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No. 39 (483) June 2024


The Third Dushanbe Water Action Decade Conference took place five Interactive Dialogues correspond to that of the UN 2023 Water Conference. The Dialogues will focus on the implementation of the goals and targets of the Water Action Decade, review the progress catalyzed by the UN 2023 Water Conference particularly implementation of the Water Action Agenda, identifying challenges and opportunities in their implementation, sharing best practices and innovative solutions and strengthening partnerships among stakeholders towards the implementation of the water-related goals.

The Dialogues cover the following themes correspond to that of the UN 2023 Water Conference:

Interactive Dialogue 1. Water for Health: Access to WASH, including the Human Rights to Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation

The Interactive Dialogue on Water for Health will build on the key messages and recommendations from Interactive Dialogue 1 of the 2023 UN Water Conference and focus on committing to practical actions that can transform access to WASH services. It is aligned with the G20 Development Working Group’s focus on WASH and the forthcoming One Water Summit that will take place in New York during the high-level week of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly in September 2024.

Interactive Dialogue 2. Water for Sustainable Development: Valuing Water, Water-Energy-Food Nexus, and Sustainable Economic and Urban Development

Interactive Dialogue will build on the conversations during the 2023 UN Water Conference’s second Interactive Dialogue and the recommendations made by the co-chairs, European Union and China in their joint statement.

The session will consider the specific need for sustainably managed water in agriculture – as part of the water-energy-food-ecosystems nexus, as well as the largest freshwater consumer and dominant economic sector in the least developing countries and in worldwide rural areas. The role of nature-based solutions in repairing the hydrological cycle and working for global water security will also be highlighted.

Interactive Dialogue 3. Water for Climate, Resilience, and Environment: Source to Sea, Biodiversity, Climate, Resilience, and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)

Interactive dialogue will build on the conversations and key messages that emerged from the interactive dialogue during the UN 2023 Water conference.

This interactive dialogue will discuss the issues of how can we adopt an “Inter-COP” process to connect, integrate, and fully implement water-related decisions made at global assemblies, conventions, and within frameworks dedicated to climate, resilience, and the environment, building on COP27 and COP28 which brought water discussions to the centre of the climate discourse, as well as what are the barriers to establishing a Global Water Information System, based on the “Hydrological Status and Outlook system (HydroSOS)” and periodical scientific water reports, as a prerequisite for improved water management, climate resilience, early warning, and risk-informed decision-making for climate action and disaster risk reduction and others.

Interactive Dialogue 4. Water for Cooperation: Transboundary and International Water Cooperation, Cross-Sectoral Cooperation, including Scientific Cooperation, and Water Across the 2030 Agenda

Enhancing transboundary water cooperation can only be built and finally succeed in an environment characterised by trust and transparency. Basin organisations have a central role, and it is necessary to strengthen them and support their efforts to promote inclusive, sustainable, and integrated management of water resources, by promoting the exchange of information, experience, and good practice. Basin organisations have the capacity to convene a variety of basin stakeholders from different levels and different sectors. They are crucial to build trust and transparency as a prerequisite to coordinated governance arrangements.

Interactive Dialogue 5. Water Action Decade: Accelerating the Implementation of the Objectives of the Decade, including through the UN Secretary-General’s Action Plan

This event will continue conversations during the 2023 UN Water Conference’s fifth Interactive Dialogue by discussing progress made during the Water Action Decade, considerations for future international efforts on water (including the mandated 2026 UN Water Conference and the 2028 UN Water Conference) which will contribute towards the review of the Water Action Decade.

This event will consider previous and current efforts in the Water Action Decade and will consider future events such as the upcoming UN Water Conferences and other related water events including how to best follow up after the 2028 Decade is over. Speakers and audience members will contribute perspectives from a cross-sectoral and cross-stakeholder approach.

The outcome of the Conference is the Dushanbe Declaration, which urges the UN member states and all stakeholders to take action in order to protect human health, strengthen leadership and collaboration on drinking water supply, sanitation and hygiene, deliver on the promise to leave no one behind, build on concrete action being taken to accelerate progress on sustainable water, as well as calls for the enhancement of cooperation and coordination among stakeholders to promote a UN system-wide strategy for water and sanitation.
