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No. 12 (387) March 2023


A five-day training for a group of national experts from Central Asian countries on the RDS process was organized by the USAID Regional Water and Vulnerable Environment Project on March 9-12, 2023.

The head of information-analytical division of SIC ICWC, D. Sorokin took part in the workshop.

Experts from Consulting and Engineering Firm Tetra Tech and Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) were invited to conduct the training.

Practical exercises on the WEAP model were offered during the first day of the workshop. The Water Evaluation and Planning tool provides a comprehensive, flexible and user-friendly framework for policy analysis in water resources planning.

The practical training using the WEAP model for the Amu Darya River was also provided in the following days.

The regional workshop on decision-support process for the Amu Darya River basin was held in Astana on March 13.

Contributions of national ministries, agencies and other stakeholders involved in WEFE nexus approach (water, energy, agriculture, environment, foreign ministries, universities, research and strategic institutes) of the Amu Darya River Basin countries (Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan) was summarized at the Regional Workshop on the decision-support process. Participants discussed indicators of success, critical uncertainties and planning options for infrastructure, policy and international cooperation.

Six scenarios have been developed. They will be further analyzed by an integrated water and energy model using WEAP, LEAP-Nemo and by the macroeconomic modelling tools and a regional consensus on the above aspects was achieved.

Source: Facebook