
Scientific-Information Center ICWC

Scientific-Information Center of the Interstate Commission for Water Coordination of Central Asia (SIC ICWC) was established in 1992.

SIC ICWC is an information and analytical body, which develops methods and approaches of prospective development, improvement of water management and ecological situation in the basin.

SIC ICWC is collaborating with a network of scientific and design organizations of the five countries of Central Asia, has national branches in three countries which, in turn, organize scientific and information exchange at the national level.


3.03.2025 SIC ICWC participated in "Drops of the Future" Concluding Event: Youth Initiatives for Sustainable Future in Central Asia (25-27 February 2025, Vienna, Austria)

3.03.2025 SIC ICWC with the SEI organized second virtual session "Water Allocation and Demands" (28 February 2025, Tashkent, Uzbekistan)

24.02.2025 SIC ICWC participated in the Brussels Climate Security Dialogue (19-20 February 2025, Brussels, Belgium)

24.02.2025 SIC ICWC with the SEI organized virtual session "Water Allocation and Demands" (21 February 2025, Tashkent, Uzbekistan)


International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea

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