
SIC ICWC proceedings

Proceedings provide results of research carried out by SIC ICWC.

Published by now (in Russian):


No. 1. Dukhovny V.A. - Project on re-distribution of a portion of the Siberian river runoff to the Aral Sea basin

No. 2. Mirzayev N.N. - Review of development of Basin Councils in the world and prospects for Central Asia

No. 3. Sorokin A.G. - RS-based assessment of the available water and water and land use efiiciency in Central Asia

No. 4. Mukhamedjanov Sh.Sh., Sagdullaev R.R., Mukhomedjanov A.Sh. - Science-based irrigation norm and element calculation methods


No. 5. Rysbekov Yu. Kh., Rysbekov A. Yu. - Strengthening water cooperation between regional and national institutions in Central Asia

No. 6. Institutional aspects of water governance in Central Asia

No. 7. Sokolov V.I. - Principles of integrated water management in the Aral Sea region with the concept of Land Degradation Neutrality

No. 8. Dukhovniy V.A., Mirzaev N.N. - Theory and practice of establishment and functioning of national water management bodies

No. 9. Mirzaev N.N. - System of fee-based water use in the far abroad and in Central Asia

No. 10. Mirzaev N.N. - Universal method of calculation of fees for irrigation services for water users associations and water management organizations


No. 11. Stulina G., Gorbacheva M. - Study of microbial communities in the soil of the drained bottom of the Aral Sea

No. 12. Eshchanov O. - Analysis and assessment of water quality in the Amu Darya River

No. 13. Rysbekov Yu. Kh., Rysbekov A. Yu. - On definiion of "Central Asia" and its centrality

No. 14. Rysbekov Yu. Kh., Rysbekov A. Yu. - On ambiguous definition of the Aral Sea Basin


No. 15. Stulina G., Kenjabaev Sh. - Implementation of R program according to the source data of WUFMAS project


No. 16. Mirzaev N.N. - Irrigation systems operation and maintenance management: theory and practice

No. 17. Stulina G., Solodky F. - Crop water requirements in the context of saline land

No. 18. Mukhamedjanov Sh. - Calculation of the share of seepage losses from on-farm irrigation canals in groundwater and drainage water

No. 19. Sorokin A.G. - Amu Darya River Balance Calculation Methodology

No. 20. Mukhamedjanov Sh.Sh., Sagdullaev R.R. - Methodology for water use planning based on daily water allowance

No. 21. Mirzaev N.N. - Analysis of IWRM tools for Central Asia

No. 22. Monitoring water resources in Central Asia: analytical aspects

No. 23. Ruziev I.B., Kosnazarov K.A., Ruziev I.I. - Assessment of water resources management in the Aral Sea region and the Amu Darya delta and proposals for improvement


No. 24. Yarullina Z.R. - Environmental discharge in the legislation and practice of the Republic of Uzbekistan and measures to improve them

No. 25. Rakhimova M. - Studying the current hydrological and hydrochemical regime of the Amu Darya River

No. 26. Sichugova L., Ruziev I., Sorokin A. - MODSNOW-based flow forecasts for the Zarafshan, Vaksh, and Naryn rivers for the growing season

No. 27. Dolidudko A. - Estimation of average flow velocity in open irrigation canals against the surface velocity

No. 28. Stulina G.V., Yarullina Z.R. - Natural environment of the Sudoche-Akpetki sanctuary
