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No. 28 (325) December 2017


The second meeting of the Coordination Council was held on December 7, 2017 in Tashkent. The event was opened by Mr. Sh.Kuchkarov, Head of Water Balance and Advanced Water Saving Technologies Division of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of Uzbekistan. He welcomed the participants and briefly described activities carried under the project and achievements. He also thanked major donors and project executors represented by EU, UNDP and contracting organizations.

UNDP Deputy Resident Representative in Uzbekistan Mr. Farid Karakhanov spoke about UNDP activities in Uzbekistan and future plans.

Then the floor was given to Mr.U.Islamov, UNDP Project Manager. He gave detailed information on the past and ongoing activities under the project, as well as on 2018 Action Plan. His presentation was complemented by a presentation of Ms. M.Ikramova, Project Technical Consultant.

Main activities described by those two speakers could be briefly listed as follows:

1. Strengthening capacity of national entities in charge of training provision:

  • Baseline assessment of existing and past training modules and tools, fine-tuning and compilation into one single package;
  • Capacity and needs assessment of institutions responsible for training provision (TIIAME, SRIIWP under TIIAME, Tashkent Agrarian University, Training Center at TIIAME);
  • Strengthening material-technical base of training providers.

2. Strengthening organizational set-up of the water management players and improving advisory mechanisms:

  • Capacity and needs assessment of BISAs, ISAs, local authorities, WUAs/farmers, and design institutes to improve technical capacities;
  • Strengthening material-technical base of water management players;
  • Piloting establishment of advisory/extension service centers at BISA, ISA and WUA levels.

3. Developing and implementing a unified model and approach of capacity building for water management players:

  • Development of training modules;
  • Formulation of a unified/systemized capacity building program;
  • Implementation of training modules for trainers;
  • Selection and implementation of pilot projects.

4. Enhancing links and networking with EU institutions and practitioners:

  • Organization and implementation of a scholarship program for trainers and practitioners;
  • Organization of study tours.

5. Piloting community development plans with water management as a cross cutting issue

  • Conducting baseline assessment of communities (economic, social and environmental dimensions;
  • Development of guidelines for community development planning;
  • Trainings and workshops for communities and local authorities on better water planning, use, and water saving techniques;
  • Practical demonstration activities to showcase water and energy efficiency measures at the community level;
  • Development of community development plans.

Then presentations were made on baseline assessments under the project:

1. Baseline assessment of existing and past training modules and tools. This assessment was conducted by UNESCO representative office in Uzbekistan in cooperation with IHE Delft Institute for Water Education (former UNESCO-IHE). Ms. Elena Tsai reported on basic stages of assessment and its results.

2. Capacity and needs assessment of institutions responsible for training provision. This assessment was carried out by a group of experts from SIC ICWC. Mr. Boris Gojenko described basic approaches and methods of assessment, work performed, and results. The main outputs of this assessment were a package of recommendations and draft Regulations on water sector professional development in Uzbekistan drawn by the SIC ICWC research team. In addition, it was underlined that ideas proposed in the recommendations by SIC ICWC were in full compliance with the key lines set in the Decree of the President of Uzbekistan ¹3405 of 27.11.2017.

3. Capacity and needs of BISAs, ISAs, local authorities, and WUAs/farmers were assessed by NBT Consulting Company. The representative of the company Mr. A.Nazarov spoke on the results of assessment and its basic findings.

4. Baseline assessment of communities was conducted by Ms.D.Amirkulova, Expert on Community Development, UNDP in Uzbekistan. She presented work undertaken and a roadmap to develop communities in pilot provinces of the project.

Then discussion was organized on all presentations. Representatives of BISAs and ISAs from pilot provinces expressed their opinions on work flow and wished a fruitful work in 2018.

The meeting was finalized by adoption of the Resolution by the Coordination Council.

Prepared by Boris Gojenko