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No. 34 (478) May 2024


On May 27, the Portal of knowledge for water and environment in Central Asia CAWater-Info celebrated its 20th anniversary.

The web-portal provides access to diverse products with systematized information in a number of areas (e.g., water management, irrigated agriculture, etc.). Currently, the web-portal includes:

  • Thirteen databases
  • Nineteen thematic knowledge bases
  • Regional Information System on Water and Land Resources in the Aral Sea Basin (CAWater-IS)
  • Analytical section and a modeling block (3 tools)
  • 14 regional project sites
  • Two official web-sites (ICWC and SIC ICWC)
  • Reference block “Water World” with information about regional and national organizations in the field of water, energy and agriculture, etc. (+ web-sites of eight international organizations in Russian)
  • Expert Platform on Water Security, Sustainable Development and Future Studies, as well as two networks (“Gender and Water”; EECCA NWO)
  • Water Yearbook: Central Asia and around the Globe
  • Newsletter "Water, Energy, Food, Climate, Ecosystems in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia" published on a weekly basis.
  • other resources.

The total volume of the information is 76.4 gigabytes.

The key achievements include:

  • Development and maintenance by the staff of a regional organization with appropriate mandate (SIC ICWC) that ensures sustainable operation for many years;
  • Wider reach, both geographically and professionally [from decision-makers and water experts to university students];
  • Regional coverage: e.g., the Regional Information System provides data for all five countries; knowledge bases contain information on all five countries in the region; extensive information on international experience;
  • Relevance of information its regular provision to users: daily and weekly news digests, coverage of world level events. E.g.: ICWC Bulletin; 2023 UN Water Conference brochure or series of COP26, COP27 brochures, etc.;
  • Continuing development of new information products (e.g. WUEMoCA- Water Use Efficiency Monitor in Central Asia, E- Rules of Intra-annual flow regulation in the Amu Darya River Basin, etc.);
  • Uniqueness of information products: knowledge bases, databases, yearbook that have no analogs;
  • Caring for the past scientific heritage: digitized scientific publications since the 1920s.

Currently, we are on the threshold of radical changes of our portal and information system. Follow the updates!