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No. 3 (340) May 2019


CAWater-Info, the Central Asian Portal for Water and Environmental Knowledge, has been functioning for 15 years already.

The portal was developed as part of the project "Regional Water Information Base for Central Asia" (CAREWIB) by the team of SIC ICWC together with experts from BWO Amudarya, BWO Syrdarya, Executive Committee of IFAS, UNECE, GRID-Arendal and Zoi Environment Network and with the support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). Upon completion of the project in 2012, the development of the Portal was not stopped. The Portal has been upgraded further on regular basis:

CAWater-Info Portal -

ICWC web-site -

SIC ICWC web-site -

At present, the Portal offers a great deal of information (over 60 GB), unique products and services. This is a unique portal all over the EECCA space in terms of scope. The Portal is accessed by 1.5-2 million visitors every year.

The Portal is comprised of a database, knowledge base, analytical tools and models, and many other important products such as atlases, handbooks, project websites, etc.

The bulk of information is formed by inputs from various organizations, with which SIC ICWC maintains permanent relationship.

Relevant and regularly updated information, continuous development of new information products and promotion of the scientific heritage are the key factors of success of the CAWater-Info Portal.

The newest information products offered to users are:

Online Information Tool ‘Water Use Efficiency Monitor in Central Asia’ - WUEMoCA

It is an innovative tool that on the basis of automatic processing of free MODIS imagery (resolution 250 m) and climate data provides output on irrigated area within the boundaries of provinces and districts, crop yields (cotton, rice, wheat, vegetables and fruits), crop acreage, available water supply, etc. The tool has a set of indicators, with the help of which users may estimate system performance, land use under double-season crops, etc.

Water Yearbook: Central Asia and Around the Globe

The Yearbook is designed to present key developments and activities on water-related and environmental subjects in Central Asia and globally for all interested parties in a user-friendly and single format.

Newsletter ‘Water, Irrigation and Environment in Central Asia

The newsletter is issued once a week in Russian. It contains information on key regional developments in the water, land reclamation, environment, and energy sectors.

Atlas of water-management and environmental organizations

The Atlas provides background information on water-management, agricultural, energy and environmental organizations in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia.