From July to November 2017, SIC ICWC will assess capacity and needs of instructions responsible for training provision in the water management sector in Uzbekistan. The agreement was signed between SIC ICWC and UNDP on June 30, 2017.

UNDP with other development partners participates in the implementation of EU program “Sustainable Management of Water Resources in Rural Areas in Uzbekistan”. The program consists of three interlinked components:
- Component 1 on “National Policy Framework for Water Governance and Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)”.
- Component 2 on “Technical Capacity Building”.
- Component 3 on “Awareness Raising”.
UNDP in Uzbekistan will be responsible for implementation of Component 2, which will focuses on building capacity on water efficiency in rural areas with special emphasis on water use in agriculture. The project aims at strengthening institutional frameworks and technical capacity for water management at basin, water consumers’ association and farm levels while increasing awareness on effective rational water use.
What are the aims of the assessment?
The objective of the assessment is to identify and formulate recommendations towards enhancing of material technical base, improvements to education and outreach for water sector professionals and technicians, stronger water sector research and development programs and upgraded educational facilities with equipment for colleges and universities.
The capacity and needs assessment will help identify prospective partners for further experience sharing and transfer of knowledge, to develop locally adopted and most appropriate capacity building program. Based on results of assessment shall identify methodological, technology and equipment needs of training providers, which could include software, office equipment and furniture, communication and multimedia devices, and establishment of training facilities.
What institutions will be assessed?
The entities responsible for training are institutions such as educational establishments, research and training centers and extension service agencies providing technical trainings on water resources management.
Following institutions have been preliminarily identified for a comprehensive review of their existing capacities on training provision: the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Land Reclamation (TIILR), The National University of Uzbekistan Named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Tashkent Agrarian University, SRIIWP (former SANIIRI) under TIILR, Training center under TIILR, as well as universities and professional colleges located in 6 pilot provinces: Fergana, Syrdarya, Samarkand, Kashkadarya, Surkhandarya, and Khorezm provinces.
Other national organizations such as Basin Irrigation System Administrations (BISA), Irrigation System Administrations (ISA), and Water Consumer Associations (WCA) shall be also considered for capacity and needs assessment as potential training providers who may provide technical trainings. A special focus will be on women-trainers.
When should we expect the results?
Preliminary results of the assessment will be discussed with all key stakeholders at the workshop to be planned on October, 2017 in Samarkand.
Updated on the basis of received comments and proposals, a set of recommendations for building capacity and needs of national institutions responsible for training provision in water management sector is planned to be presented to UNDP in November 2017.
Additional information on EU project and program is available at: