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No. 13 (270) June 2015


May 15 the world community celebrated the International Day of Climate.

The Embassy of Germany in Uzbekistan celebrated the International Day of Climate on June 17, 2015. Along with representatives of European Union, Ambassador of France to Uzbekistan, Ambassador of Great Britain to Uzbekistan and others, SIC ICWC was invited.

It is gratifying to note that the environment protection and resistance to climate change are given so much importance by the world community, as well as the fact that the SIC ICWC activities contributes considerably to the promotion of these ideas among the population of our region.

Speeches of ambassadors to Uzbekistan before the participants

Deputy minister of Agriculture and Water Resources of Uzbekistan Mr. Shavkat Khamraev
(second from the right)

Participants watched the film "About water" («Uber Wasser»),in which water problems in various regions of the World were shown, including the problem of the Priaralie region.

During the event, prizes were awarded to the winners of the national competition
on the best drawings devoted to water problems. Winners with Ambassadors