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No. 4 (528) January 2025


On 29 January, Tajikistan hosted the 88th meeting of the Interstate Commission for Water Coordination (ICWC) of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan in Dushanbe.

The meeting was held under the chairmanship of Mr. Shoimzoda, member of ICWC from Tajikistan, with participation of ICWC members from Kazakhstan Mr. Nurjigitov, Turkmenistan Mr. Gendjiev, and Uzbekistan Mr. Khamraev. The heads of executive bodies, including Mr. Makhramov from BWO Amu Darya, Mr. Kholkhujaev from BWO Syr Darya, Ms. Ziganshina from SIC ICWC, Mr. Nazarov, Secretariat and invited persons took part in the meeting. The Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee of IFAS Mr. Bekmaganbetov participated in the meeting as well.

The agenda included the following items:

  1. The use of water withdrawal limits and the operation regimes of reservoirs in the Syr Darya and Amu Darya River basins during the non-growing season 2024-2025.
  2. Progress on tasks arising from the summits of the Heads of IFAS Founder States.
  3. Additional matters.
  4. Agenda and venue of the regular 89th ICWC meeting.

On the first item, BWO Amu Darya and BWO Syr Darya reported on the use of water withdrawal limits and the operation regimes of reservoir cascades in the Amu Darya and Syr Darya River basins during the non-growing season 2024-2025.

On the second item, Dinara Ziganshina, Director of SIC ICWC reported on the work undertaken by water management organizations and executive bodies of ICWC for implementation of the proposals and initiatives voiced at the Summits of the Head of IFAS Founder States in Turkmenbashi (2018) and Dushanbe (2023). The ICWC executive bodies were instructed to continue this work.

After discussion, relevant decisions have been made on all items.