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No. 79 (524) December 2024


In 2024, two meetings of the Interstate Commission for Water Coordination (ICWC) in Central Asia (CA) were successfully convened. The anniversaries of the prominent figures in the Central Asian water sector - Prof. Viktor Dukhovniy (posthumously), Mr. Nariman Kipshakbaev, and Mr. Rim Giniyatullin, were commemorated during the Scientific-Practical Conference 'Water in Central Asia: the Future in Cooperation' in Tashkent on(November 8th.

SIC continued monitoring the water-management situation in the Amu Darya and Syr Darya River Basins, the status of the South Aral Region and the Aral Sea and other water bodies. In partnership with BWO Amu Darya, control measurements have been successfully accomplished at key gauging stations and canals in the Amu Darya middle reaches.

SIC have published 36 works including a Collection of Memories about V.A. Dukhovniy, the Water Yearbook, research papers, and policy briefs. A weekly news digest is distributed to 80 subscribers.

This year marks two decades of CAWater-Info, the Central Asian Water and Environmental Knowledge Portal. In 2024, the portal saw significant growth, with over 1650 information units (totaling more than 6 GB) added to its collection. Additionally, the ICWC website and several knowledge bases received a modern adaptive design refresh. The portal's consistent audience and high visibility in search results (garnering 1.23-1.69 million Google search hits) highlight its potential, which will be further developed in 2025. Furthermore, the CAWater-IS Regional Information System has embarked on a modernization process, with updates planned for its new website (

New modeling partnerships established: SIC ICWC, in collaboration with the OECD, is developing an Em-NEXUS economic model (IKI). Additionally, partnerships have been formed with the World Bank and SEI on the WEAP/LEAP model, and with the University of Manchester on the PyWR model.

Expert support and analytical activities have expanded, including increased production of analytical materials on key topics of the Central Asian water agenda. Notably, analytical research was initiated to inform the Amu Darya and Syr Darya Basin Dialogues (commissioned by the GIZ Green Central Asia Programme), focusing on aquatic ecosystems and climate-resilient infrastructure. The Expert Platform on Water Security, Sustainable Development, and Future Studies has seen resurgence in activity.

Capacity building efforts included five training workshops, publication of a Teaching Guide to the Trainers on ‘Integration of Adaptation into Water Planning in Turkmenistan,’ and presentations at universities across Central Asia and the School of Water Workers at the Uzbek Ministry of Water Management.

Events: SIC was engaged in 60 international events, including the workshop on transboundary water allocation in Zambia (April 15-16), 10th World Water Forum in Bali (May 18-24), 3rd Conference on International Decade for Action, 2018-2028 in Dushanbe (June 10-13), Global Forum Ecumene (September 16-18), INBO World General Assembly in Bordeaux (October 7-9), 10th session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Water Convention in Ljubljana (October 23-24), COP 29 (November 11-22). SIC ICWC also took part in preparation to the One Water Summit.

Gender agenda: SIC joined the 'Women in Water Resources Management in Central Asia and Afghanistan' Network and contributed to the development of the draft Gender Concept for the Water Sector of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030.

SIC maintained its active involvement in the Board of Governance of the World Water Council, the Implementation Committee under the Water Convention, and the International Scientific Committee of IWRA’s XIX World Water Congress.

Existing partnerships with the OECD and UNECE were continued within the framework of the project 'Regional mechanisms for the low-carbon, climate-resilient transformation of the energy-water-land nexus in Central Asia.' New partnerships were also forged with the WB, ADB, University of Manchester, UNEP, FAO, Korea Rural Communities Corporation (KRC), Japan's ROTOBO Association, and the Russian Academy of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

SIC' team was enriched by three young professionals in the field of hydrology, law and economy.

For SIC ICWC, 2024 has been a year of strengthened partnerships and emerging opportunities for growth and collaboration. We anticipate a new phase of activity embraced by both challenges and exciting prospects for advancing sustainable water management and enhancing water security in the Central Asian region.