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No. 22 (466) April 2024


A stakeholder workshop “Water resources in Central Asia under a changing climate” was organized jointly by IWMI and the WE-ACT Project partners in Tashkent on 22 April 2024.

The workshop brought together representatives of regional and national organizations, project partners from Europe. Deputy Director Mr Alisher Nazariy took part in the workshop on behalf of SIC ICWC.

The objective of the workshop was to discuss the matters related to effective water allocation in the Naryn-Kara Darya River basin, in particular by developing a decision support system, and the progress achieved on the WE-ACT Project.

The workshop included presentations on each work package under the project. These presentations covered different areas such as modernization of hydrometeorological monitoring networks, water availability assessment, water footprint assessment, integrated modeling, development of DSS for water allocation, interaction with transboundary stakeholders and dissemination of project results.

After discussing the achieved results and the next steps, the workshop was continued in the form of the following sessions:

1: Water information system, platforms and tools for effective water allocation in transboundary river basins

2: The role of intersectoral cooperation and benefit sharing from transboundary water allocation

Discussions were held to encourage dialogue and collaboration between the participants.

Information on the project: In Central Asia’s transboundary river basins, tensions over scarce water resources, particularly between hydropower and irrigation, have been accentuated by climate risks. To address these challenges, the EU and Central Asian partners have invested in the EU-Central Asia Platform for Environment and Water Cooperation. This collaborative initiative centers around the EU Green Deal, water management, environmental sustainability, and climate change, fostering constructive dialogues on water and energy issues in Central Asia. Within this framework, the innovative WE-ACT project aims to develop a Decision Support System (DSS) for water allocation, increasing shared benefits and promoting adaptive water resources management in the face of climate change. By doing so, it is aimed to increase shared benefits, facilitate adaptive water resources management, and strategically plan for climate change adaptation.