water resources management, SDC), Mr. D.Sh. Nurmaganbetov (Deputy Chairman, EC IFAS) and Prof. V.A. Dukhovny (Director, SIC ICWC).

Participants have heard reports from members of the Working Group and have resumed their activity during many months.

Participants noted that the Central Asia Regional Water Information Base already became the reliable source of credible information and was recognized by specialists of various branches. Significant improvement of information space is needed with consideration of real situation and INTERNET capacity as well of users' requirements according to the Regional Group members’ proposals. Further strengthening of capacity building of created unique Information System will provide its need increasing and will facilitate reasonable resolution of various problems related to water and environmental sphere in Central Asia.

The following positive results of the project are noted:

  • organizing information service provided by the personnel, which maintains a wide range of websites, regularly updated and designed to provide the widespread implementation of integrated water resources management in Central Asia,
  • designing and continued developing the simulating-analytical tools, with free access to a large number of analytical and forecasting materials on water resources
  • creation and continued development of the knowledge base, including the electronic library,
  • cooperation with EC IFAS, ICSD, Kazhydromet and Uzhydromet,
  • cooperation with other projects being implemented in the region (the regional research network "Water in Central Asia" - CAWa; GIZ program «Transboundary water resources management in Central Asia").

The CAREWIB Project has increased much more information capacity of ICWC on assessment of water, land and other natural resources use, as well as has created a unique tool that uses modern information technologies as an integrated interface that combines database, GIS, modeling and analytical tools.

Participants were acquainted also with the "Concept for developing information exchange and relation-ship mechanisms among its participants in Central Asia", which includes six main components:

  • Component 1 – Developing information systems at the regional and national level
  • Component 2 – Improving the simulating-analytical tool including for on-line data analysis
  • Component 3 – Developing the CAWater-Info portal for dissemination of data and analytic information about the water-land / environmental problems in CA
  • Component 4 – Publishing and disseminating the printed matters on water / land / environmental problems
  • Component 5 – Rationalizing an institutional structure of information service of Central Asian water sector
  • Component 6 – Trainings and consultings

Speakers noted the big usefulness of this project, but at the same time expressed some suggestions and comments:

1. The CAWater-Info portal is aimed to expand information coverage on related sectors (climate change, degradation of glaciers, water quality, etc.) - either through mediation between end users and information suppliers (as a meta-database), or by posting information directly to the portal. In the second case it is needed to consider two requirements:

  • good will of information suppliers,
  • addressing to the issues of financial support for placement and dissemination of information.

2. Vision of national information systems development, which were started within the CAREWIB project is needed to be developed.

3. Discussing of submitted "Concept for developing information exchange and relation-ship mechanisms among its participants in Central Asia" is needed to be organized among users of CAWater-Info portal.

The participants unanimously suggested:

1. Make special mention of a large and unique work implemented for creation of regional web-portal and information system.

2. Approve the working group activity on the project evaluation by providers and users in the region (ministries, committees, SIC ICWC, SIC ICSD, BWOs, EC IFAS, RHC / NHMS, BI, BWMA, BISA etc.) to identify gaps and problems, shortcomings in the development of information supply and exchange, as well as identifying new users and other key information providers.

3. Approve the “Concept for developing information exchange and relation-ship mechanisms among its participants in Central Asia”, containing the main provisions of the development in the information exchange sphere, and to request the EC IFAS to send it to Central Asian governments and all stakeholders.

4. Further development of a single information space is advisable to be focused on four directions, the first three of which correlate with the water hierarchy levels of the Aral Sea Basin:

a) regional level, including EC IFAS/RHC, ICWC, ICSD and the key BWOs in the ASB;

b) national level, including ministries and departments of water management / agriculture, nature protection, energy, emergencies, RHC / NHMS, NGOs;

c) the lowest level of the hierarchy ("grass roots"), including farmers and WUAs;

d) international level - for integration into the world information space.

5. Consider that RHC website is reasonable to be developed as a regional platform of hydrometeorological sector of Central Asian water management.

6. Create a section where to place documents of this meeting: the working group report, the concept, presentations of participants.

The CAREWIB Project Steering Committee meeting was held on August 19, 2011. At the meeting the reports of regional and national teams on the work done during January-June 2011 were presented.

After hearing the reports of all the executors, the Project Steering Committee decided to approve the project report for the indicated period, with taking into account of the comments.