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No. 29 (473) May 2024


87th World Water Council Board of Governors’ meeting (WWC) was held shortly before the 10th World Water Forum, on May 19. A record number of Board members attended the meeting.

The Board of Governors discussed the issues on the agenda and presented the final report on preparation to the 10th World Water Forum. In particular, it was noted that the total number of participants reached 46 thousand, including 15 thousand officially registered ones. The program is comprised of numerous sessions, including 2 plenary sessions and 278 sessions as part of the Forum: policy, regional and thematic.126 organizations from 23 countries will present their pavilions at the main Exhibitions of the Forum.

D. Ziganshina and O. Usmanova, WWC Board of Governors’ members on behalf of SIC ICWC also took part in the meeting.