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No. 30 (474) May 2024


On May 20, 2024, the opening ceremony of the 10th World Water Forum was held at the International Conference Center in Bali, Indonesia. The opening ceremony was attended by 7 Heads of State and Government, Ministers of several countries, including Sh. Khamraev, Minister of Water Management of the Republic of Uzbekistan, B. Bekniyaz, First Vice-Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, J. Shoimzoda, First Deputy Minister of Energy and Water Resources of the Republic of Tajikistan.

Welcome speeches were delivered by Elon Musk, who highlighted the role of desalination in the world, the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Morocco on the occasion of awarding the 8th King Hassan II World Water Prize and Loic Fauchon, the President of the World Water Council.

In his welcome speech, Loic Fauchon announced the beginning of the struggle to secure world's water resources, listing 7 commitments of water warriors, including promotion of water security policy worldwide at all levels, enshrining a right to water in the constitutions of countries, wider adoption of nature-based solutions, strengthening hydro-diplomacy, etc.

In conclusion, the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, officially opened the 10 WWF, which will last until May 24.

The first day of the Forum also included a ministerial meeting, a meeting of parliamentarians, and the opening of the Forum exhibition, which brought together 126 organizations and companies from 23 countries.

Director of SIC ICWC D. Ziganshina spoke at a side event organized in the UNESCO pavilion and dedicated to the launch of the UNESCO/UNITWIN Network on Climate Awareness. In her speech D. Ziganshina noted the need to strengthen the science-policy interface through collective actions aimed to set up knowledge building, interdisciplinary research, which would provide scientific evidence to decision-making through the partnership of researchers and practitioners on sustainable development and water security as part of a new project implemented by SIC ICWC in partnership with a number of organizations under the leadership of OECD, with the support of the German's International Climate Initiative.