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No. 38 (482) June 2024


The Third Dushanbe Water Action Decade Conference include five Interactive Dialogues correspond to that of the UN 2023 Water Conference. The Dialogues focused on the implementation of the goals and targets of the Water Action Decade, review the progress catalyzed by the UN 2023 Water Conference particularly implementation of the Water Action Agenda, identifying challenges and opportunities in their implementation, sharing best practices and innovative solutions and strengthening partnerships among stakeholders towards the implementation of the water-related goals.

The Forums took place before the opening ceremony of the Conference and focused engagement of private sector, academia, women, youth and other major groups, in the manner consistent with objectives of the Conference. The objective of the Forums is to create an additional platform for broader discussion of water-related issues among specific types of stakeholders or in certain regions.

Central Asia Forum on Water and Climate Change

The event aims to encourage Central Asian states to join efforts in achieving water and climate resilience to ensure regional stability and strengthen cooperation in the region by improving regional dialogue among stakeholders and decision-makers on climate-resilient water resources management and disaster risk reduction in Central Asia, promoting risk-sensitive policies, national adaptation plans and disaster risk reduction measures, and enhance regional cooperation and data exchange on water resources, environment, and disaster risk reduction.

African Water Forum “Reviewing Progress and Framing the Agenda for Post-2025 Africa Water Vision”

The Africa Focus Forum aims to review progress on the implementation of Africa’s common position and key messages at the 2023 UN Water Conference. The Forum provides an opportunity for stakeholders to identify the unfinished business and articulate emerging topics in the water and sanitation sector in Africa. The discussions from the Forum will also serve as input in the formulation of a post-2025 Africa Water Vision that responds to real needs in Africa. The ultimate drive is to integrate elements from the Water Action Decade into post 2025 agenda for coordinated implementation and effective resource management.

Central Asian Water Forum

The event aims to encourage Central Asian states to join efforts in achieving water and climate resilience to ensure regional stability and strengthen cooperation in the region by improving regional dialogue among stakeholders and decision-makers on climate-resilient water resources management and disaster risk reduction in Central Asia, promoting risk-sensitive policies, national adaptation plans and disaster risk reduction measures, and enhance regional cooperation and data exchange on water resources, environment, and disaster risk reduction.

Women and Water Forum

International Forum “Women and Water” is aimed to support the implementation of the goals and targets of the Water Action Decade, review the progress catalyzed by the UN 2023 Water Conference with a specific focus on implementing the Water Action Agenda and identifying obstacles and opportunities related to fulfilling the commitments outlined in the Water Action Agenda.

The Forum will provide a platform for women activists and practitioners in water management, gender and right to water experts, the expert community, government and international development organizations to assess progress in implementing commitments and recommendations made at the Water Conference 2022 and the Women's Water Forum 2022; present and discuss women-led practices and innovative solutions to accelerate the implementation of internationally agreed water-related goals and targets at the regional and national levels.

3rd Regional Forum of Basin Organizations

The Regional Forum of Basin Organizations aims at promoting IWRM principles and developing cooperation between different types and scales of basin management organizations. The Forum provides a unique regional platform where basin management structures, councils and governmental organizations can share experiences and collectively identify steps and directions for strengthening basin management in the region.

International Glacier Forum dedicated to the International Year of Glacier Preservation 2025

International Glacier Forum is organized to raise awareness on the changing cryosphere in a changing climate, and will further raise awareness on the International Year of Glaciers’ Preservation and Glacier Day 2025, and present the Roadmap towards the International Year of Glaciers’ Preservation and Glacier Day 2025 and beyond. Feedback on this roadmap will be discussed and case studies and projects implemented as a contribution to the implementation of the objectives of the IYGP 2025 will be presented with best practices, lessons learned, and possible synergies being elaborated in this forum.

Parliamentarians Forum on ICPD30: “Water resources and demographic sustainability in the interests of youth”

The Regional Forum of Parliamentarians will examine how, on 30th anniversary, the core values of the ICPD Programme of Action remain a beacon for advancing sustainable development with a focus on human rights, including reproductive rights, empowering women and youth, and addressing inequalities. The event will also provide an opportunity for parliamentarians, who are at the heart of the legislative process, to share best practices and advocate for coordinated regional efforts to achieve the ICPD goals. The meeting will discuss issues related to demographic shifts, gender equality, youth empowerment, water scarcity and climate change.

Private Sector Forum

The Private Sector Forum at the Dushanbe Conference aims to be a catalyst for creating business opportunities and markets that directly lead to progress on SDG6 goals in the Central Asian region. During the forum, government and business leaders will discuss potential private sector and public-private partnership projects that can emerge and succeed in the Central Asian region.

The focus will be on concrete arrangements and agreements that will accelerate the flow of transactions, private investment, and provide the necessary level of monitoring, transparency and accountability to ensure an adequate balance between economic growth, social and environmental protection.

Forum on Science and Technology

The Science and Technology Forum is organized for representatives of leading international, regional and national research institutes to strengthen their relationships and exchange scientific information with the aim of creating more conducive conditions for cross-institutional and interdisciplinary research in the future.

The Forum is a follow-up event of the second Regional Conference among scientific institutes organized by USAID Central Asia’s Regional Water and Vulnerable Environment Activity in June 2023. The Forum aims to bring together academia, researchers, and scholars from all around the to exchange information and share best practices and research results to tackle water-related issues in Central Asia.

Youth and Children’s Water and Climate Forum

The Youth and Children’s Water Forum serves as a platform for young individuals to engage in discussions and initiatives aimed at addressing water and climate challenges. As part of the forum, a “Youth Action Review – Commitments to Action” will be conducted to assess the progress made against voluntary commitments, including those related to youth engagement, by various countries, including Tajikistan, during the UN Water Conference in 2023.

The Water and Glacier Festival

The Water and Glacier Festival is being held for the first time in Tajikistan.

The main objective of the Water and Glacier Festival is to raise public awareness of the value of water as a vital resource and glaciers as the main sources of clean drinking water, as well as the need to treat them with care and preserve them for future generations. Along with positive messages, the festival will highlight the existing problems and challenges in this area and the need to mobilize efforts to overcome them.

The festival also aims to showcase Tajikistan’s policy and practice as a leading country in promoting water issues on the global agenda, as well as to draw attention to the UNGA Resolution declaring 2025 the International Year of Glacier Preservation and March 21 as World Glacier Day. This declaration is crucial in addressing issues related to climate change, glacier preservation, and eliminating water scarcity on the planet, and it stands as one of the most important achievements of Tajikistan on the international stage.

The international exhibition “Rethinking the Value of Water”

The international exhibition “Rethinking the Value of Water” is held as part of the Third High-Level International Conference on the International Decade for Action “Water for Sustainable Development”, 2018-2028

The purpose of the exhibition is to raise awareness of the measures taken and progress achieved in the implementation of the International Decade for Action “Water for Sustainable Development” and the outcomes of the UN 2023 Water Conference, including the Water Agenda for Action. To achieve this, the exhibition will showcase advanced knowledge, best practices and scientific achievements in the field of water resources.

In addition, the exhibition aims to further strengthen and develop cooperation between stakeholders, introduce innovative ways, methods, techniques and technologies for sustainable water management, as well as establish close business ties between various stakeholders

The exhibition will focus on the following issues: Water cooperation at local, regional and international levels; Rational use of water resources; Prevention and management of water-related disasters; Impact of climate change on water resources; Hydropower development as an environmentally friendly and renewable source of energy.
