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No.47 (422) September 2023


On September 19-21, Ashgabat hosted the workshop "Raising awareness on measures for adaptation to climate change and climate risks in different economic sectors and activities of Turkmenistan".

The workshop organized as a part of the UNDP-GCF Project “Developing a National Adaptation Planning Process in Turkmenistan” combining trainings and workshops. The first area is focused on raising awareness of decision-makers on integrated risks imposed by climate change in Turkmenistan in the short- mid- and long-terms and on strengthening their knowledge and capacities for mainstreaming adaptation and mitigation techniques and practices into planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of relevant sectorial policies, programs and strategies at all levels (from national to local one). The second area is focused on organization and delivery of training in mainstreaming adaption techniques and practices into water planning.

This was the third from the round of six workshops for the members of Coordination Mechanism and decision-makers on mainstreaming of adaptation to climate change into water planning in Turkmenistan was held on September 20. The theme of the workshop was "Implementation of IWRM as a tool for climate change adaptation."

The workshop was organized by UNDP jointly with SIC ICWC and SIC ICSD, with financial support of the Green Climate Fund. It covered such themes as IWRM and adaption measures; IWRM in Turkmenistan; IWRM planning and climate change; Water-energy-food nexus in the context of climate change; Forecast plans for the water sector development in the context of climate change in Turkmenistan in the future; Water supply and demand management; Planning water use as a way to determine water demands; and, Small Basin Councils in Turkmenistan.

Presentations were made by experts of SIC ICWC, SIC ICSD, Agency for Implementation of IFAS Projects and CAREC Project Office in Turkmenistan.
